4.3 Cabinet Budget Review Committee
The CBRC has a primary role of considering matters with financial or budgetary implications for the government. Initiatives or proposals that cannot be funded from existing appropriations must be directed to CBRC in the first instance for consideration. At the direction of the Premier or Cabinet, CBRC may also consider other issues. Refer to 4.1.1 Membership.
Stakeholder Minister(s) will be invited to meetings to provide input into deliberations on submissions at the discretion of the Chair.
QT’s input must be sought on financial information within submissions to give CBRC a high degree of confidence in the primary information underlying its decisions.
In drafting CBRC submissions involving financial considerations, originating agencies must consult closely with QT and agree on costing information in the submission. Where the submission arises or follows on from earlier CBRC consideration, and costing information has been amended since the original submission, it must also be agreed with QT and a comprehensive explanation on the changes given within the submission.
CBRC will not consider the proposal if the prior agreement of QT to financial information has not been received and reflected in a proposed submission.
Matters that would typically be considered by CBRC include:
- matters that would have a significant budgetary impact
- cyclical whole-of-government budget deliberative processes including those involving operational budget determination and mid year budget reviews
- governmental or departmental negotiating positions and outcomes on significant industrial relations issues. Refer to 4.3.4 Consideration of public sector enterprise bargaining matters.
- proposals that would require funding supplementation beyond that of the normal approved budget allocation to the originating portfolio
- approval of all major, sensitive, controversial, major impact, and/or television or equivalent advertising campaigns, for Queensland Government agencies. This includes in-flight videos, inserts and publications into state-wide or interstate publications. Refer to Chapter 4.3.3 Consideration of major communication campaigns for further information on this matter
- negotiating positions for intergovernmental agreements, including any new or significant variations to agreements with financial implications for Queensland
- all contracts where the financial value of the contract exceeds the limit authorised by Cabinet from time to time (Cabinet does not become involved in the selection of a tenderer but may approve the framework for the letting of such contracts. The commencement of projects valued over $10 million (including GST) and increases to the value of such a project by 10% or more are submitted to Executive Council as Executive Council Minutes for the financial approval of the Governor in Council in accordance with the QT Project Commencement Approval policy and presented in a summary list for signature)
- all proposals for Public Private Partnerships with an expected capital value in excess of $30 million or a whole of life present value of $50 million.
Should there be doubt as to whether a matter should be considered by CBRC, advice should be sought from the Cabinet Secretary.
CBRC is responsible for ensuring communication campaigns undertaken by departments which meet the criteria set out on Marketing Matters are professionally conceived and executed, meet whole–of-government standards, take into account community expectations, and represent value for money.
Departments are required to submit campaigns through relevant advertising approval processes managed by DPC. Details are listed on the Marketing Matters website (https://marketing.govnet.qld.gov.au/advertising/gacc.aspx).
CBRC considers a number of elements of a proposed communication campaign from a whole-of-government perspective to ensure that each campaign:
- meets the requirements of the Advertising and Marketing Communication Code of Conduct (available on the Marketing Matters website
- reflects relevant policy initiatives
- undertakes whole-of-government consultation (where applicable)
- is professionally conceived, executed and justified
- represents value for money
- reflects market research on community attitudes and behaviours.
The process applies to core government departments only.
Further information on advertising approvals and CBRC requirements for communication campaigns is available on the Marketing Matters website (https://marketing.govnet.qld.gov.au/advertising/gacc.aspx) or can be obtained from Strategic Communication, DPC (email gacc@premiers.qld.gov.au).
CBRC is responsible for considering public sector enterprise bargaining negotiating positions and outcomes. Approval of certain bargaining negotiating positions has been delegated to the Industrial Relations Chief Executive’s Committee (IR CEO’s Committee). The Office of industrial Relations’ Industrial Relations Public Sector unit provides central guidance on these processes.
The Minister responsible for Industrial Relations must be joint signatory on all CBRC submissions directly relating to these matters.