8.4 Finalisation of a Bill

8.4.1 Cabinet approval to introduce a Bill

The draft Bill must be attached to the Authority to Introduce a Bill submission lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat.

8.4.2 Explanatory notes and Statement of Compatibility

Departments are required to prepare explanatory notes and a Statement of Compatibility to accompany the Authority to Introduce a Bill submission. The Legislative Standards Act 1992 sets out the various matters that must be addressed in explanatory notes for a Bill, including consistency with fundamental legislative principles. The explanatory notes will assist Members of Parliament and the general public to understand the objectives behind legislation and should be concise and in plain English.

As noted in 8.3.6 Compatibility with human rights the Human Rights Act 2019 sets out the requirements for the Statement of Compatibility. Explanatory notes are to be tabled with the Bill when a Minister introduces the legislation.

Preparation of the explanatory notes by the department ensures that the policy aims of the legislation are properly clarified and understood by the department and are reflected in the final form of the legislation.

More detailed information on explanatory notes is available in the Guidelines to the preparation of explanatory notes Guidelines to the preparation of explanatory notes, the Handy Hints checklist and the Queensland Legislation Handbook. Agencies are required to adopt the templates set out in these guidelines to ensure a consistent approach across government.

8.4.3 Changes to Bills following Cabinet approval

Once Cabinet has approved introduction of the Bill via consideration of an Authority to Introduce a Bill submission, further development of the content of a Bill cannot be undertaken by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel unless also authorised by Cabinet or the Premier. Minor amendments without Cabinet approval may be made to the Bill however, provided that they relate to minor technical or stylistic matters that do not change the intent or context of the Bill as approved previously by Cabinet.

8.4.4 Announcement of proposed legislation

Except with the specific agreement of the Premier, no announcement of an intention to introduce legislation should be made until after Cabinet has given Authority to Prepare a Bill approval. Caution should be exercised by Ministers in publicly announcing when legislation is to be introduced into the House. These decisions lie with the Premier, the Leader of the House, Caucus, and the Cabinet as a whole.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 25 August, 2024