COVID-19 All Abilities Plan 2020–21—high quality engagement and communication with people with disability.
Overall measure
Action 15.1 Investigate options to make online events and training more inclusive.
Corporate and Government Services, Strategy and Engagement, PSC
Action 15.2 Ensure communication, resources and feedback mechanisms during departmental change management processes consider the needs of people with disability.
Cabinet Services, Corporate and Government Services, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Policy Division, Strategy and Engagement, PSC
Action 15.3 Improve the employment experience of people with disability in the Queensland public sector, through a human-centred project that supports universal design in the built environment.
COVID-19 All Abilities Plan 2020—identify and action COVID-19 issues affecting people with disability.
Action 16.1 Amend Business Continuity Planning instructions to include consideration of staff with disability.
Office of the Director-General, Cabinet Services, Corporate and Government Services, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Policy Division, Strategy and Engagement, 2032 Taskforce, PSC
Action 16.2 Normalise uptake of flexible work arrangements to reduce the impact of work on employee health.
Last updated: 23 July, 2020
Last reviewed: 23 July, 2020