Our service users—Our service delivery must be inclusive for all people.

As central agencies, DPC and PSC do not have service users in the traditional sense, but we indirectly influence outcomes for the people of Queensland. For the purposes of this plan, our service users are the agencies of the Queensland public sector we serve and support. For PSC, this includes their workforces.

The PSC is committed to supporting the Queensland public sector to create workplaces where employees with disability feel safe, respected and included. Through consultation and engagement, the PSC sets public sector workforce targets for people with disability, and monitors the experience of employees, ensuring they can thrive and grow their careers.

The PSC has two commitments in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021−2031:

  • The PSC’s commitment under the Employment Targeted Action Plan is to support the sector to attract, recruit and retain more people with disability in the Queensland public sector. Success will be measured by the percentage of employees with disability employed in the Queensland public sector by 30 June 2024.
  • The PSC’s commitment under the Community Attitudes Targeted Action Plan is to improve representation of people with disability in leadership roles in the Queensland public sector. Success will be measured by the target of eight per cent representation at the Senior Officer and Senior Executive Service (and equivalent) levels, by 30 June 2024.

In 2021 PSC released the Thriving at Work, growing a career report on behalf of Queensland public sector agencies whose employees were involved in the research, as a foundational action to inform the anticipated widespread workforce change committed to in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021−2031. The report identified opportunities for change which were then translated into action in successive plans, including Disabling the barriers to employment in the Queensland public sector implementation plan 2022. All of these actions deliver on the building blocks of this plan.

Action Detail Measurement Timing Responsible agency/business area ADS outcome areas
Action #1

Develop updated questions in the WfQ survey to better understand the experience of people living with disability.

To support co-design, survey questions will be validated by employees with lived experience.

To improve this survey as a central measurement tool and to enhance cultural and systems change, new questions will be added that examine reasonable adjustment, working flexibly and discrimination experiences.

Improvement in survey completions by people with disability and in sharing of disability status.



Employment and financial security

Safety, rights and justice

Action #2

Develop new employment targets for people with disability.

We will evolve our use of targets as a central measurement tool. This will enable us to embed transparency and accountability for cultural and systems change.

Endorsement by CEO Leadership Board of new targets.



Employment and financial security

Action #3

Conduct campaigns to improve the reliability of the census tool that more accurately reflects the workforce.

By providing agencies with improved messaging that promotes data confidentiality and safety to share disability identity information, we improve the census as a central measurement tool and enhance cultural and systems change.

Participation by agencies in campaign to drive census completion.

Improvements in the proportion of employees who share they have disability, via diversity census and MOHRI data.



Employment and financial security

Safety, rights and justice

Action #4

Develop inclusive language content for Forgov, to build a greater understanding of language when interacting with people with disability.

Through the inclusion of guiding principles to support everyday conversation we will promote a human rights approach when engaging with, and talking about, people with disability.

Number of page visits.

Engagements or feedback on the page via the feedback portal.

WfQ survey responses relating to the experiences of people living with disability.



Employment and financial security

Safety, rights and justice

Community attitudes

Action #5

Partner with the Australian Network on Disability to develop resources for workplaces to embed disability inclusion.

By supporting the sector to build diverse, inclusive and disability confident workplaces, we will promote human rights and progress cultural and systems change.

Improvements in the proportion of employees who share they live with disability, via diversity census and MOHRI data.

Improvements for employees living with disability as evidenced by the WfQ survey.



Employment and financial security

Safety, rights and justice

Community attitudes

Action #6

Grow a more diverse leadership cohort by actively looking for opportunities that provide leadership development for people with disability.

This supports cultural and systems change across the public sector and creates a streamlined and sector-wide approach to procuring Disability Employment Services (DES) providers, making it easier to work with DES providers on targeted recruitment.

Measures to be established after the initial implementation of this action.



Employment and financial security

Action #7

Explore the option of a sector-wide Standing Offer Arrangement for disability employment providers.

This supports cultural and systems change across the public sector and creates a streamlined and sector-wide approach to procuring Disability Employment Services (DES) providers, making it easier to work with DES providers on targeted recruitment.

Measures to be established after the initial implementation of this action.



Employment and financial security

Action #8

Increase HR practitioners’ knowledge of pathways for people with disability, including by promoting services provided by disability employment providers.

This action will improve mainstream human resource practice and improve HR capability with inclusive recruitment. It will also deliver on the cultural and systems change building block.

Increase in the proportion of candidates with disability applying for roles.

HR participation in disability employment provider information sessions.



Employment and financial security

Action #9

Development of online resources to build a greater understanding of how to recruit for diverse talent.

This will include the development of resources to support the implementation of targeted recruitment measures. As an action that will improve mainstream human resource practice, this delivers on the cultural and systems change building block. It will also meet commitments toward a human rights approach.

Increase in the proportion of candidates with disability applying for roles.

HR participation in disability employment provider information sessions.



Employment and financial security

Community attitudes

Action #10

Embed a human-centred approach to HR recruitment policy and practice, ensuring our people are safe, and supported to thrive at work and grow their careers.

A review of recruitment and selection practices will be undertaken with an inclusion and human rights lens, ensuring that inclusion and accessibility is considered at each phase of a recruitment process.

As an action that will improve mainstream human resource practice, this delivers on the cultural and systems change building block. It will also meet commitments toward a human rights approach.

Increase in the proportion of candidates with disability applying for roles

Improvements in the proportion of employees who share they live with disability, via diversity census and MOHRI data.



Employment and financial security

Safety, rights and justice

Community attitudes

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 19 December, 2022