Information Privacy Principles (IPPs)

The 11 IPPs govern how personal information is collected, stored, used and disclosed by Government agencies. They can be broadly categorised into the following five groups:

Collection of Information

IPP 1.Collection of personal information (lawful and fair)
IPP 2.Collection of personal information (requested from individual)
IPP 3.Collection of personal information (relevance etc)

Storage and Security of Information

IPP 4.Storage and security of personal information
IPP 5.Providing information about documents containing personal information

Access and Amendment to Information

IPP 6.Access to documents containing personal information
IPP 7.Amendment of documents containing personal information

Accuracy of Information

IPP 8.Checking of accuracy etc. of personal information before use by agency

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

IPP 9.Use of information only for relevant purpose
IPP 10.Limits on use of personal information
IPP 11.Limits on disclosure

The primary intent of the IP Act is to protect the privacy of personal information that is collected and used in the delivery of government services and the conduct of government business.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 24 August, 2010