Attachment 1 - Resources
Australian Institute of Company Directors
Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Officers. 19th Ed., Professor Bob Baxt, 2009
A complete listing of AICD publications is available at
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland
Remuneration procedures for part-time Chairs and Members of Queensland Government bodies1
- Available online at:
Department of Public Works, Queensland
Department of Housing and Public Works, Queensland—Queensland Government Air Travel Policy
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland
Agency Planning Requirements (published on an annual basis)
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland
Annual Report Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies (published on an annual basis)
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland
Code of Conduct, November 2009
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland Governing Queensland Suite of Publications
- Cabinet Handbook
- Executive Council Handbook
- Legislation Handbook
- Ministerial Handbook
- Parliamentary Procedures Handbook
- Welcome Aboard: A guide for members of Queensland Government Boards, committees and statutory authorities
Dunphy, B
Misfeasance in Public Office: Liability for Public Administrators, March 1999
Office of the Auditor General, Western Australia
Roles and Responsibilities of Members of Governing Bodies of State Government Agencies, February 1997
Public Service Commission, Queensland
Queensland Government Indemnity Guideline
Public Service Commission, Queensland
Policies and guidelines relevant to the public sector (some of which may be applicable to Government Boards)
Queensland Audit Office
Checklist for CEOs, Boards and Accountable Officers, prior to signing financial statements, April 1996