5.1 Remuneration Procedures

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet administers Cabinet approved procedures for the Remuneration procedures for part-time Chairs and Members of Queensland Government Bodies1 (the Procedures). The Procedures set out government requirements in relation to the remuneration of “all part-time chairs and members of government boards, committees, authorities, taskforces, councils and other similar bodies approved by legislation or other government approval processes.”.

In order to ensure that remuneration entitlements are consistent and equitable, the Procedures set out eight standardised remuneration categories. The factors determining the category allocated to a particular Government Board are its major function and influence and the impact of its activities and decisions on government, industry and the community. The current remuneration rates for each category are available on the Queensland Government's website.

Chairs and members are paid either a daily fee or an annual fee.

The Procedures also provide information in relation to travelling expenses, taxation, superannuation and other benefits.

Total costs associated with remuneration for Government Boards must be disclosed in annual reports. For those Government Boards that are not statutory bodies, information is to be disclosed in the relevant administering agency's annual report. The relevant administering agency is the agency that controls the funds of the board or committee. The Department of the Premier and Cabinet's Annual Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies details the information that must be disclosed.

Departments and agencies are required to monitor closely the activities of Government Boards to ensure that meeting hours and paid work are consistent with the objectives and functions of the particular Government Board and that such hours do not expand unnecessarily. Government Board members must utilise adequate time keeping records to ensure that payment is made for actual time worked.

  1. Available online at: https://www.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/39481/remuneration-procedures.pdf (PDF 808kb).

Last updated: 3 November, 2024