Annual departmental advertising placement spend 2017–18

Department Category Total
Campaign Non-Campaign
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 21,201 7,671 28,871
Agriculture and Fisheries 101,954 104,037 205,991
Child Safety, Youth and Women 0 50,884 50,884
Communities, Disability Services and Seniors 127,986 9,808 137,794
Corrective Services 0 3,974 3,974
Education 801,113 126,367 927,480
Employment, Small Business and Training 50,020 8,502 58,522
Environment and Science 230,165 58,502 288,667
Fire and Emergency Services 1,455,110 98,370 1,553,480
Health 6,518,692 306,613 6,825,305
Housing and Public Works 188,966 125,907 314,873
Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games 1,272,908 1,984 1,274,891
Justice and Attorney-General 142,673 154,295 296,969
Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs 0 21,989 21,989
Natural Resources, Mines and Energy 0 267,663 267,663
Police Service 11,920 8,747 20,667
Premier and Cabinet 3,074,809 158,974 3,233,783
State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning 63,117 156,335 219,452
Transport and Main Roads 8,087,262 454,183 8,541,445
Treasury 3,042,581 40,479 3,083,060
Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 713,598 130,876 844,474
Education and Training 1,221,860 357,547 1,579,407
Energy and Water Supply 936,706 35,853 972,559
Environment and Heritage Protection 497,147 76,227 573,374
Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning 74,852 62,893 137,744
National Parks, Sport and Racing 10,621 26,297 36,918
Natural Resources and Mines 0 162,651 162,651
Science, Information Technology and Innovation 0 16,295 16,295
State Development 176,655 285,986 462,641
Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games 1,080,705 20,133 1,100,838
TOTAL LINE DEPARTMENTS 29,902,622 3,340,043 33,242,665

N.B. Billings listed from Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services to Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games relate to departments that have changed or were abolished due to machinery of government.

Amounts included are in Australian dollars and rounded to the nearest $1.

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Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 12 December, 2018