3.6 Distribution of Cabinet submissions
In the week prior to the Cabinet meeting, the Cabinet Secretariat will distribute the final submissions via the TCIS according to the security classifications assigned to the submissions. Refer to 5.2 Security classifications on Cabinet submissions for further detail on security classifications.
The exchange of briefing information assists Cabinet's decision-making process by identifying outstanding issues for resolution. It ensures that Ministers are fully informed of issues prior to entering the Cabinet meeting, thereby ensuring open and informed deliberation of issues can occur.
As soon as possible following lodgement of final submissions, the Cabinet Secretariat will provide Ministers with copies of briefing information prepared for the Premier by DPC in relation to all submissions to be considered.
Briefing information prepared by departments for their respective Ministers must be lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat by midday Thursday. Departmental briefing information is only provided to the department’s Minister and Chief Executive Officer, and DPC.
Should briefing notes be revised, or otherwise amended, they must be resubmitted through the Cabinet Secretariat so that they may be distributed. The words ‘amended’ or ‘replacement’ should be marked clearly in the top right hand corner of the briefing note.
Should a significant or contentious issue be evident in a Cabinet submission that has been distributed, contact should be made with The Cabinet Office, DPC, to discuss the issue.
On the Thursday night before Cabinet, the Cabinet Secretariat provides the complete set of Cabinet submissions and the briefing information prepared by DPC for the Premier, known as the ‘Cabinet Bag’, to Ministers and Chief Executive Officers via the Cab Bag app. Circulation of a submission in the Cabinet Bag is as per the security classification protocol described at 5.2 Security classifications on Cabinet submissions. The submissions are loaded remotely via a secure network system to the relevant iPad, which must have security settings to ensure Cabinet confidentiality.
Hard copies of the submissions may also be provided to Ministers and Chief Executive Officers by the Minister’s CLLO. This excludes submissions that are classified as "A" (Secret). If a hard copy is required by a Minister of an “A” class submission a request is made to the Cabinet Secretariat to print a copy which will be provided in a sealed envelope for the Minister.
Extreme care must be exercised to store Cab Bag app enabled iPads and Cabinet folders in a secure environment to safeguard the confidentiality of the Cabinet information.
Cabinet submissions uploaded to the iPads expire at a set date after the Cabinet meeting and will be deleted at this time.
Ministers are to take Cabinet folders and documents with them from the Cabinet Room after the meeting. Ministers must also ensure any notes they make which could reveal deliberations of the Cabinet are appropriately marked as Cabinet in confidence and stored or destroyed securely.