4.14 Other
4.14.1 Cards and wreaths
Sympathy cards and wreaths may be sent in situations which relate to Ministers carrying out their official duties.
Similarly, Christmas cards may be sent by the Minister to portfolio-related persons or organisations. See the Ministerial Christmas Card Policy.
Cards and wreaths are a cost to the Office of the Minister and should not be incurred if they relate purely to electoral matters.
Donations should not be made under any circumstances.
If there is any doubt, please contact Ministerial Services before any purchase is made.
4.14.2 Credit cards
The Office of a Minister may be issued a general purpose credit card, with the approval of the Premier. General purpose credit cards should not be used as an alternative to the special use or overseas travel credit cards.
Ministers and staff may be issued with special use credit cards (eg. Fuel card, Toll card, Cabcharge) to incur expenditure for authorised purposes only.
Ministers and staff may also be issued with a credit card for overseas use only. These cards will be issued by Ministerial Services immediately prior to travel and must be returned to Ministerial Services for storage immediately after travel.
The primary use of these cards is for official overseas travel. They must not be used for private expenditure except in an emergency. By utilising official credit cards overseas, the need for substantial cash advances is negated and Ministers and staff are not required to expend substantial private funds and seek reimbursement.
The following requirements apply to use of all official credit cards.
- Expenditure must be for official purposes and properly authorised prior to use.
- The supporting documentation must be provided with the monthly statement and be sufficiently detailed to allow Ministerial Services to charge costs to appropriate expenditure codes and ensure expenditure complies with this handbook.
In addition, the following requirements apply to the use of official credit cards overseas.
- If the card is used to pay the accumulated travelling costs of a number of persons, full details must be provided.
- An official credit card of a staff member may be utilised to meet expenditure incurred by the Minister on the proviso that the Minister must ratify all costs incurred at the end of the trip.
- Cards are not to be used for private expenditure.
- Cards are not to be used for the purchase of items of a capital nature.
- Cards are not to be used to obtain cash advances or cash withdrawals.
Ministers and staff may utilise private credit cards to incur expenditure for official purposes and seek reimbursement by providing adequate supporting documentation. The supporting documentation must be sufficient to allow Ministerial Services to charge costs to appropriate expenditure codes and ensure expenditure complies with this handbook.
Interest and other charges levied on private credit cards are not allowable expenditure and cannot be reimbursed. Late fees on official cards will be a personal cost except where delays are outside of the cardholder’s control.
Officers who use their official credit cards in a manner other than as set out in this handbook shall, subject to the discretion of the Premier, have their cards revoked and/or face any other disciplinary action which is deemed to be necessary.
Procedures – lost card
Cardholders are responsible for the safe custody of their card and pin number at all times and must report lost or stolen cards immediately as per the following:
Within Australia: 131 576
Outside Australia (except USA): +1 636 722 7111.
Within USA: 1800 627 8372
Ministerial Services: +61 7 3003 9068.
A written report outlining the circumstances of the loss of the credit card is to be provided to the Director, Ministerial Services upon the officer’s return from overseas or within 24 hours of the loss being reported.
Official credit cards must be returned to Ministerial Services for cancellation when an officer ceases employment.
Charge dockets and source documentation are to be retained.
4.14.3 Petty cash
The Office of the Minister may operate a Petty Cash Imprest system for reimbursement or purchase of items of an insignificant nature and for minor expenditure. In all cases, petty cash must be used for official purposes and expenditure must be properly authorised prior to use. Refer to the Petty Cash policy for full details.
4.14.4 Purchases
Ministerial Services carries out procurement on behalf of ministerial offices. Ministerial offices should send a requisition form with necessary supporting documentation to Ministerial Services for any proposed procurement.
All requisitions must be approved by an authorised person (e.g. the Minister, a staff member with expenditure delegation or Ministerial Services staff with an expenditure delegation).
4.14.5 Security
Personal Security - Premier
The Security Intelligence Branch of the Queensland Police Service is responsible for providing appropriate personal security for the Premier. Costs associated with this activity are met by the Queensland Police Service.
Personal Security - Other Ministers
Temporary personal security arrangements may be made available to other Ministers under specific circumstances from time to time subject to evaluation by the Security Intelligence Branch and the approval of the Premier.
Home Security
Where considered necessary, and subject to the approval of the Office of the Premier, the costs of the provision of home security to a Minister, to a minimum standard recommended by the Police Service or the Government Security Services, will be a charge to the Office of the Minister.
The monitoring and maintenance of an electronic system is also a charge to the Office of the Minister.
Upon ceasing to be a Minister, Ministerial Services will cease to pay for any ongoing security services. However, security equipment that has been installed will not be removed. Ministerial Services will contact the security provider and advise that security services are no longer required. Any further security services required by the former Minister will be a personal cost. (An exception to this will be if a Minister continues to be entitled to security in Opposition, or as a former Premier, or on the recommendation of the Security Intelligence Branch of the Queensland Police Service).
Office Security
Ministerial offices are to have as a minimum, a reasonable standard of security based on functional requirements and Cabinet direction.
The standard of office security for Assistant Ministers is based on functional requirements.
Advice from the Security Intelligence Branch of the Queensland Police Service should be sought to determine appropriate levels of security.