RTIP83 |
17 December 2013 |
Documents held by the Office of the Premier produced since the election of the Newman Government, containing any information about incidents or occasions of harassment and/or bullying and/or abusive behaviour, including swearing, involving the Premier and/or ministerial staff and/or any other Minister in contact with the office.
Date range - March 2012 to 17 December 2013. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID211 |
17 December 2013 |
Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet produced since the election of the Newman Government containing any information about incidents or occasions of harassment and/or bullying and/or abusive behaviour, including swearing, involving the Premier and/or departmental staff and/or any other Minister in contact with the office.
Date range - March 2012 to 17 December 2013. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTIP82 |
12 December 2013 |
Any documents (emails, telephone records, file notes, notebook entries, Word documents) held by the Office of the Premier which purport to be communications between the Office of the Premier and the:
- Office of the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice (including the Attorney-General); or
- Crime and Misconduct Commission,
regarding the Acting Crime and Misconduct Commissioner, Dr Ken Levy's opinion piece published in The Courier Mail and/or any other media issues relating to the Crime and Misconduct Commission. Date range - 1 July 2013 to 12 December 2013. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID210 |
2 December 2013 |
All documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet which refer or relate to staff movements, dismissals and transfers that relate to the Office of the Minister for Education, Training and Employment. Date range - 3 April 2012 to 2 November 2013. |
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTIP80 |
21 November 2013 |
Documents (emails, notebook entries, diary entries) held by the Office of the Premier which refer or relate to ministerial staff movements, transfers, terminations or other staffing issues within ministerial offices. Date range - 1 July 2012 to 21 November 2013 |
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTIP79 |
13 November 2013 |
Any minutes, recordings or records of the meetings on 8 August 2013 and/or 3 October 2013, held by the Office of the Premier, between the:
- Premier;
- Attorney-General; and
- Acting Chairman of the Crime and Misconduct Commission.
Application finalised.
ABC News |
RTID209 |
12 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet concerning:
- The Environmental Protection Act 1994 Information Notice issued to Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd dated 29 October 2013;
- Hedley Thomas (in respect of matters relating to point 1); or
- The Australian newspaper (in respect of matters relating to point 1).
Date range - 1 May 2013 to 8 November 2013. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTIP78 |
8 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Office of the Premier concerning:
- The Environmental Protection Act 1994 Information Notice issued to Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd dated 29 October 2013;
- Hedley Thomas (in respect of matters relating to point 1); and
- The Australian newspaper (in respect of matters relating to point 1).
Date range - 1 May 2013 to 8 November 2013. |
Application finalised.
Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd |
RTID208 |
7 November 2013 |
Any document held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet referring to and/or referencing Sibelco and/or Sibelco Australia Limited.
Date range - 1 April 2013 to 7 November 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID207 |
7 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Governor-in-Council concerning:
- The Waratah Coal Infrastructure Facility of Significance application;
- The letter from the Honourable Jeff Seeney MP to Waratah Coal dated 30 October 2013;
- The undated Statement of Reasons why the Governor-in-Council refused the Waratah Coal China First Rail Corridor Project as an infrastructure facility that is of significance under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (this statement was attached to the letter from Mr Seeney dated 30 October 2013);
- Hedley Thomas; or
- The Australian newspaper.
Date range - 1 September 2013 to 7 November 2013. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID206 |
7 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Office of the Governor concerning:
- The Waratah Coal Infrastructure Facility of Significance application;
- The letter from the Honourable Jeff Seeney MP to Waratah Coal dated 30 October 2013;
- The undated Statement of Reasons why the Governor-in-Council refused the Waratah Coal China First Rail Corridor Project as an infrastructure facility that is of significance under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (this statement was attached to the letter from Mr Seeney dated 30 October 2013);
- Hedley Thomas; or
- The Australian newspaper.
Date range - 1 September 2013 to 7 November 2013. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID205 |
7 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet concerning:
- The Waratah Coal Infrastructure Facility of Significance application;
- The letter from the Honourable Jeff Seeney MP to Waratah Coal dated 30 October 2013;
- The undated statement of reasons why the Governor in Council refused the Waratah Coal China First Rail Corridor Project as an infrastructure facility that is of significance under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (this statement was attached to the letter from Mr Seeney dated 30 October 2013);
- Hedley Thomas; or
- The Australian newspaper in relation to Waratah Coal Pty Ltd, China First Pty Ltd, Mineralogy Pty Ltd, Clive Palmer or any of their interests.
