Attachment 4 - Registration of Personal Interests Form (Example)1

To <insert name of Government Body>

Particulars of my personal pecuniary and other relevant interests and those of my immediate family of which I am aware are set out in the attached form.

I undertake to advise you should a situation arise where an interest of mine or an interest of a member of my immediate family of which I am aware, whether that interest is pecuniary or otherwise, conflicts, or may reasonably be thought to conflict, with my public duty.

name (block letters)




Return of Personal Interests of Officer and Immediate Family (including spouse and dependent children)

Real Estate

Real Estate in which a beneficial interest is held other than principal place of residence:





Purpose for which held


Share Holdings (where total value exceeds $5,000)

Include registered shares, options and current applications (other than nominal share holdings by way of qualification for membership of a credit union, building society or other co-operative society):

Owner of shares


Name of Company (including holding companies and subsidiary companies if applicable)


Directorships in Companies

In regard to any directorships, whether remunerated or not:

Name of Director


Name of Company


Activities of Company whether public or private


Partnerships etc.

Person holding interest


Nature of Operations


Nature of Business Interest



Investments in bonds, debentures, savings or investment accounts with banks or other financial institutions (exceeding a cumulative value of $5,000).

Person holding Investment


Type of Investment


Body in which Investment is held


Other Assets

List each asset valued at over $5,000 including collections. Household or personal effects and motor vehicles for personal use are to be excluded:

Owner of Asset


Nature of Asset


Employment by a public or private company

Exclude salary from principal public sector employment:

Person receiving income


Nature and annualised amount of income


Any Gifts, Substantial Sponsored Travel or Hospitality exceeding $100

Person receiving Gift etc


Nature of Gift etc



Liabilities exceeding $5,000 other than mortgage over principal place of residence

Person concerned


Nature of liability




Other Interests - including membership or office holding of an organisation other than an industrial or professional organisation, or a political party


  1. Sourced from Department of the Premier and Cabinet Code of Conduct, November 2009.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 29 July, 2010