Strategic Plan 2017–2021
Our role
As the lead central agency of the Queensland public service, we serve the Premier and Cabinet, build confidence in and drive an innovative government, while providing whole of government leadership to deliver outstanding results and value for money for the people of Queensland.
Our vision
Making a real and tangible difference today, and future generations will recognise our contributions.
Our guiding principles underpin everything we do:
- We maintain trust in government by leading with integrity, transparency and accountability.
- We are agile, flexible and responsive to the strategic imperatives of government.
- We are a central point of resolution, providing objective and balanced advice based on evidence, learnings and leveraging outside expertise.
- We keep a whole of government line of sight when addressing issues, clearing the path for new ideas.
- We embrace new technologies and business models to ensure we captialise on emerging trends.
- We value diversity and inclusivity and celebrate its benefits.
- We consider the needs of all Queenslanders, no matter where they live or what their circumstances may be.
- We seek to understand the people of Queensland, their expectations of government and aspirations for the future.
- We embrace new ways of working with our stakeholders to engage effectively with them and respond to their needs.
- We value, respect and learn from each other and our stakeholders as we strive for mutual success.
- We recognise the importance of our employees and value their contributions.
- We provide a family-friendly and flexible workplace that fosters mutual respect, inclusion and open communication.
- We develop programs to ensure our people have the skills they need to do their jobs effectively.
Our values
Customers first |
Ideas into action |
Unleash potential |
Be courageous |
Empower people |
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) coordinates and collaborates across all agencies to develop and implement policy and services do drive the government's objectives for the community by:
- Improving social wellbeing, building social cohesion and inclusion to build safe, caring and connected communities.
- Encouraging investment, innovation and infrastructure development to create jobs and a diverse economy.
- Building confidence in government and effectively leading the Queensland public service to suppoert the delivery of quality frontline services.
- Developing innovative solutions to ensure the environment is protected for future generations.
Lead the public sector to achieve strong policy outcomes for the government.
- Lead development of forward thinking policy advice and programs.
- Support integrated policy-making and program design through stakeholder partnerships.
- Coordinate, develop and implement whole of government strategies and initiatives in response to emerging trends.
- Coordinate the Government Cabinet program.
Measures of success
- Customer satisfaction with the department’s engagement through the policy development process.
- Customer satisfaction with support provided by Cabinet Services.
Grow the arts sector and foster a community that values the arts
- Manage investment programs that support individual artists and arts and cultural organisations across Queensland.
- Support capacity building opportunities that strengthen the arts and cultural sector.
- Enhance regional connectivity by supporting Queenslanders' access to arts and cultural experiences.
Measures of success
- Customer satisfaction with Arts Queensland service delivery.
- Visitation to state-owned cultural facilities.
Ensure the delivery of a robust system of government
- Support the Premier and Cabinet in constitutional and legal matters and significant appointments.
- Coordinate the Executive Council program and provide constitutional support to the Governor.
- Provide policy and operational advice and support in relation to executive government and machinery of government matters.
- Draft and publish legislation of the highest standard.
Measures of success
- Customer satisfaction with support and advice provided by Government Services.
- Customer satisfaction with legislation drafted and published by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel.
Inform the strategic direction of government
- Identify emerging trends and lead Queensland’s future‑focused strategy and policy development to support the delivery of the government’s priorities.
- Advocate Queensland’s interests and facilitate negotiations and outcomes on issues of national and state significance through intergovernmental forums, in particular the Council of Australian Governments.
- Provide strategic advice and coordination of the Premier’s official overseas visits, functions and international relations.
- Lead the planning and delivery of whole of government communication and events, including stakeholder and community engagement programs, advertising direction and crisis communication.
Measures of success
- Customer satisfaction with support and advice from Strategy and Engagement Division.
Maintain a high-performing workforce
- Empower our people to perform at their highest level.
- Foster a culture that inspires our people to collaborate, lead and act in ways that enhance their impact in our organisation.
- Provide efficient and effective processes and systems.
- Deliver strong governance and risk management.
Measures of success
- Employee opinion survey results in areas of job empowerment, innovation, organisational leadership and agency engagement.
Strategic risks
DPC monitors its risks and the implementation of mitigation strategies for:
- Keeping pace with change—preparing for global and state trends such as demographic shifts and urbanisation will ensure we are well placed for the future.
- Information security—protecting our assets is key to preventing data breaches and unauthorised disclosure of information.
- Regional disparity—enabling regional connectivity will better inform effective policy and service development.
- Digital disruption—embracing digital transformation and new technologies enables us to understand, evaluate and respond to complex problems.
- Fraud and corruption—a sound internal control environment will help to protect our integrity.
As a department, we embrace opportunities to:
- Equip our staff with transferable skills through development opportunities, a commitment to constant skill renewal and building a culture to support lifelong learning.
- Strengthen stakeholder relationships and public confidence through improved information sharing and engagement.
- Review systems and processes to enhance their effectiveness and provide better information for decision makers.
- Drive the whole of government innovation agenda by collaborating across agencies and developing better policy solutions.