Date range - 1 September 2013 to 7 November 2013. |
Application finalised.
Waratah Coal Pty Ltd |
RTIP76 |
7 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Office of the Premier concerning:
- The Environmental Protection Order issued by the Department of Environment to Waratah Coal dated 5 November 2013;
- Lot 1 on BF72 situated at Kia Ora, Alpha;
- EPC 1040;
- Hedley Thomas; or
- The Australian newspaper in relation to Waratah Coal Pty Ltd, China First Pty Ltd, Mineralogy Pty Ltd, Clive Palmer or any of their interests.
Date range - 1 September 2013 to 6 November 2013. |
Application finalised.
Mineralogy Pty Ltd |
RTIP77 |
7 November 2013 |
All documents and correspondence held by the Office of the Premier about or concerning any of:
- The Waratah Coal Infrastructure Facility of Significance application;
- The letter from the Hon Jeff Seeney MP to Waratah Coal dated 30 October 2013;
- The undated statement of reasons why the Governor in Council refused the Waratah Coal China First Rail Corridor Project as an infrastructure facility that is of significance under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (this statement was attached to the letter from Mr Seeney dated 30 October 2013);
- Hedley Thomas; or
- The Australian newspaper in relation to Waratah Coal Pty Ltd, China First Pty Ltd, Mineralogy Pty Ltd, Clive Palmer or any of their interests.
Date range - 1 September 2013 to 7 November 2013. |
Application finalised.
Mineralogy Pty Ltd |
RTID204 |
7 November 2013 |
All documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet concerning:
- The Environmental Protection Order issued by the Department of Environment to Waratah Coal dated 5 November 2013;
- Lot 1 on BF72 situated at Kia Ora, Alpha;
- EPC 1040;
- Hedley Thomas; or
- The Australian newspaper in relation to Waratah Coal Pty Ltd, China First Pty Ltd, Mineralogy Pty Ltd, Clive Palmer or any of their interests.
Date range - 1 September 2013 to 6 November 2013. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTIP75 |
25 October 2013 |
All documents held by the Office of the Premier relating to communication between the:
- Office of the Premier;
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet;
- Office of the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice;
- Department of Justice and Attorney-General; and
- Minister for Police and Community Safety,
from 1 May 2013 to 25 October 2013 concerning the drafting of new anti-bikie laws. |
Application finalised.
ABC News |
RTIP74 |
25 October 2013 |
- referring to and/or referencing Sibelco and/or Sibelco Australia Limited; and
- any meetings between the Premier and/or senior staff and the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines.
Date range - 1 April 2013 to 25 October 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID201 |
25 October 2013 |
- Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet describing the community engagement process used for The Queensland Plan including:
- objectives and principles relating to the design of the process;
- intended outcomes of the engagement process; and
- details of the assessment process used to select the engagement methodology for the plan.
- Further detail regarding the types of groups who submitted feedback and acknowledged in Queensland’s Response prepared by Colmar Brunton.
- Peak bodies workshop 30 April 2013 – identification of the process used to select delegates and a breakdown of who attended.
- Mackay Summit 10 May 2013 – identification of the process used to select MP delegates, description of engagement methods used and a breakdown of who attended (including demographics where possible).
- Brisbane Summit 9 and 10 October 2013 – identification of the process used to select MP delegates, description of engagement methods used and a breakdown of who attended (including demographics where possible).
Application finalised.
Mr Brian Feeney |
RTID203 |
25 October 2013 |
All documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to communication between the:
- Office of the Premier;
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet;
- Office of the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice;
- Department of Justice and Attorney-General; and
- Minister for Police and Community Safety,
from 1 May 2013 to 25 October 2013 concerning the drafting of new anti-bikie laws. |
Application finalised.
ABC News |
RTID202 |
16 October 2013 |
Information about (name withheld) arrest; what it was for, whether he was convicted and any injury he may have and/or claimed he received whilst he was in custody. Anything regarding what happened in his last two years of his life.
Prior to December 1985 and up to 1986 when he died. |
Application finalised. |
Name withheld |
RTIP73 |
10 October 2013 |
Emails and ministerial briefs held by the Office of the Premier regarding the transfer of Wide Bay Water Corporation to Fraser Coast Regional Council. Specifically emails between the Office of the Premier and: the Member for Maryborough; the Member for Hervey Bay; Treasurer; and Minister for Local Government. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP72 |
20 September 2013 |
Request for documents and their associated metadata held in the Premier's Office relating to the Carmody Inquiry:
- All correspondence relating to the change to paragraph 3 (e) of the terms of reference of the Inquiry which was effected by the Order in Council published in the Government Gazette on 5/4/2013.
