10.1 Administrative Arrangements Orders

Administrative Arrangements set out the principal Ministerial responsibilities of Ministers and the Acts that they administer. The Arrangements are determined solely by the Premier and are made by Order in Council in accordance with section 44 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001. The Executive Council Secretariat manages the process of consolidation and amendment of the Administrative Arrangements.

The schedule to the consolidated Administrative Arrangements Order sets out:

  • the Minister's title;
  • the Minister's Principal Ministerial Responsibilities;
  • Acts Administered by each Administrative Unit under each portfolio; and
  • the responsible heads of each Administrative Unit.

Consolidated Administrative Arrangements Orders are prepared on the Premier's instructions following a general election. In addition, the Executive Council Secretariat prepares Consolidated Orders twice yearly for the Premier's approval.

The twice yearly Consolidated Orders incorporate any changes to Administrative Arrangements which may have occurred as a result of the passing or repeal of legislation and any Amendment Orders which may have been made since the last consolidation.

Once a draft consolidation is prepared, relevant parts of the Order are provided to the Cabinet Legislation and Liaison Officer for each Department to confirm that they approve of any changes to the Arrangements for that Department.

Consolidated Administrative Arrangements are published in the Queensland Government Gazette and tabled in the Parliament.

Amendment Orders arise when a Minister or Ministers write to the Premier requesting the transfer of administrative responsibility for legislation or amendment to the description of their Ministerial responsibilities. A letter from the relevant Minister usually requests the transfer of administrative responsibility from one Minister to another. All Ministers affected by the proposed changes must sign the letter, or write independently to the Premier. The relevant Ministers will be advised of the Premier's decision with respect to the proposed amendment. If approved by the Premier, the necessary Order in Council and Executive Council Minute will then be submitted for Governor in Council approval.

For further information contact the Executive Council Secretariat on telephone (07) 3003 9234.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 17 July, 2009