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Executive Council Handbook
Cabinet Handbook
The process of Cabinet
1.1 Principles of Cabinet
1.2 The Cabinet and collective responsibility
1.3 Management of Conflicts of Interest
1.4 Matters for consideration by Cabinet
1.5 Definition of Cabinet documents
Roles and responsibilities
2.1 Ministers
2.2 Cabinet Secretary (Secretariat)
2.3 Cabinet Legislation and Liaison Officers
2.4 Executive Council
2.5 Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
2.6 Assistant Ministers
3.1 Notification of Cabinet Meetings
3.2 Non-Cabinet members attending Cabinet
3.3 Cabinet Timetable
3.4 Determination of the business list for Cabinet meetings
3.5 Lodgement process for Cabinet submissions
3.6 Distribution of Cabinet submissions
3.7 Cabinet Agenda
3.8 Collective Cabinet Minutes
3.9 Cabinet decisions
3.10 Security and management of Cabinet information
3.11 Access to Cabinet documents
4.1 Cabinet Committees
4.2 Lodgement process for Cabinet Committee submissions
4.3 Cabinet Budget Review Committee
Preparation of submissions to Cabinet and Cabinet Committees
5.1 Types of submissions
5.2 Security classifications on Cabinet submissions
6.1 Community consultation
6.2 Consultation within government
6.3 Discussion Papers and Policy Papers
Proactive release of Cabinet Material
7.1 Cabinet material subject to proactive release
7.2 Timeline for proactive release
7.3 Requirements for Cabinet submissions relevant to proactive release
7.4 Cabinet material not suitable for proactive release
7.5 Approval for proactive release material
7.6 Publication
8.1 Queensland Parliamentary Committees
8.2 Legislation program
8.3 Development of a Bill
8.4 Finalisation of a Bill
8.5 Parliamentary Portfolio Committees
8.6 Subordinate Legislation
8.7 Private Members Bills
Guidelines for briefings and submissions
9.1 Guidelines for departmental officers required to brief Members
9.2 Guidance in relation to dealings with Queensland Parliamentary Committees
9.3 Guidelines for Queensland submissions to Commonwealth inquiries/reviews
Intergovernmental Relations matters
10.1 Principles for intergovernmental activities
10.2 National Cabinet
10.3 Council on Federal Financial Relations
10.4 Ministerial Council Meetings and Engagement
10.5 Commonwealth-State funding agreements
10.6 Non-financial intergovernmental agreements
10.7 Queensland's international interjurisdictional relationships
10.8 Free Trade Agreements, United Nations Conventions, and other international treaties
Caretaker arrangements
Cabinet Cycle timelines
Significant Appointments
Formatting and style for submissions
Information requirements for submissions
Intergovernmental Relations matters
Queensland's negotiating position on proposed [INSERT AGREEMENT]
