Strategic Plan 2018–2022


Making a positive difference for Queenslanders now and in the future.


We are a responsive, effective and accountable government that serves the Premier and Cabinet and the people of Queensland.

Guiding principles

Our guiding principles underpin everything we do:


We lead a strategic and effective government, responsive to opportunities and challenges in partnership with our stakeholders.


We value and embrace inclusion and diversity because it allows us to truly understand and deliver benefits to Queenslanders.


We work with our public sector colleagues and broader community to develop policies and programs that support Queenslanders to reach their full potential.


Our employees are valued, recognised for their contributions, and are empowered with knowledge and skills to deliver services for the benefit of the people of Queensland.


We are future-focused and seek new ideas, systems and processes to create value for Queensland.


We inspire trust in the system of government by demonstrating integrity, transparency and accountability.


We will deliver:

And collaborate across government in a coordination role as well as contribute directly to policy initiatives to ensure the attainment of Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities.

Through innovative, effective policy and by seeking the best strategic advantage for Queensland we will create jobs in a strong economy in Queensland.

We will be a responsive government, by delivering strong, accountable government and a high‑performing workforce.

Innovative, effective policy

Lead the policy development process across government, ensuring effective outcomes for Queenslanders.

  • Lead the development of forward‑thinking, high‑quality and integrated policy in collaboration with our stakeholders across government.
  • Coordinate the Government Cabinet program.
  • Provide advice and support on whole-of-government performance management and reporting, and monitor and report on the government’s priorities and commitments.
  • Our clients are satisfied with our engagement in the policy development process and with support provided by Cabinet Services.

Strategic advantage for Queensland

Inform the strategic direction of government.

  • Lead future-focused strategy and policy development to support the delivery of the government’s priorities.
  • Advocate Queensland’s strategic interests and positions in intergovernmental and international forums.
  • Coordinate and provide strategic advice for the Premier’s official overseas visits and functions.
  • Lead the planning and delivery of whole-of-government strategic communications and events, including stakeholder and community engagement programs.
  • Our clients are satisfied with strategic advice and support provided by Strategy and Engagement.

Strong, accountable government

Ensure a strong system of government.

  • Coordinate the Executive Council program and provide constitutional support to the Governor.
  • Lead policy and operational advice on Government boards, executive government, constitutional and machinery of government matters.
  • Provide corporate services to ministerial and opposition offices.
  • Our clients are satisfied with Government Services’ support and advice.

A high-performing workforce

Maintain a high performing and responsive workforce.

  • Empower our people to perform to their highest level.
  • Foster a culture that inspires our people to collaborate, lead and act to enhance their impact in our organisation.
  • Provide efficient and effective business processes and systems.
  • Demonstrate effective fiscal management to align services and outcomes to government priorities.
  • Deliver strong governance and risk management.


  • Our employees are positive about their job empowerment, and the department’s organisational innovation, leadership and engagement.


We will manage our strategic risks and the impacts of not achieving:

Statewide engagement

We will connect in a continuous way to achieve informed, timely and effective outcomes for Queenslanders regardless of where they live.

Effective governance

We will maintain strong and reliable governance to prevent fraud and corruption.

Information security

We will continue to secure our information assets, employ good record keeping to prevent data breaches and unauthorised disclosure.

Keeping pace with change

We will anticipate and respond to global challenges effecting Queensland so we maintain our competitiveness to meet future challenges.


We will embrace opportunities to maximise benefits for Queenslanders:

Client relationships

Strengthen strong, relevant and valuable relationships with stakeholders.

Innovative policy

Drive innovative solutions to maximise benefits to Queensland.

Make our systems more effective

Harness digital technologies to innovate and continue to improve.

Continuously develop our staff capability

Empower our people for the future.

Public Sector values

Customers first Ideas into action Unleash potential Be courageous Empower people

The Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel is a statutory office within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. View their strategic plan.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 29 June, 2018