6. Induction

All new Government Board members should receive an induction which may include an introduction to the workings of the Government Board and the government department responsible for the Government Board, their role and responsibilities, and administrative arrangements. This is to ensure that Government Board members are appropriately informed of the standards of accountability expected of them and the statutory obligations imposed on them. The induction should be provided either by the responsible government department, or by the Government Board itself.

The induction process might include information, familiarisation, training and socialisation. Departments can avail themselves of specialised training courses for the induction of new members, including courses offered by the Australian Institute of Company Directors, where this is deemed appropriate.

New Government Board members should receive copies of the following information, where relevant, to assist with their familiarisation with the workings of their particular Government Board.

Statutory framework

  • enabling legislation for the Government Board (if applicable)
  • any other relevant legislation, such as applicable sections of the Auditor-General Act 2009, Financial Accountability Act 2009, Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009, Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982 and Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (refer to Chapter 7.4 – General legislation in this Guide).

Functioning of the Government Board

  • time commitment required in Government Board meetings
  • briefings
  • public meetings
  • tenure and removal from office
  • the Government Board's reporting structure
  • attendance requirements (formal notice of absence)
  • the applicable accounting standards
  • remuneration structure
  • financial performance
  • declaration of private interests and strategic planning.

Information on the Government Board

  • terms of reference, applicable rules or the company's constitution
  • the history of the Government Board and the size of the Government Board
  • the three most recent annual reports/accounts
  • the last six months' Government Board and committee minutes.

Relevant policy guidelines or statements

  • any current Ministerial directives
  • a code of conduct (if there is one designed for the particular body)
  • copies of relevant Public Service Commission and other government guidelines
  • government policy frameworks and/or agreements relevant to the Government Board's functions
  • a copy of this guide.

General information

  • relevant press clippings
  • government/industry reports
  • economic efficiency or performance audits.

Other helpful references can be found in Attachment 1 of this guide (Resources). To assist, an Induction Checklist also appears as Attachment 3.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 29 July, 2010