2.4 Membership

In Queensland, it is customary for Executive Councillors to be the same persons who comprise the Ministry and Cabinet. Persons are appointed as Executive Councillors immediately after being sworn in as Ministers. When Ministers resign their portfolio, they must also tender their resignations as Members of the Executive Council if they will no longer remain in the Ministry.

The Governor is not a member of the Executive Council. However, section 50 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001 provides for the Governor to attend and preside at all meetings of the Council unless otherwise prevented from doing so. In any event, the Executive Council must not deal with any business at a meeting unless it has been summoned by the authority of the Governor. 3

Ministers are also appointed as Executive Councillors.

Governor is not a member of the Executive Council.

3. Section 50 Constitution of Queensland 2001.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 17 July, 2009