DSP context and framework

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

  • Provides the framework to promote and protect the human rights of people with disability.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (ADS)

  • Co-designed with people with disability to provide a strategic framework and outline of the outcomes we need to achieve to advance the human rights of people with disability.

Queensland’s State Disability Plan 2022–2027 (SDP)

  • The primary mechanism used to drive implementation of the ADS in Queensland.


  • In addition to the ADS, the Queensland Government also implements the UNCRPD through a range of statutes, including the Human Rights Act 2019, the Disability Services Act 2006 and the Anti‑Discrimination Act 1991.

DPC and PSC Disability Service Plan 2022−2025 (DSP)

  • Queensland Government departments have a legislative requirement, and a social responsibility, to develop and publish actions that support the SDP and the human rights of people with disability.

The elements of the above framework collectively form Queensland’s commitment to upholding and promoting the rights of people with disability.

Through our DSP we have set our direction for the coming three years and committed to targeted actions at an agency level that contribute to the above.

Progress reporting

We report annually on our achievements and progress under the DSP. This is shared through our governance committees including the DPC Diversity and Inclusion Consultative Committee, the DPC People and Capability Committee and the Executive Leadership Team.

PSC provides updates to the Senior Management Group on a quarterly basis, and both DPC and PSC update the Disability Reform Implementation Interdepartmental Committee (DRIIC) on our progress as DRIIC members.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 19 December, 2022