Government response to the Queensland Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce report
The Queensland Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce (the Taskforce) was appointed by the Premier and Minister for Trade in February 2018. The 16-member Taskforce was established to develop a proposed framework to address cyberbullying of children and young people in Queensland and to recommend community and government action.
On 14 September 2018, the Chair of the Taskforce, Madonna King, provided the final report, Adjust our Settings: A community approach to address cyberbullying among children and young people in Queensland (PDF, 2.73MB), to the Premier and Minister for Trade.
The Premier and Minister for Trade acknowledges the efforts of the Taskforce to develop its report and recommendations, including extensive consultation across Queensland with young people, teachers, parents, experts and organisations.
The Queensland Government response (PDF, 1.73MB) was released by the Premier and Minister for Trade on 15 October 2018. The Queensland Government has accepted all 29 recommendations made by the Taskforce.
In February 2019, the Premier established the independent Anti-cyberbullying Advisory Committee to provide advice to government on the implementation of the recommendations from Adjust our Settings. The Committee has met nine times since it’s inception—27 February, 29 March, 26 June, 18 September, 20 November 2019, 11 March 2020, 13 May 2020, 29 July 2020 and 16 September 2020. Initiatives the Committee has provided advice on include:
- the Tackle Cyberbullying Grants program
- development of the anti-cyberbullying education and awareness campaign
- consideration of the evaluation of the implementation of the recommendations from the Anti-cyberbullying Taskforce Report, Adjust our Settings
- updating policies and process in educational settings.
On Tuesday 30 April 2019, the Implementing the Queensland Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce Report - April 2019 progress report (PDF, 10MB) was tabled in Parliament.
On 27 November 2019, the Implementing the Queensland Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce Report – November 2019 progress report (PDF, 620KB) was tabled in Parliament. It outlines that 19 of the 29 recommendations, and implementation of the 10 remaining recommendations are underway, with all recommendations on track for completion by the end of the implementation period, October 2020.
On 2 October 2020, the final progress report, Implementing the Queensland Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce Report – September 2020 (PDF, 930KB), was tabled in Parliament. The report indicates that implementation of all 29 Taskforce recommendations is now complete.
Recommendation 21 Research Paper
The Queensland Government has developed a research paper on social media and identity verification in response to Recommendation 21 of the Taskforce Report.
Read the Recommendation 21 Research Paper (.docx, 1MB).
Information about support services
There are support services available to those who need assistance.