5.2 Security classifications on Cabinet submissions

All submissions are assigned a security classification which determines the extent and method of their circulation by the Cabinet Secretariat.

When a decision is made by a Minister to develop a submission, it is the responsibility of that Minister, in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary, to allocate the appropriate security classification for the submission based on sensitivity and the level of security required.

Security Classification "A" (Secret)

Class A submissions and their associated decisions will be distributed to Ministers only via the Cab Bag app. Should the Minister require a hard copy, this will be provided direct from the Cabinet Secretariat to the Minister

Where an agency requires access to a Class A submission or decision in order to implement the decision, the relevant Minister may request that their Chief Executive is issued with a copy of the decision. 

Security Classification "B" (Restricted)

Class B submissions and their associated decision will be distributed to Ministers, Chief Executive Officers of the central agencies and those Chief Executive Officers of departments who were involved or need to be involved in the consultation process.

Security Classification "C" (Confidential)

Class C submissions will be distributed to Ministers and all Chief Executive Officers.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 21 March, 2024