Annual departmental advertising placement spend 2023–24

Department Category Total
Campaign Non-Campaign
Agriculture and Fisheries  2,973,444 44,576 3,018,020
Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services  637,397 0 637,397
Corrective Services 721,610 19,887 741,497
Education 3,704,763 124,084 3,828,847
Employment, Small Business and
1,054,716 302 1,055,018
Energy and Climate  2,010,888 31,717 2,042,604
Environment, Science and Innovation 0 16,762 16,762
Fire and Emergency  4,677,919 16,360 4,694,280
Health 8,887,258 30,538 8,917,796
Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works  566,966 24,466 591,432
Justice and Attorney-General  674,585 17,010 691,595
Police Service 3,048,536 47,038 3,095,574
Premier and Cabinet  441,642 173,706 615,349
Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water  299,724 73,323 373,048
Resources 262 76,602 76,864
State Development and
0 71,398 71,398
Tourism and Sport 610,399 2,583 612,982
Transport and Main Roads  8,065,075 474,964 8,540,039
Treasury 2,012,824 24,828 2,037,652
Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts  0 30,591 30,591
Youth Justice 0 0 0
Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs* 957,042 20,926 977,969
Communities, Housing and Digital Economy* 307,116 1,870 308,986
Energy and Public Works* 498,464 52,310 550,774
Environment and Science* 866,193 140,881 1,007,074
Housing* 86,165 2,362 88,527
Seniors, Disability Services and
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships*
-8,144 659 -7,484
State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning* 5,895,383 81,705 5,977,088
Tourism, Innovation and Sport* 22,510 4,221 26,730
Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training* 99,722 0 99,722
TOTAL LINE DEPARTMENTS 49,112,460 1,605,670 50,718,130
*N.B. Departments that have changed or were abolished due to machinery-of-government during the 2023–24 financial year. Amounts included are in Australian dollars and rounded to the nearest $1. Non-campaign includes expenditure for recruitment advertising, excluding SEEK. You can:

Last updated: 11 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 11 November, 2024