4.8 Amendments during consideration in detail

After a Bill is introduced, it may be necessary to amend the Bill because, for example, it is necessary to add new provisions, correct defects not identified before introduction, or make changes in response to the recommendations of a portfolio committee or other reaction to the Bill after its introduction.

The Legislative Assembly deals with amendments to the Bill when it moves to the stage of consideration in detail. Because the Assembly ordinarily moves immediately to this stage from the second reading stage, amendments during consideration in detail are ordinarily prepared well before the debate for the second reading starts.

Amendments during consideration in detail are ordinarily prepared and supplied to the Table Office of Parliament House by OQPC. This happens whether the amendments are being proposed by the sponsoring Minister or any other member. The drafter of the Bill at OQPC is usually allocated the task of preparing the amendments to ensure an effective and efficient service is provided. However, there is no requirement for OQPC to prepare the amendments, and members may prepare their own amendments.

Within government, an amendment during consideration in detail proposed by the Bill’s sponsoring Minister may require further approvals by Cabinet. It should also be noted that all departments are now required to prepare supplementary explanatory notes for amendments to a Bill intended to be moved during consideration in detail by the sponsoring Minister, if it is practicable to do so. A Statement of Compatibility must also be prepared for amendments during consideration in detail.

The Queensland Parliamentary Procedures Handbook should be consulted for important detail about what is, and what is not, permitted to be included in amendments during consideration in detail.

When OQPC is authorised to supply a Government amendment during consideration in detail, an electronic version is supplied to the Table Office and to the government printer for printing and delivery to the Table Office and distribution to members. Non-government amendments are supplied to the Table Office only for printing and distribution to members.

The department supplies OQPC with an electronic version of the supplementary explanatory notes for publication on the Legislation website.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 13 November, 2013