Disclosure log - 2012

There may be documents that are currently only available in .pdf format. Should you be unable to read this format please contact 07 3003 9231 or email rti@premiers.qld.gov.au (include information for contact by phone, email or in writing). We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

Access the 2011 disclosure log for releases 34-42

Disclosure number

Date of decision

Topic / Information released


24 August 2012

Documents related to the impact of Government’s decision not to renew temporary contract of department staff from 26 March 2012 to 4 July 2012

To obtain a copy contact the Manager, Right to Information and Privacy at rti@premiers.qld.gov.au or on 07 3003 9230 to arrange to pay the applicable fee.

Processing charge: $258.00
Access charges:
By CD: No additional charges
By paper copy: $15.20


13 March 2013

Establishment list for the Premier and Ministers, including total salaries for each office, plus comparable document for the former Bligh Government (PDF, 6.93 MB)


22 March 2013

All documentation and correspondence to or from or in relation to GVK, and/or Hancock Coal held by the Department (PDF, 5.6 MB)


19 March 2013

All documentation and correspondence to or from or in relation to GVK, and/or Hancock Coal held by the Office of the Premier (PDF, 4.8 MB)


16 November 2012

Documentation to or from or relating to Mr David Moore (PDF, 2.96 MB)


6 March 2013

Right to Information and media management matters (PDF, 11.6 MB)


21 December 2012

Communications between the Department and the Office of the Premier regarding altering of ‘Governing Queensland’ Handbooks, the Code of Conduct or entitlements of Members of Parliament since the 2012 election (PDF, 2.68 MB)


13 February 2013

Correspondence between the Premier and/or the Premier’s office and the Liberal National Party (PDF, 7.6 MB)


14 February 2013

Documents regarding the provision of catering within the Office of the Premier of Queensland, at Cabinet meetings and on the Government Aircraft (PDF, 9.59 MB)


6 February 2013

Documents regarding the decision to reinstate uranium mining in Queensland (PDF, 4.22 MB)


13 December 2012

Documents relating to social media.

To obtain a CD of the released documents, email the disclosure number (0074) and your mailing address to rti@premiers.qld.gov.au.

Alternatively, write to The Manager, Right to Information and Privacy, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, PO Box 15185, City East Qld 4002.


22 January 2013

Documents between the Right to Information & Privacy Unit and the Office of the Premier regarding Right to Information applications from 20 January 2011 to 24 March 2012 (PDF, 4.15 MB)


18 December 2012

Emails to/from Mr John Bradley (former Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet) and Mr Eamonn Fitzpatrick (former Principal Media Advisor, former Office of the Premier) (PDF, 969 KB)


20 December 2012

Documents relating to Right to Information and media matters (PDF, 1.27 MB)

Audio of ABC 612 Brisbane attached to folio 30 (MP3, 5.73 MB)


7 December 2012

Documents relating to budget saving measures (PDF, 3.4 MB)


20 December 2012

Documentation relating to the "Economic Development Bill 2012" held by the Office of the Premier (PDF, 179 KB)


4 December 2012

Documents relating to amendments or proposed amendments to the Queensland Government Air Wing Guidelines (PDF, 1.38 MB)


7 December 2012

Documents relating to the replacement of the Queensland Government Corporate Logo with the Coat of Arms (PDF, 1.20 MB)


16 August 2012

Documents relating to meetings at the Liberal National Party’s state convention (PDF, 225 KB)


21 November 2012

Documents referring to the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Global and International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Oceania (PDF, 1.71 MB)


16 November 2012

Ministerial Briefing Notes regarding the Gold Coast (PDF, 1.35 MB)


9 November 2012

Fit-out/refurbishment Ministerial and Director-General’s Offices (PDF, 1.92 MB)


12 October 2012

Documents and correspondence relating to Yabulu Nickel Refinery and Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd (PDF, 5.67 MB)


2 October 2012

Correspondence between the Premier and senior church leaders and religious organisations (PDF, 1.38 MB)


4 October 2012

Documents detailing Government Air Wing flights from 24 March 2012 to 10 August 2012 (PDF, 4.39 MB)


19 October 2012

Documents regarding change of service delivery model for internal audit and risk services for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, documents regarding number of public service employees and documents regarding employees surplus to the department’s needs (PDF, 5.04 MB)


8 October 2012

Notices/decisions under the Public Service Act 2008 (PDF, 411 KB)


28 September 2012

Expenditure claims for Director, Government Media Unit (to 3 July 2012) (PDF, 729 KB)


14 September 2012

Briefs regarding proposed government precinct (PDF, 73 KB)


31 August 2012

Expenditure approval relating to Ms Lisa Newman (PDF, 78 KB)


28 August 2012

Correspondence between the Premier and Mr Tom Tate (Gold Coast City Council Mayor) (PDF, 401 KB)


27 July 2012

Documents regarding casino related matters (PDF, 1.1 MB)


16 August 2012

Documents regarding Premier’s Office meetings (PDF, 568 KB)


27 July 2012

Ministerial office refurbishments and fuel expenditure – Part A (PDF, 6.63 MB)

Ministerial office refurbishments and fuel expenditure – Part B (PDF, 7.86 MB)

Ministerial office refurbishments and fuel expenditure – Part C (PDF, 5.32 MB)


26 July 2012

Vegetation management - Part A (PDF, 15.5 MB)

Vegetation management - Part B (PDF, 9.04 MB)


23 July 2012

Premier’s televised address of Sunday, 24 June 2012 regarding Queensland’s finances (PDF, 967 KB)

Video of Premier’s televised address attached to folio 45 (WMV, 6.72 MB)


25 June 2012

Media plans, appraisals and procedures (PDF, 744 KB)


15 June 2012

Premier’s Office catering (PDF, 529 KB)


18 April 2012

Central Queensland Integrated Rail Project (PDF, 2.71 MB)


15 February 2012

Operation Bounce Back (PDF, 2.91 MB)


15 February 2012

Operation Bounce Back (PDF, 2.72 MB)


13 February 2012

OurSay forum (PDF, 842 KB)

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 20 December, 2012