4.2 Lodgement process for Cabinet Committee submissions
The lodgement process for Cabinet Committee submissions mirrors the process for Cabinet submissions, including both advance and final lodgement stages. Electronic copies of the advance and final lodgement Committee submissions must be lodged on the TCIS.
The DPC will provide feedback to departments on advance submissions at the earliest opportunity.
Notwithstanding feedback provided on the advance submission, the final form of the submission is ultimately a matter for the signing Minister/s.
The final submission should clearly outline major issues identified in feedback and how this feedback has been incorporated or the reasons this feedback has not been adopted.
Once the final submission has been lodged and briefing information received, the Premier will determine whether the submission should be included on the business list for Committee consideration. Refer to 4.1.3 Cabinet Budget Review Committee meeting scheduling, business list and briefing information .
The Cabinet Secretariat distributes Committee submissions in the same way as Cabinet submissions, commensurate with the security classification. Refer to 5.2 Security classifications on Cabinet submissions.
A flying minute is the process by which submissions are circulated to member Ministers to be considered out of session.
Whether a submission is dealt with via a flying minute is at the discretion of the Premier. Generally, flying minutes will be circulated on less contentious issues and where policy advice from DPC and QT is in alignment.
A flying minute is accompanied by a letter from the Cabinet Secretary setting out the time by which the Minister’s decision must be returned to the Cabinet Secretariat. Ministers should indicate their decision on the decision sheet provided with the flying minute. In exceptional circumstances, the Minister may indicate their decision by other means, in writing, to the Cabinet Secretary to ensure the return time is met, however, a signed decision sheet should also be returned at the earliest opportunity.
Minutes of Cabinet Committee meetings are recorded by the Cabinet Secretary and distributed to members of the Committee only.
Decisions will also be prepared by the Cabinet Secretary and distributed to Ministerial and Chief Executive Officer stakeholders, as appropriate, in the same way as Cabinet decisions. Refer to 3.9 Cabinet decisions.
Outcomes of Cabinet Committee meetings are to be reported to Cabinet on a regular basis.
Cabinet Committee information has the same status as Cabinet information and similar security measures must be in place to preserve confidentiality. Refer to 3.10 Security and management of Cabinet information. Similarly, access to Committee information must also accord with access conventions described in this handbook. Refer to 3.11 Access to Cabinet documents.
Upon agreement of the Chairperson, non-Cabinet members may attend Cabinet Committee meetings.
Public sector employees, ministerial staff and statutory body employees who attend Committee meetings are to assist their Minister and to provide advice to the meeting where required. Officials are expected to explain factual or technical material on request, but not to participate in discussions unless invited by the Chairperson.
Non-Cabinet members present at Cabinet Committee meetings are privy to discussions on the basis of absolute confidentiality. There must be no disclosure of the nature or content of the discussions.