

1 C Althaus, P Bridgman and G Davis, The Australian Policy Handbook (Allen & Unwin, Australia, 4th ed, 2007).

2 C Althaus, P Bridgman and G Davis, The Australian Policy Handbook (Allen & Unwin, Australia, 4th edn, 2007).

3 Policy No. 2 of 1996 of the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee, in Alert Digest No. 4 of 1996 at pages 6–7, deals with the delegation of legislative power to create offences and prescribe penalties.

4 See PD Finn, ‘Public officers: some personal liabilities’ (1977) 51 The Australian Law Journal 313 at page 317.

5 Following Cabinet’s decision of 24 June 2013.

6 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee’s Policy No. 2 of 1996 on the delegation of legislative power to create offences and prescribe penalties, in Alert Digest No. 4 of 1996 at pages 6–7.

7 For example, Potter v Minahan (1908) 7 CLR 277; Bropho v The State of Western Australia (1990) 171 CLR 1; Coco v The Queen (1994) 179 CLR 427; Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd v Australian Workers’ Union (2004) 221 CLR 309; Attorney-General for the State of South Australia v The Corporation of the City of Adelaide [2013] HCA 3.

8 Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd v Australian Workers’ Union (2004) 221 CLR 309 at 329 per Gleeson CJ.

9 Attorney-General for the State of South Australia v The Corporation of the City of Adelaide [2013] HCA 3 at [42] per French CJ.

10 Williams v The Queen (1986) 161 CLR 278; Al-Kateb v Godwin (2004) 219 CLR 562; Plaintiff M47-2012 v Director-General of Security [2012] HCA 46.

11 Kruger v Commonwealth (1997) 190 CLR 1. 12 Attorney-General for the State of South Australia v The Corporation of the City of Adelaide [2013] HCA 3.

13 Clissold v Perry (1904) 1 CLR 363.

14 X7 v Australian Crime Commission [2013] HCA 29.

15 Daniels Corp International Pty Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (2002) 213 CLR 543.

16 Magrath v Goldsborough Mort & Co Ltd (1932) 47 CLR 121.

17 Kioa v West (1985) 159 CLR 550; Saeed v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2010) 241 CLR 252.

18 Lodhi v R (2006) 199 FLR 303; Maxwell v Murphy (1957) 96 CLR 261.

19 Shergold v Tanner (2002) 209 CLR 126.

20 Lacey v Attorney-General for the State of Queensland (2011) 242 CLR 573.

21 Jumbunna Coal Mine NL v Victorian Coal Miners’ Association (1908) 6 CLR 309.

22 X7 v Australian Crime Commission [2013] HCA 29 at [87] per Hayne and Bell JJ (Kiefel J agreeing).

23 X7 v Australian Crime Commission [2013] HCA 29 at [86]-[87] per Hayne and Bell JJ (Kiefel J agreeing).

24 X7 v Australian Crime Commission [2013] HCA 29 at [125] per Hayne and Bell JJ (Kiefel J agreeing).

25 X7 v Australian Crime Commission [2013] HCA 29 at [158] per Kiefel J.

26 Alert Digests No. 1 of 2002 at page 22, paragraphs 19–21; No. 8 of 2001 at pages 18–19, paragraphs 10–14; and No. 9 of 2000 at page 6, paragraph 30.

27 Policy No. 1 of 1996 in Alert Digest No. 4 of 1996 at pages 3–4.

28 Alert Digest No. 6 of 1997 at page 9, paragraph 2.17.

29 Alert Digest No. 6 of 2002 at page 45, paragraphs 6–7.

30 Alert Digest No. 2 of 1997 at pages 12–13, paragraph 1.60.

31 For example, Alert Digest No. 13 of 1997 at page 19, paragraph 4.15.

32 (1983) 152 CLR 281 at 288.

33 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1997–1998 at page 7, paragraph. 2.14.

34 Alert Digest No. 3 of 1999 at page 25, paragraphs 4.17–4.18.

35 Alert Digest No. 1 of 1998 at page 5, paragraph 1.25.

36 Alert Digest No. 4 of 2001 at page 7, paragraph 16.

37 Alert Digests No. 1 of 2003 at page 3, paragraphs 21–23; No. 6 of 2002 at pages 31–32, paragraphs 35–44, and at page 48, paragraphs 27–28; No. 3 of 2002 at page 16, paragraphs 15–18; and No. 11 of 1999 at page 11, paragraphs 4.20–4.21.

38 Alert Digest No. 4 of 1999 at page 16, paragraphs 2.8–2.14.

39 Alert Digests No. 6 of 2003 at pages 27–8, paragraphs 34–42; and No. 1 of 2000 at page 5, paragraphs 37–42.

40 Alert Digest No. 2 of 2003 at page 4, paragraphs 24–25.

41 Alert Digest No. 3 of 2002 at page 4, paragraphs 24–25.

42 Alert Digest No. 1 of 2001 at page 16, paragraph 5.

43 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1998–1999 at page 6, paragraph 2.14.

44 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1999–2000 at page 7, paragraph 2.14.

45 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1998–1999 at page 6, paragraph 2.13.

46 (1992) 177 CLR 106 at page 137.

47 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1995–1996 at pages 15–17, paragraphs 2.25–2.35.

48 Alert Digest No. 7 of 2001 at page 16, paragraphs 11–14.

49 Policy No. 2 of 1996 in Alert Digest No. 4 of 1996 at pages 7–8.

50 Alert Digest No. 1 of 2002 at pages 12–13, paragraphs 11–14.

51 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1997–1998 at page 11, paragraph 3.11.

52 Alert Digest No. 5 of 1996 at page 14, paragraph 4.26.

53 Alert Digest No. 3 of 1996 at pages 5–6, paragraphs 2.3–2.9.

54 Alert Digests No. 1 of 2002 at page 2, paragraph 10; No. 8 of 2001 at pages 15–16, paragraph 6; No. 9 of 2000 at pages 24–25, paragraphs 48–56; and No. 4 of 1999 at page 10, paragraphs 1.65–1.67.

55 Alert Digests No. 7 of 1997 at pages 13–14, paragraphs 2.50–2.55; No. 5 of 1997 at pages 10–11, paragraphs 1.53–1.62; No. 10 of 1996 at pages 17–18, paragraphs 4.17–4.24; No. 3 of 1996 at page 17, paragraphs 4.18–4.20; and No. 2 of 1996 at pages 19–20.

56 Alert Digest No. 5 of 2002 at pages 4–5, paragraphs 28–35.

57 Page 4, paragraphs 5.6 and 5.9–5.11 of the report.

58 The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1997–1998 at page 11, paragraph 3.8; and the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Annual Report 1996–1997 at page 11.

59 Alert Digest No. 4 of 1999 at page 10, paragraphs 1.65–1.67.

60 Alert Digests No. 3 of 1999 at page 5, paragraph 1.41; and No. 7 of 1998 pages 11–19.

61 Alert Digests No. 4 of 1999 at pages 32–33, paragraphs 8.6–8.13; and No. 2 of 1996 at page 4.

62 Alert Digests No. 3 of 2002 at pages 9–10; and No. 1 of 2002 at pages 18–19, paragraphs 3–14.

63 Working Party of Representatives of Scrutiny of Legislation Committees throughout Australia, Position Paper: Scrutiny of National Schemes of Legislation (October 1996).

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 30 September, 2011