Compliments and complaints

At the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) we want to hear your feedback—good or bad—to help us ensure we are delivering quality services.

All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence and in accordance with the privacy principles contained in the Information Privacy Act (2009) (Qld). Please also see the department’s privacy page.

Between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024, DPC received no customer complaints regarding DPC staff or actions.


If you would like to compliment us on something we've done well, you can give us your feedback online or by:

  • Writing to:
    Department of the Premier and Cabinet
    PO Box 15185
    City East, Qld, 4002
  • Phone:
    • within Australia: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
    • international: +61 7 3022 6100 (+10 hours UTC)

Customer Complaints

The department is committed to responding to feedback. Responding effectively and efficiently to feedback assists us to improve our services and deliver better outcomes.

Step 1. Try to resolve the complaint informally

If you have a complaint to make, discuss your concerns with the area responsible for the service. You may be able to resolve the complaint informally. Contact us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) and we will put you through to the relevant business area.

Step 2. Make a formal complaint

If your concern can't be resolved or you are unhappy with the outcome, you can lodge a formal complaint. Your complaint will be managed in accordance with our customer complaints management policy. You can make a verbal or written complaint. Wherever possible, it's best to contact us in writing so we can accurately investigate all aspects of your complaint.

Anonymous complaints and those submitted by an authorised third party will be accepted, either verbally or in writing, using the following methods.

Written complaints

Complaints can be submitted online or in writing.

To make a complaint in writing, you can download and complete the lodgement form or use it as a guide for writing to us.

Return your written complaint to us marked  "Complaint" to:

  • Director-General
    Department of the Premier and Cabinet
    PO Box 15185
    City East, Qld, 4002

Verbal complaints

To make a verbal complaint, you can contact us and have the following information ready:

  • your name and contact details (or the name and contact details of the person for whom you are an authorised representative)
  • full details of the events, dates and places concerning the complaint
  • the names of others who may have witnessed or have information about the complaint
  • any other evidence that supports the complaint
  • the desired outcome.

The Queensland Government Translation and Interpreting services are available for complainants who are unable to speak or write in English. They are available via or by phoning 131 450.  For people with hearing or speech impairments, please use the National Relay Service on 133 677.  Any costs associated with these services will be met by the department.

Step 3. Resolving your complaint

Once we have your complaint we will work with you to resolve it. Our approach is that:

  • complaints will be investigated without prejudice
  • complaints will be dealt with confidentially
  • complainants will be treated respectfully
  • complainants will not suffer any reprisal from the department or its officers for making a complaint.

How long will it take?

We will try to resolve your complaint at your first point of contact, or in the first 24 hours of receipt of the complaint if possible, for example on the phone or in person (Early informal resolution). Otherwise, your complaint will go through a process of acknowledgement, assessment and response, with a written advice to be provided to you on the outcome of your complaint.

If you make a complaint and it is not resolved at the first point of contact, you can expect:

  • your complaint to be acknowledged within three business days
  • simple complaints (that are not of a serious nature and/or not requiring extensive investigation or consultation) to be resolved within 30 business days
  • if there is going to be a delay in responding to your complaint due to complexity or the requirement of extensive investigation, to be informed why and provided regular updates on the progress of the complaint.

If your complaint relates to a breach of human rights by DPC, you can expect your complaint to be finalised within 45 working days.

A request for internal review must be made in writing, within 20 business days of receiving written advice of the outcome of your complaint. You can expect to receive a response to your request for internal review within 20 business days.

Step 4. Unresolved complaints

If you are not satisfied with how your formal complaint was resolved, you can contact The Queensland Ombudsman.

The Queensland Ombudsman's Office is an independent complaints investigation agency. Their role is to ensure that public agencies act fairly and make the right decisions for Queenslanders.

Note: A complaint that is determined not to be regarding the services or actions of the department may be referred to another agency (i.e. the relevant department, the Crime and Corruption Commission or the Queensland Ombudsman). In this case, you will be notified of this referral in writing.

Corrupt conduct and Public Interest Disclosures

DPC is required to address certain types of complaints in specific ways. Complaints regarding potential corrupt conduct and matters that could be regarded as a Public Interest Disclosure are managed under the relevant DPC procedure, along with the DPC Customer Complaint Management Policy.

You can read the:

Please note that it is not necessary for a complainant to identify a matter as potentially corrupt conduct or a Public Interest Disclosure. It is the responsibility of the department to assess a complaint as such, where appropriate, and manage the matter in accordance with the relevant procedure.

A complaint regarding corrupt conduct or a Public Interest Disclosure should be made to the department in the same way as any other complaint. See above for more information on submitting a complaint.

Last updated: 3 February, 2025

Last reviewed: 8 September, 2023