Intergovernmental Relations matters

Intergovernmental Agreement Negotiating framework template

Queensland Negotiating Framework for the [INSERT AGREEMENT]
This framework template is a guide and agencies may need additional advice for individual negotiations. Agencies should work with QT and DPC to ensure the negotiating frameworkis fit for purpose for the relevant negotiation.

  1. Outline the purpose for the negotiating framework, including the status of the negotiations at the time the framework has been developed.

Queensland Government principles for intergovernmental activities

  1. Negotiations will be undertaken in accordance with the Queensland Government principles for intergovernmental activities. The principles are designed to guide assessments of participation of the Queensland Government in current and future intergovernmental activities.

a. Proactive
Queensland will proactively engage in intergovernmental activities with a focus on seeking out opportunities and proactively positioning Queensland by leveraging strategic negotiating frameworks at the earliest opportunity.

b. Outcomes focused
Queensland will focus on achieving the best outcomes for Queenslanders in all intergovernmental activities based on cost-benefit analysis and risk assessments.

c. Aligned to priorities
Queensland will ensure intergovernmental activities are aligned to the Queensland Government’s whole-of-government interests and priorities. In doing so, agencies will also ensure intergovernmental activities align with the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). Early engagement with central agencies is important to ensure identification of issues in a whole-of-government context.

d. Best practice agreements
Queensland will work to ensure agreements are fit-for-purpose, ensure appropriate accountability at each level of government, and do not contribute to further overlap or duplication between levels of governments. Queensland will seek flexibility and ensure appropriate exit planning is undertaken to ensure all options remain available to Queensland.

e. Positive overall impact
Queensland will prioritise intergovernmental activities that maximise the positive budgetary impact on Queensland. Cost-benefit analysis will be holistic and address upfront implementation costs as well as ongoing operational costs, risks and legal liability associated with any changes in responsibility or regulatory function. This includes consideration of the impact of fiscal equalisation affecting distribution of GST revenue among states and territories.

Negotiation process

  1. Treasurers and the Council of Federal Financial Relations (CFFR) oversee all intergovernmental funding agreements.
  2. CFFR have established Federation Funding Agreements to set out the core agreed terms and conditions for most funding agreements. Accordingly, negotiations should consider CFFR’s Principles of Federation Funding Agreements and the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations.
  3. Negotiations should aim to develop agreements/schedules which are similar to, and compatible with, Federation Funding Agreements.

Negotiating principles for the [INSERT AGREEMENT]

  1. What is Queensland’s strategic goal from these negotiations?
  2. At a high level, what are the key principles that will guide Queensland’s negotiations. These will need to be tailored to the specific negotiations being undertaken and cover key threshold matters to the state.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 22 March, 2024