Strategic Plan 2021–2025
Our vision
Succeeding together to achieve a better life for all Queenslanders.
Our role
We lead and enable strategic policy and Westminster system governance to engage stakeholders, resolve complex issues, and deliver government priorities for Queensland.
Our strategic objectives
Our strategic objectives,
- Policy leadership
- Communication and engagement leadership
- Strong, accountable government
- A high-performing workforce
deliver on the government’s objectives for the community:
- Safeguarding our health
- Backing our frontline services
- Making it for Queensland
- Backing small business
- Investing in skills
- Growing our regions
- Supporting jobs
- Protecting the environment
- Building Queensland
Our principles
We lead by sharing our whole‑of‑government perspective. We plan and coordinate our collective efforts across government to deliver effective outcomes for Queensland.
We collaborate to harness knowledge and expertise within and outside our organisation, to drive effective policy solutions.
We are agile and responsive in meeting the changing needs of Queenslanders while ensuring a strategic focus on the future.
We inspire trust in the system and institutions of government by demonstrating and supporting integrity, transparency and accountability.
We seek innovative solutions to capitalise on strategic opportunities for Queensland and support whole-of-government risk management.
By embracing inclusion and diversity, we make our workplace and our work more representative and resilient.
We value and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in all that we do.
We respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions.
Our objectives
Through our strategic objectives we contribute to the government’s objectives for the community.
Lead collaborative policy development across government, to achieve effective outcomes for Queensland.
Our measures:
- Our clients are satisfied with our engagement in the policy development process, and our support for intergovernmental relations and support provided by Cabinet Services.
Our strategies:
- Lead, coordinate and collaborate to deliver on the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.
- Lead programs and taskforces on significant cross sector issues and opportunities to achieve proactive and strategic policy outcomes for Queensland.
- Lead and support active engagement in Queensland’s intergovernmental policy negotiations, to achieve effective outcomes for Queensland.
- Lead and coordinate the government Cabinet program.
- Provide advice and support on whole-of-government performance management and reporting, and monitor and report on the government’s priorities and commitments.
- Provide advice and support on the COVID-19 event, including agile response and recovery activities.
Ensure a strong and accountable system of government.
Our measures:
- Our clients are satisfied with governance support and advisory services.
Our strategies:
- Lead and coordinate the Executive Council program and provide constitutional support to the Governor.
- Lead policy and operational advice on government boards, executive government, constitutional and machinery of government matters.
- Provide corporate services to ministerial offices and the Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
- Synchronise, support and provide strategic advice for the Premier’s official overseas visits and functions.
- Advocate and advance Queensland’s strategic interests and positions in international forums.
Lead collaborative communication and engagement across government, and internationally, to achieve effective outcomes for Queensland.
Our measures:
- Our clients are satisfied with strategic advice and support provided by strategic communications, engagement and events services.
Our strategies:
- Lead and collaborate on whole‑of‑government communications and partnerships to support the delivery of the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.
- Develop, coordinate and implement policies, programs and initiatives that support the government’s commitment to veterans.
- Enhance engagement across Queensland regions through the Office for Rural and Regional Queensland (and the department’s regional office network) to ensure strong regional perspectives in policy and decision‑making.
- Lead, plan and deliver whole-of-government strategic communications, including disaster and crisis communications, stakeholder and community engagement programs and events.
Maintain a high-performing, collaborative and agile workforce.
Our measures:
- Our employees are increasingly positive about their job empowerment, and DPC’s organisational innovation, leadership and engagement.
Our strategies:
- Empower our people to develop their capability to perform to their highest level.
- Foster a customer-centric, collaborative and agile workforce.
- Foster leadership and collaboration at all levels to enhance staff impact in our organisation and across government.
- Ensure efficient and effective business processes and systems that enable staff to support a collaborative and agile workforce.
- Lead effective fiscal management to align services and outcomes to government’s priorities.
- Lead strong corporate governance and risk management including support for whole-of-government risk management.
- Support and participate in collaborative corporate communities of practice across government.
Our risks and opportunities
How we manage our strategic risks:
- ensure we build strong, collaborative stakeholder relationships—engaging statewide—to limit siloed policy development and drive innovative and effective policy solutions for Queensland
- maintain efficient and effective governance processes to uphold integrity, accountability and confidence in the systems of government
- build staff capability, so our people can anticipate, plan and respond to emerging priorities and challenges and keep pace with change
- ensure effective response and recovery planning, including securing our information assets, to prevent disruption to our services.
How we embrace our strategic opportunities:
- build and leverage strategic relationships to drive innovative and effective policy outcomes for Queensland
- anticipate future challenges and plan and work proactively to build awareness and promote transparent, contemporary governance processes
- adopt agile and flexible service approaches, building the capability of our dedicated staff to deliver effective corporate services
- harness digital solutions to make our systems more effective, supporting agile, innovative and effective work practices
- lead effective communications, collaborating to advocate Queensland’s interests, to secure Queensland’s strategic advantage.
Customers first |
Ideas into action |
Unleash potential |
Be courageous |
Empower people |
The Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel is a statutory office within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. View their strategic plan at