Annual departmental advertising placement spend 2018–19

Department Category Total
Campaign Non-Campaign
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 0 16,401 16,401
Agriculture and Fisheries 450,719 99,497 550,216
Child Safety, Youth and Women 544,151 151,009 695,160
Communities, Disability Services and Seniors 178,043 (496) 177,548
Corrective Services 0 44,360 44,360
Education 866,156 320,691 1,186,846
Employment, Small Business and Training 204,240 42,706 246,945
Environment and Science 230,915 82,548 313,464
Fire and Emergency Services 1,398,228 32,025 1,430,253
Health 9,895,894 191,535 10,087,430
Housing and Public Works 454,262 371,787 826,049
Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games 60,110 14,901 75,011
Justice and Attorney-General 60,668 64,025 124,693
Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs 49,028 47,279 96,307
Natural Resources, Mines and Energy 397,754 275,431 673,186
Police 10,000 9,224 19,224
Premier and Cabinet 2,724,907 75,670 2,800,576
State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning 252,026 528,382 780,408
Transport and Main Roads 6,040,075 411,441 6,451,516
Treasury (8,239) 34,628 26,390
Youth Justice 0 1,306 1,306
*Education and Training (422,707) 0 (422,707)
*Environment and Heritage Protection 60 0 60
*Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (17) 0 (17)
TOTAL LINE DEPARTMENTS 23,386,273 2,814,350 26,200,623

*N.B. Billings listed from Department of Education and Training, Environment and Heritage Protection and Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning relate to departments that have changed or were abolished due to machinery of government.

Amounts included are in Australian dollars and rounded to the nearest $1.

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Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 24 June, 2020