- Any documents, drafts of documents, notes, memos, notes of telephone conversations, diary entries, minutes of meetings or other material in any way relating to either the proposal or the decision to change the terms of reference referred to above.
Application finalised.
The Honourable Dean Wells |
RTID200 |
20 September 2013 |
Any document held by the Department of Premier and Cabinet for the period 1 January 2013 to 20 September 2013, regarding Boot Camps in Queensland and any documents dealing with the selection, appointment and EOI process of operators for the Boot Camps. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP71 |
18 September 2013 |
Any documents held by the Office of the Premier for the period 1 January 2013 to 18 September 2013, regarding Boot Camps in Queensland. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID198 |
12 September 2013 |
Any document held by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, relating to the investigation by Mr Jon Grayson, Director-General regarding a trip undertaken by the Honourable Jack Dempsey MP to Cairns on or around 25 May 2012 or any other information in regards to the trip, excluding documents held by Ministerial Services.
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTIP69 |
11 September 2013 |
Any correspondence held within the Office of the Premier relating to the contents of the Keelty Review or its draft versions since 1 January 2013.
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTID197 |
11 September 2013 |
Documents relating to cases in which members of the State Parliament have been asked to return money, or had their claim for expenses rejected either in part or totally, or issued with a debit note in terms of section 4.3 of the Ministerial Handbook, or have made a claim which was later found to be false or improperly claimed.
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTIP68 |
2 September 2013 |
Any documents including emails, letters, faxes, reports, ministerial briefing notes, and memos held by the Office of the Premier relating to the departure of 14 staff members from Tourism Minister Jann Stuckey's office since 27 March 2012.
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTID196 |
19 August 2013 |
Documents and their associated metadata for the period 1 January 2013 to 19 August 2013, by the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry:
- All correspondence relating to the change to paragraph 3 (e) of the terms of reference of the Inquiry which was effected by the Order in Council published in the Government Gazette on 5 April 2013.
- Any documents, drafts of documents, notes, memos, diary entries, minutes of meetings or other material in any way relating to either the proposal or the decision to change the terms of reference referred to above.
Application finalised.
The Honourable Dean Wells |
RTID195 |
19 August 2013 |
Statistical information on the numbers of accepted and denied stress claims submitted to the Queensland State Library for the period 1990 to 19 August 2013. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID194 |
15 August 2013 |
Any attachments and full emails that were referred to, but not included in The Courier-Mail's application to the Department of Premier and Cabinet on Scott Driscoll. |
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTID192 |
9 August 2013 |
All documents produced containing information of entitled payments provided to Mr Peter Beattie since he finished his appointment as Queensland Premier. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID191 |
7 August 2013 |
All documents produced for the period 27 March 2012 to 7 August 2013 and held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, containing information about plans, processes, requests and funding for media training for ministers. |
Application finalised.
The Seven Network Limited |
RTID190 |
2 August 2013 |
All documents produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet for the period 27 March 2012 to 2 August 2013, containing information showing the extent, incidence, costs (including accommodation), reasons and destination of overseas travel by public servants. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID189 |
22 July 2013 |
All information and material held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and all other units for the period 1 January 2012 to 18 July 2013, relating or referring to Schapelle Corby, to any member of her family, to The Expendable Project, or to supporters or supporter groups.
This should include all material relating to the $1.5 million in production funding for three major film and television projects in Queensland (announced by the Department of Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts on 15 June 2013), including all other contributions such as the additional $300,000 of support provided for TV conceptual development. This material should be provided even where Schapelle Corby or the Schapelle telemovie are not specifically referenced, as it will nonetheless represent a generic referral. |
Application finalised. |
Ms Diane Frola |
RTIP67 |
15 July 2013 |
Any documents relating to politician pay rise, or changes to MP remuneration and entitlements since March 27, 2012 held within the Office of the Premier. |
Application Finalised
The Courier Mail |
RTID188 |
15 July 2013 |
Any documents relating to politician pay rise, or changes to MP remuneration and entitlements since March 27, 2012 held within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. |
Application Finalised
The Courier Mail |
RTID187 |
5 July 2013 |
Documents produced in the last 12 months (1 June 2012 to 30 June 2013) showing information about any sale or disposal of government-owned buildings and/or land without tender and any advice, analysis or other information about the need, requirement or desirability of using a tender process for such sale or disposal held within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP66 |
20 June 2013 |
All documents including briefing notes, emails (including but not limited to emails from/to email addresses ending in @parliament.qld.gov.au), letters, memos, sticky notes regarding Mr Terry Hill from the Department of Transport and Main Roads held by the Office of the Premier for the period 1 March 2013 to 20 June 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID186 |
5 June 2013 |
For the period 27 March 2012 to 5 June 2013, any documents relating to cases in which members of State Parliament and/or their ministerial staff:
- have been asked to return money, or
- had their claim for expenses rejected either in part or totally, or
- issued with a debit note in terms of section 4.3 of the Ministerial Handbook, or
- have made a claim which was later found to be false or improperly claimed.
