7.3 Requirements for Cabinet submissions relevant to proactive release

Each Cabinet submission must include a recommendation that seeks Cabinet’s approval to release, or not release, the Cabinet material and the timeframe in which release is proposed (noting the information on timelines provided at Timeline for proactive release). The recommendation should be worded as follows:

That Cabinet note the intention to proactively release this submission, attachments and associated decision in thirty business days, subject to finalisation and approval by Cabinet.

That Cabinet note the intention to proactively release this submission, attachments and associated decisions, outside the thirty business day timeframe for the reasons outlined in paragraphs xx – xx of the submission, and subject to finalisation and approval by Cabinet.

That Cabinet approve this submission, attachments and associated decision are not suitable for proactive release for the reasons outlined in paragraphs xx- xx of the submission.

In addition, all Cabinet submissions must include a section titled ‘Proactive Release’. This must include an explanation of why proactive release is proposed, or not proposed, for the submission and/or associated cabinet materials such as attachments to the submission. Specific reference must be made to the criteria and considerations outlined in 7.0 Proactive release of Cabinet Material.

Where proactive release is proposed but approval is sought to defer release beyond 30 business days, the justification and expected publication date for relevant cabinet materials must also be included in this section of the submission.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 21 March, 2024