3.4 Determination of the business list for Cabinet meetings

The Premier determines the business list for the next Cabinet meeting usually on the preceding Monday. Whilst the Premier authorises the business list, this decision will be informed by the input of key senior ministers. This may also be assisted by briefings provided by senior DPC staff from The Cabinet Office as well as briefing material from DPC.

On the Friday before final lodgement of a Cabinet submission is due, the CLLO must confirm the readiness of the submission to proceed to final lodgement and advise the Cabinet Secretariat of any concerns, so this can be taken into account in determining the business list.

Following the determination of the business list, DPC will contact those departments proposing submissions for the next meeting and notify them of the outcome.

Any changes to the final Cabinet business list require approval of the Premier. Ministers must seek the Premier’s approval to delay consideration of a submission after the agenda is finalised. This should only occur in exceptional circumstances.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 21 March, 2024