Without limiting this application, the documents sought would be expected to include:
- the identity of the MP, the amount of money refunded or denied and what the money was spent on or intended to be spent on.
- any correspondence, receipts or other documents relating to the instance/s.
- details of the circumstances, supporting documents and the identity of any person who either disputed the charge, paid the debit note or arranged a repayment schedule in terms of section 4.3 of the Ministerial Handbook.
Application resubmitted on 11 September 2013. See entry above. |
RTIP65 |
24 May 2013 |
Correspondence regarding Member for Redcliffe Scott Driscoll held by the Office of the Premier for the period 1 September 2012 to 19 February 2013. |
Application finalised.
Queensland Newspapers |
RTID185 |
23 May 2013 |
All written communication involving personnel at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and relevant Ministers concerning:
- flood events that occurred between September 2010 and February 2011 including in relation to:
- weather forecasts and warnings of severe weather events in the lead up to the flood events;
- flood preparedness activities;
- risk of harm/damage due to flooding;
- flood mitigation operations at Wivenhoe, Somerset and North Pine dams; and/or
- water supply considerations relating to the above dams.
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP64 |
23 May 2013 |
Documents regarding the preparation, amendments and approval of the Queensland Plan advertising campaign and the associated cost between 26 February 2013 to 23 May 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID184 |
23 May 2013 |
All documents in relation to:
- Ministerial Office improvements or fit outs since 1 September 2012 to 23 May 2013,
- the Business Travel Account Statement for travel expenses of the Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning since 1 April 2012 to 23 May 2013, and
- the Business Travel Account Statement for the Office of the Minister for Police and Community Safety for 21 May 2012 to 1 June 2012.
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTIP63 |
16 May 2013 |
All documents relating to the activities of purported members of registered industrial organisations including surveillance of individual’s, gatherings, protests, marches, functions, meeting events, social media and electronic communication from 1 March 2012 to 16 May 2013 held within the Office of the Premier. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID182 |
15 May 2013 |
With reference to the Government Air Wing (including the Government Air Wing, Police Air Wing and Emergency Management Queensland):
- All documents or information relating to the Government Air Wing Review, including:
- any terms of reference, request to investigate, review or consider the operation, performance, status, governance structure, role or any other aspect of the Government Air Wing; and any report, advice or briefing arising from, as a result of or otherwise submitted or related to any such review (including status reports/updates, drafts and/or final reports and executive summary/briefing notes relating to same).
- All documents or information, including those considered in relation to or used for the review referred to in (a) above:
- current number, type and value of aircraft owned/leased or chartered by the Queensland Government; goods and services provided to the Government Air Wing by non-government providers, as well as a list of the value and organisations providing such goods or services; capital, maintenance and operating costs, as well as services/flying hours, for the whole Government Air Wing (including breakdowns by item/category) for the past 5 years; and goals set and performance achieved for the whole Government Air Wing for the past 5 years.
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP62 |
9 May 2013 |
Documents within the Office of the Premier regarding the development of the Port of Abbot Point, specifically:
- the decision of the Queensland Government to stop the NQBP Projects Terminals 4-9 and the Multi-Cargo Facility;
- GVK Hancock advice to the Queensland Government regarding the T4-9 Projects holding up the EPBC approvals and its T3 Project;
- the North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) board paper presented at the Board meeting held on 22 May 2012; and
- all meetings held with NQBP, including but limited to meetings held on 1 and 8 May 2012.
Application finalised.
Waratah Coal Pty Ltd |
RTID181 |
9 May 2013 |
Documents within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding the development of the Port of Abbot Point, specifically:
- the decision of the Queensland Government to stop the NQBP Projects Terminals 4-9 and the Multi-Cargo Facility;
- GVK Hancock advice to the Queensland Government regarding the T4-9 Projects holding up the EPBC approvals and its T3 Project;
- the North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) board paper presented at the Board meeting held on 22 May 2012; and
- all meetings held with NQBP, including but limited to meetings held on 1 and 8 May 2012.
