How we do it
Most of our work here at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relies on close collaboration with others. For example, it's our job to provide advice to the Premier and Ministers that is considered, timely and balanced.
The way we deliver that advice is to consult and work closely with our networks right across the public sector. It's the same when it comes to creating policy.
As the lead agency in Queensland's public sector, the department is responsible for policy development and coordination right across government.
By definition, policy development is a collaborative effort. Each step of the process relies on input from a wide range of people with expert knowledge and understanding of the issues. That's why we are committed to maintaining open and effective communication with stakeholders, non-government agencies and community groups, as well as government agencies.
Consultation, collaboration and partnering with others are just some of the ways we make sure that government's responses to community needs are relevant and workable.