4.4 Accommodation

4.4.1 Office accommodation

Office leasing, parking and utilities costs are a charge to the Office of the Minister.

Parliament House environs

Parliament House accommodation (including electorate offices and normal parking available to Members) is the responsibility of the Parliamentary Service.


Ad hoc requests for repairs, maintenance or the movement of furniture and fittings requiring works under $10,000 may be made to the portfolio department. Any requests for accommodation changes and works over $10,000, outside of the Accommodation Office’s pre-approved program of work, are to be made to Ministerial Services.

Ministerial Services will refer these requests, to the Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet for approval.

The Accommodation Office (AO), Department of Housing and Public Works or the portfolio department will undertake relocation, repairs and improvements in line with the Ministerial Office Accommodation Procedures.

See 4.2 - Parliamentary Service support for the Office of the Minister, 4.1.2 - Departmental Expenditure

4.4.2 Refurbishment

The AO in conjunction with the portfolio department (or the Parliamentary Service for Parliament House and electorate office accommodation) will undertake the refurbishment of office accommodation, including furniture and fittings and office security.

All requests for refurbishment over $10,000 should be sent to Ministerial Services (outside Parliament House environs) or the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (Parliament House environs). Requests for refurbishments outside Parliament House environs will require the approval of the Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

The annual capital budget provided to ministerial offices is for the purchase of office equipment and associated costs. As such, funding availability within the department, the Parliamentary Service or the Office Accommodation Program is a prerequisite for refurbishments to proceed.

See 4.4.1 - Office accommodation, 4.2 - Parliamentary Service support for the Office of the Minister

4.4.3 Parking

Ministerial offices will be provided with a reasonable number of carparking spaces for official cars and any other necessary requirements.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 8 April, 2014