Application finalised.
Waratah Coal Pty Ltd |
RTIP61 |
6 May 2013 |
Documents within the Office of the Premier relating to work-related suicides and/or self harm since June 1, 2012. |
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTIP60 |
2 May 2013 |
The diary of the Director (Government Media Unit) from 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID179 |
30 April 2013 |
Any documents relating to items stolen, lost, vandalised or otherwise damaged from ministerial offices since January 1, 2009.
Including documents which show what the items are, the cost and any documents which detail their replacement. |
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTID177 |
25 April 2013 |
Correspondence received regarding Member for Redcliffe Scott Driscoll. |
Application withdrawn |
RTID180 |
23 April 2013 |
All briefing notes between the Director-General and the Minister since January 1, 2012. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID178 |
23 April 2013 |
All briefing notes between the Director-General and the Premier since January 1, 2012. |
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTID176 |
19 April 2013 |
All documents in the Department relating to the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay Region from 1 April 2012 to 19 April 2013. |
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTIP59 |
19 April 2013 |
All documents in the Office of Premier relating to the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay Region from 1 April 2012 to 19 April 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID175 |
16 April 2013 |
All documents relating to the appointment of Mr John Britton as Legal Services Commissioner. |
Application finalised.
Alexander Kurschinsky |
RTID174 |
4 April 2013 |
Electronic toll accounts for the Premier, Ministers, Leader of the Opposition and all Members of Parliament including toll amounts paid through electronic tags as collected through go via accounts (or similar) from 3 April 2012 to 25 March 2013. |
Application finalised.
Nine Network Australia |
RTIP58 |
3 April 2013 |
Diary of Mr Ben Myers, Chief of Staff to the Premier of Queensland, from 1 February 2013 to 3 April 2013. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID173 |
3 April 2013 |
Briefing notes prepared for the Office of the Premier from 25 February 2013 to 1 April 2013. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTID166 |
20 March 2013 |
Documents relating to traffic infringements and parking fines, involving vehicles assigned to Ministers, senior ministerial staff, Directors-General and the Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service from 26 March 2012 to 20 March 2013. |
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTIP57 |
18 March 2013 |
Documents relating to Scott Driscoll MP in the Office of the Premier from 19 February 2013 to 18 March 2013. |
Application finalised.
The Courier Mail |
RTIP56 |
12 March 2013 |
Documents in relation to petty cash expenditure within the Office of the Queensland Premier. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID171 |
7 March 2013 |
Transaction Reports for the mid-year Public Report of Expenses, for the period 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012, for Assistant Ministers for the LNP Newman Government. |
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTIP55 |
1 March 2013 |
Communications between Transport and Main Roads Director-General, Michael Caltabiano's Office and Premier Campbell Newman held by the Office of the Premier. |
Application finalised.
Waratah Coal Pty Ltd |
RTID170 |
1 March 2013 |
Communications between Transport and Main Roads Director-General, Michael Caltabiano's Office and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID167 |
1 March 2013 |
Correspondence to or from or in relation to Santo Santoro or Santo Santoro Consulting held by the Office of the Premier. |
Application finalised.
Waratah Coal Pty Ltd |
RTID168 |
19 February 2013 |
Documents relating to the appointment of board members of Screen Queensland. |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |
RTID167 |
19 February 2013 |
Correspondence held by the Department to or from or in relation to Santo Santoro or Santo Santoro Consulting. |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |
RTID166 |
14 February 2013 |
Documents relating to the provision of hospitality, kitchen supplies and catering for meetings and/or events for all ministerial offices, excluding expenses related to the Office of the Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection which is covered in RTID165. |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |
RTID165 |
6 February 2013 |
Documents relating to the provision of hospitality, kitchen supplies and catering for the Office of the Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection. |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |
RTID164 |
29 January 2013 |
Files and associated documentation relating to Right to Information (RTI) applications RTIP27 and RTID82. |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |
RTIP53 |
25 January 2013 |
Documents regarding the resignation of Dr Alex Douglas MP from the Liberal National Party. |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |
RTIP52 |
25 January 2013 |
Documents relating to the employment and redeployment of staff in Minister Jann Stuckey's office |
Application finalised.
Applications lodged prior to 22 February 2013 do not require applicants to be identified. |