1.3 Management of Conflicts of Interest

The Cabinet process requires the highest standard of propriety to ensure public confidence in the decisions of executive government.

The Ministerial Handbook and Ministerial Code of Conduct require Ministers to advise the Premier in writing about any conflict of interest between their personal interests and their ministerial responsibilities, and the actions that will be implemented to manage the conflict. This is done via a Conflict of Interest Management Plan.

There is a standing agenda item at all meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees whereby the meeting Chair asks Ministers attending the meeting to declare any conflicts of interest between personal interests held by them, or members of their immediate families, and the matters before the meeting.

Where Integrity Commissioner advice has been obtained in relation to a conflict of interest matter, prior to the meeting, this may be tendered at the meeting by providing a copy to the Cabinet Secretary.

Where a Minister has a conflict of interest with a matter being considered by Cabinet or a Cabinet committee, unless the matter under consideration concerns general public policy or where the Minister has no greater interest than that of other classes of people in the community or within the Cabinet generally, the Minister will withdraw from the meeting while that matter is being considered.

Where the matter to be determined concerns a matter of general public policy or where the Minister has no greater interest than that of other classes of people in the community or within the Cabinet generally, the Minister is not required to withdraw from the meeting and may continue to participate fully in the determination of the Government's policy on the matter.

The Cabinet Secretary will record in the Cabinet minutes any declarations related to conflicts of interest and if the Minister withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the relevant matter.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 21 March, 2024