5.3 Travelling Expenses
Chairs and members are to be paid all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred while travelling on approved board business and to attend meetings in accordance with the following arrangements:
- class of travel – as determined by the portfolio Minister
- domestic travelling allowances – in accordance with the Ministerial Directive titled Domestic Travelling and Relieving Expenses issued under the Public Service Act 2008 and current at the time the expense was incurred1
- use of private motor vehicle – in accordance with the Ministerial Directive titled Motor Vehicle Allowances issued under the Public Service Act 2008 and current at the time the expense was incurred2.
When air travel is required by Government Board members for official purposes, travel should be in accordance with the Queensland Government's Air Travel Policy3. The Policy sets out that official travel must:
- advance the achievement of Queensland Government priorities
- benefit the business of an agency
- be undertaken only after exploring alternatives to travel
- not duplicate activities of other agencies
- be undertaken at the most advantageous price and service level.