Executive Council Handbook
The Governor
1.1 Powers and functions of the Sovereign
1.2 Office of Governor
1.3 Powers and functions of the Governor
Powers, role and composition of the Executive Council
2.1 Legislative Basis
2.2 Role of the Executive Council
2.3 Advice from Ministers
2.4 Membership
Meetings of the Executive Council
3.1 Time and place
3.2 Quorum
3.3 Absence of Governor
3.4 Special meetings
3.5 Special meeting following cancellation of Cabinet meeting
3.6 Meeting procedure
Executive Council Support Services
4.1 Location and role
4.2 Clerk of the Executive Council
4.3 Public Seal of the State
4.4 Executive Council documentation
4.5 Index of Executive Council Minutes
4.6 Executive Council database
4.7 Cabinet Legislation Liaison Officers
Matters for Executive Council
5.1 Matters for consideration by Cabinet prior to submission to Governor in Council
5.2 Matters for consideration by Governor in Council
Executive Council procedures
6.1 Notification of meetings
6.2 Lodgement of Executive Council documents
6.3 Approval process
6.4 Late Minutes
6.5 Withdrawal of whole Minute listed on the schedule which is considered at Cabinet
6.6 Partial withdrawal of a Minute listed on the schedule which is considered at Cabinet
6.7 Withdrawal of whole Minute after Cabinet has met
6.8 Partial withdrawal of a Minute after Cabinet has met
6.9 Revoking a Minute
6.10 Rescinding a Minute
6.11 Amending or correcting a Minute
6.12 Jointly sponsored minutes
6.13 Return of Minutes following approval
6.14 Executive Council procedures for an Acting Minister
6.15 Release of information by Executive Council Secretariat
6.16 Confidentiality of proceedings
6.17 Right to Information requests
6.18 Announcement of Executive Council decisions
Action following meeting of Executive Council
7.1 Notification and publication in the Queensland Government Gazette
7.2 Certified copies of Executive Council Minutes
Executive Council documents
8.1 Governor in Council matters to be authorised by Legislation
8.2 Executive Council Minutes
8.3 Format of minutes
8.4 Use of schedules
8.5 Aggregation of Minutes and grouping of similar matters
8.6 Explanatory Memorandum
8.7 Use of permanent paper
Executive Council meetings during the caretaker period
Machinery of Government Changes
10.1 Administrative Arrangements Orders
10.2 Departmental Arrangements Notices
Legislation Handbook
Context of legislation
1.1 Legislation and the general law
1.2 Why legislation is needed
1.3 How legislation operates on a matter
1.4 The power of the Parliament of Queensland
1.5 How Parliament makes legislation or authorises the making of legislation
1.6 Information about the following chapters
1.7 Glossary
Policy development of a government Bill
2.1 The nature of policy
2.2 Is a new law needed
2.3 Does the State have power to make the law?
2.4 Bill or subordinate legislation?
2.5 Portfolio Bills
2.6 Sponsoring a Bill
2.7 Role of policy or instructing officers
2.8 Establishing a practical timetable
2.9 Obtaining appropriate advice
2.10 Considering fundamental legislative principles
2.11 Considering human rights
2.12 Other matters needing consideration for thorough policy development
The drafting process
3.1 OQPC's involvement before Authority to Prepare a Bill approval
3.2 Authority to Prepare a Bill approval
3.3 Drafting process
3.4 Role of instructing officer
3.5 Role of drafter
3.6 Authority to Introduce a Bill approval
3.7 Other relevant matters
The parliamentary process
4.1 Parliament of Queensland
4.2 Timing of the introduction of a Bill
4.3 Explanatory notes
4.4 Messages from the Governor
4.5 Human rights – Statements of Compatibility
4.6 Presentation and first reading
4.7 Bills referred to portfolio committees
4.8 Amendments in committee
4.9 Second reading
4.10 Consideration in detail stage
4.11 Third reading and long title
4.12 Cognate debates
4.13 Record of Proceedings
4.14 Attendance by departmental officers and OQPC drafter
4.15 Private members' Bills and amendments during consideration in detail
Royal assent
Subordinate legislation
6.1 What is subordinate legislation?
6.2 Drafting subordinate legislation
6.3 Subordinate legislation must be within power
6.4 Unauthorised subdelegation
6.5 General presumption that legislation will be prospective
6.6 Retrospective operation of a beneficial provision
6.7 Power to make instruments
6.8 Certification
6.9 Penalties
6.10 Infringement notice offences
6.11 Explanatory notes
6.12 Human rights and subordinate legislation
6.13 Notification
6.14 Tabling and disallowance
6.15 Parliamentary scrutiny
6.16 Interpretation
6.17 Expiry of subordinate legislation
6.18 Printing, notification and tabling processes
Fundamental legislative principles
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Rights and liberties of individuals
7.3 The institution of Parliament
7.4 Example of FLPs - inspectoral powers
Human rights
8.1 Human rights protected under the Act
