
Leading the way—increasing opportunities in the Queensland public sector

State Disability Plan whole-of-government action—implement strategies to reach the Queensland Government target of eight per cent of the Queensland public sector workforce being people with disability by 2022. Strategies should address attraction, recruitment, retention and career progression and development, for example flexible work practices and inclusion of people with disability in the government employer brand.

Overall measure

  • The proportion of people with disability employed in the Queensland public sector workforce increases towards 8% by 2022. (State Disability Plan measure)
Action Accountable area

Action 8.1
Continue to work collaboratively with other Queensland Government agencies on whole of sector disability employment initiatives.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.2
Continue to embed flexibility, inclusiveness and diversity in all human resource processes with a focus on recruitment, selection and capability development.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.3
Disseminate all vacancies through the JobAccess vacancy distribution service.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.4
Continue to deliver relevant and targeted disability awareness programs to support the attraction, recruitment, retention and career progression and development of people with disability.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.5
Use DPC and PSC recruitment diversity data to track and inform how roles are advertised and identify areas for improvement and opportunities to attract applicants with disability to future vacancies.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.6
Ensure all recruitment processes including the whole-of-government Policy Futures Graduate Program continue to:

  • minimise barriers for people with disability
  • target recruitment and advertising to attract people with disability through specialist providers, universities and websites
  • ensure candidates with disability have a mechanism to advise of reasonable adjustment requirements and implement these throughout all stages of the recruitment and selection process
  • work with successful applicants to ensure reasonable adjustments are made to enable all employees to work safely and productively.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.7
Enlist the Disability Service Plan Working Group to continue to act as allies and champions for disability inclusion and encourage their colleagues to get involved.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.8
Promote campaigns that raise awareness of lived experience of disability and share personal stories of people with disability through internal communication channels including Yammer and the intranet.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Action 8.9
Reinforce the importance of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) data in understanding our current workforce to help us provide relevant recruitment, retention and inclusion initiatives. Encourage staff to provide their EEO responses.

PSC, Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services), Strategy and Engagement (Communication Services)

Last updated: 23 July, 2020

Last reviewed: 23 July, 2020