Leadership and participation

Inclusion in consultation, civic participation and decision making and supporting leadership development

State Disability Plan whole-of-government action—consultation and engagement processes are offered in a range of ways, including the use of technology, which maximise the participation opportunities for people with disability, their families and carers.

Overall measure

  • Increased participation of people with disability in consultation. (State Disability Plan measure)
  • Options for engagement promoted. (State Disability Plan measure)
Action Accountable area

Action 11.1
Continue to use technology, to ensure equitable participation for people with disability in DPC and PSC consultation and engagement processes.

Office of the Director-General, 2032 Taskforce, Cabinet Services, Corporate and Government Services (Facilities Management, Information Services), Office of the Director General, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Policy Division, Strategy and Engagement, PSC

Action 11.2
Utilise available accessibility features on personal devices/systems to deliver necessary assistive technologies to staff with disability.

Office of the Director-General, 2032 Taskforce, Cabinet Services, Corporate and Government Services (Facilities Management, Information Services), Office of the Director General, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Policy Division, Strategy and Engagement, PSC

State Disability Plan whole-of-government action—Queensland Government agencies consult with people with disability when either developing a disability service plan or implementing disability service plan actions.

Overall measure

  • Consultation with people is included in the Disability Service Plans 2017–2020, and/or the implementation of actions. (State Disability Plan measure)
Action Accountable area

Action 12.1
Provide opportunities for agency staff with disability or lived experience of disability to participate in DSP working group meetings and contribute to the development and implementation of DSP actions.

Corporate and Government Services (Human Resource Services)

State Disability Plan whole-of-government action—promote inclusion of people with disability on state government boards, steering committees and advisory bodies to foster ‘change from within’.

Overall measure

  • Application and appointment processes for Queensland Government boards, steering committees and advisory bodies are accessible to Queenslanders with disability. (State Disability Plan measure)
  • Increased number of people with disability registered on the Queensland Register of Nominees to Government Bodies. (DPC Measure)
Action Accountable area

Action 14.1
Continue to promote the importance of diversity on Queensland Government Boards to foster ‘change from within'.

Corporate and Government Services (Appointments and Constitutional Services)

Last updated: 23 July, 2020

Last reviewed: 23 July, 2020