Ministerial Handbook
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
1.0 Human Resource Management
1.1 Office Staff
1.2 Workers' Compensation
1.3 Personal Development
1.4 Intern/Volunteer Arrangements
1.5 Employee Assistance Service
1.6 Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
2.0 Information Management
2.1 Information security
2.2 Ministerial records
2.3 Privacy
3.0 Accountability and Ethics
3.1 Administrative arrangements
3.2 Ministerial Code of Conduct
3.3 Code of Conduct Ministerial Staff Members
3.4 Declaration of Interests
3.5 Membership of boards, committees or councils
3.6 Lobbying Contact
3.7 Gifts - received
3.8 Gifts - made
3.9 Indemnities
3.10 Accountability and budget process
3.11 Public Report of Ministerial Office Expenses
3.12 Ministers and Chiefs of Staff Diaries
4.0 Expenses relating to a Minister's Office
4.1 Allowable Expenditure
4.2 Parliamentary Service support for Ministerial Offices
4.3 Expenditure that is not allowable
4.4 Accommodation
4.5 Consultants
4.6 Delegations
4.7 Hospitality and Official Functions
4.8 Office equipment
4.9 Partner's expenses
4.10 Political Party Expenses
4.11 Telecommunications
4.12 Transportation
4.13 Travel
4.14 Other Expenses
5.0 Entitlements
5.1 Staff
5.2 Ministers
5.3 Assistant Ministers
5.4 Former Premiers
Welcome Aboard
Purpose of the Guide
Role of Government Boards
2.1 Functions
2.2 Responsibilities/reporting relationships
2.3 Categories of Government Boards
Role of Key Players
3.1 Ministers
3.2 Chair
3.3 Board members
3.4 Chief Executive Officer
3.5 Executive Officer/Secretary
3.6 Proxies and Observers
Selection and recruitment
4.1 Government priorities
4.2 Government Board composition
4.3 Statutory requirements
4.4 Member skills and attributes
4.5 Member expertise
5.1 Remuneration Procedures
5.2 Public sector employees on Government Boards
5.3 Travelling Expenses
Duties and Responsibilities of Board Members
7.1 Enabling legislation
7.2 General law
7.3 Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Corporations Act)
7.4 General legislation
7.5 Judicial Review
7.6 Right to Information
7.7 Information Privacy
7.8 The Ombudsman
7.9 Integrity Commissioner
7.10 Code of conduct
7.11 Restrictive trade practices
7.12 Approval requirements
7.13 Delegations
7.14 Accountability arrangements for subsidiary companies
The Role of Public Service Employees on Government Boards
8.1 Role and responsibilities
8.2 Incorporated Government Bodies - Conflicts of Interest
8.3 Remuneration
Liability and Indemnity
9.1 Indemnities and Legal Assistance
9.2 Guarantees
9.3 Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance
9.4 Misfeasance in public office
Evaluating Board performance
10.1 Planning requirements
10.2 Reporting requirements
Government Owned Corporations
11.1 Role
11.2 Key officers
11.3 Duties and responsibilities
1. Resources
2. Useful Contacts
3. Induction Checklist
4. Registration of Personal Interests Form (Example)
Executive Council Meeting Procedure
(.doc, 36 KB)
Sample Commission
(.doc, 43 KB)
Sample Public Service Appointment Minute
(.doc, 51 KB)
This Appendix is not in use.
Appointment and Remuneration Schedule
(.doc, 32 KB)
Sample Appointment Minute
(.doc, 127 KB)
Sample Project Commencement Approval Minute
(.doc, 191 KB)
Sample Revised Project Approval Minute
(.doc, 197 KB)
Sample Project Commencement Approval Minute (in the form of a grant)
(.doc, 207 KB)
Sample Proclamation
Sample Subordinate Legislation
(.doc, 45 KB)
Sample Subordinate Legislation (Amending Previous Subordinate Legislation)
(.doc, 44 KB)
Sample Compliance Certificate
(.doc, 31 KB)
Sample Statutory Instrument
(.doc, 35 KB)
Sample Minute Showing Partial Withdrawal
(.doc, 194 KB)
Sample Revocation Minute
(.doc, 46 KB)
Sample Rescission Minute
(.doc, 47 KB)
Sample Amendment Minute
(.doc, 46 KB)
Schematic Format for Executive Council Minute
(.doc, 199 KB)
Sample Minute – Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (Acting Governor)
(.doc, 43 KB)
Sample Minute – Queensland Health (Deputy Governor)
(.doc, 125 KB)
Sample Minute – Justice and Attorney-General
(.doc, 197 KB)
Sample Minute – National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing
(.doc, 192 KB)
Sample Minute – Community Safety
(.doc, 42 KB)
Sample Minute – State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
(.doc, 44 KB)
Sample Minute – Environment and Heritage Protection
(.doc, 209 KB)
Sample Minute – Natural Resources and Mines
(.doc, 44 KB)
Sample Minute – Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
(.doc, 44 KB)
Sample Minute – Education, Training and Employment
(.doc, 44 KB)
Sample Minute – Transport and Main Roads
(.doc, 44 KB)
Sample Minute – Energy and Water Supply
(.doc, 199 KB)
This Appendix is not in use.
Sample Jointly Sponsored Minute
(.doc, 46 KB)
Last updated:
3 November, 2024
Last reviewed:
10 October, 2012
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