Disclosure log - 2015

Our disclosure log contains information about applications made under the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) to the department and the Office of the Premier.

Some documents may have details removed, or pages that are blank, because the information is either irrelevant or exempt under the RTI Act.*

There may be documents that are currently only available in .pdf format. Should you be unable to read this format please contact 07 3003 9231 or email rti@premiers.qld.gov.au (include information for contact by phone, email or in writing). We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

RTI reference Date application made Topic / information requested Status Applicant / entity
RTIP150 26 November 2015

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for the Arts relating to the Barge Wharf Access Agreement and Access Road Agreement Variation Deed between Gladstone Ports Corporation and Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal

Time period / date range for request: 1 September 2014 to 26 November 2015.
Application finalised. Ashurst Lawyers on behalf of Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal Pty Limited.
RTID301 24 November 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the Barge Wharf Access Agreement and Access Road Agreement Variation Deed between Gladstone Ports Corporation and Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal.

Time period / date range for request: 1 September 2014 to 24 November 2015.
Application finalised. Ashurst Lawyers on behalf of Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal Pty Limited.
RTID298 29 October 2015

All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including emails, memos, letters, briefing notes and other materials relating to board appointments for Queensland’s Government-Owned Corporations and commercial Statutory authorities.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 23 October 2015.
Application withdrawn.  
RTID297 26 October 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet: All emails (including any attachments) relating to the public release of the Queensland Economic Action Plan.

Time period / date range for request: 8 October 2015 to 23 October 2015.
Application withdrawn.  
RTIP148 28 October 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier including all emails sent from and received by the Premier’s Office and all staff within the Premier's Office (including any attachments).

Time period / date range for request: 11 July 2015 to 13 July 2015.

Application withdrawn.  
RTIP147 19 October 2015

Any emails held in the Office of the Premier relating to questions on notice generated or received by staff or the Premier that refer to or mention Bill Byrne, Billy Gordon or the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and Minister for Sport and Racing and any attachments to those emails.

Time period / date range for request: 14 September 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application finalised.  
RTIP146 19 October 2015

Any diary entries held in the Office of the Premier naming Terry Mackenroth by Premier or premier’s office staff, including any meetings where Mr Mackenroth is named but not noted as an attendee.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application withdrawn.  
RTIP145 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier relating to the Great Keppel Island Resort (GKIR) project. This is to include any correspondence discussing the GKIR project or Tower Holdings, including communications between members of the Office of the Premier and proponents of the GKIR project.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application finalised – no documents.  
RTIP144 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier relating to Terry Mackenroth, including but not restricted to documents relating to Mr Mackenroth’s voluntary transition-to-government preparations and subsequent advice. This should cover any documents or communications naming Mr Mackenroth, as well as communications involving the Premier or members of the Premier’s office in which Mr Mackenroth was the sender/recipient. Documents discussing Government activities and meetings with Mr Mackenroth (or organised by Mr Mackenroth) should be included in searches.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application withdrawn.  
RTIP143 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier relating to the draft document entitled Queensland Economic Action Plan (labelled as being prepared by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Economic Policy Group and tabled in State Parliament 15.10.15). Documents should include those discussing the preparation, authorship of the report, work on the report, discussions leading up to the completion of the draft report, commissioning of work relating to the report, any updates on work relating to the report, discussions about media coverage of the report and leaking of the report.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application finalised – no documents  
RTIP142 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier relating to discussions involving the draft document entitled Queensland Economic Action Plan (labelled as being prepared by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Economic Policy Group and tabled in State Parliament 15.10.15) or any predecessor reports of a different name.

Time period / date range for request: 1 November 2014 to 31 January 2015.
Application finalised – no documents  
RTIP141 19 October 2015

All correspondence held in the Office of the Premier (including but not limited to emails, memos, letters, briefing notes and reports) within and between the Premiers office relating to the Member for Cook and/or the Cook Electorate Office.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2015 to 16 October 2015.
Application finalised – no documents  
RTID296 21 October 2015 Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet as follows: I am seeking (a) a copy of a review into the decision in August 2014 to award ‘preferred tender’ status to Glencore in relation to the RA315 Aurukun bauxite deposit. I am also seeking (b) all communication and/or emails and/or letters between the department and the reviewer in relation to (i) the scope and/or timeline and/or context of the review, and (ii) any conceivable integrity or conflict of interest issues regarding the appropriateness of David Edwards leading the review. Application withdrawn.  
RTID295 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to initiatives being considered by the Productivity Commission and Commonwealth Government Reform of the Federation white paper. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told State Parliament on 15.10.15 in relation to a Question on Notice about the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s draft Economic Action Plan: "There was also further scanning work undertaken looking at other initiatives being considered by organisations such as the Productivity Commission and the Commonwealth government’s Federation reform considerations.".

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application refused.  
RTID294 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the draft document entitled Queensland Economic Action Plan (labelled as being prepared by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Economic Policy Group and tabled in State Parliament 15.10.15). Documents should include those discussing the preparation, authorship of the report, work on the report, discussions leading up to the completion of the draft report, commissioning of work relating to the report, any updates on work relating to the report, discussions about media coverage of the report and leaking of the report.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 19 October 2015.
Application refused.  
RTID293 19 October 2015

All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to discussions involving the draft document entitled Queensland Economic Action Plan (labelled as being prepared by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Economic Policy Group and tabled in State Parliament 15.10.15) or any predecessor reports of a different name.

Time period / date range for request: 1 November 2014 to 31 January 2015.
Application refused.  
RTID291 7 October 2015 The electronic copies (without signatures) of all appointment letters (transition letters, temporary appointment letters and appointment letters) for all Ministerial staff at the AO8, SES and SO classification levels, for the period 16 February 2015 to 6 October 2015, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. Please exclude the band level for each classification as well as any dollar amounts. Application finalised. Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
RTIP140 6 October 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier including all and any agendas, minutes, notes, briefing notes, or other documents tabled or shared at the meeting between the Premier of QLD and Next Level Strategic Services on 24 July 2015. Any emails or correspondence relating to the meeting or following on from the meeting. Records of phone conversations leading up to or following the meeting.

Time period / date range for request: 1 May 2015 to 30 August 2015.
Application finalised. The Australia Institute.
RTIP139 17 September 2015

All correspondence held in the Office of the Premier between David Hanna and the Premier, since the last election on any issue.

Date Range: 14 February 2015 to 17 September 2015.
Application finalised – no documents.  
RTIP138 31 August 2015

All documents held by the Office of the Premier detailing who the Premier was scheduled to meet as part of the business observers program at the Queensland Labor State Conference in August, including diary entries, correspondence with the party and correspondence with the observers.

Date Range: 1 August 2015 to 31 August 2015.
Application finalised – no documents.  
RTID289 10 August 2015

A spreadsheet held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet showing details of the various travel undertaken by Cabinet Ministers, including details of names, dates, costs, transport types (domestic/international flights, vehicle hire etc.) and locations/destinations.

Time period / date range: 1 July 2013 – 30 June 2015.

Application finalised. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
RTID288 21 July 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to:

  • business regulations;
  • competition working group;
  • National Partnership Agreement for a Seamless National Economy;
  • Security Providers Legislation; and
  • National Regulatory Impact Statement on Security Providers Legislation.

Time period / date range: 1 February 2010 – 21 July 2015.

Application withdrawn.  
RTIP137 21 July 2015

Any emails or internal memos held in the Office of the Premier that refer to, or mention Ms Jo-Ann Miller MP, Member for Bundamba or the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Corrective Services.

Time period / date range for request: 10 - 20 July 2015.

Application finalised. Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
RTID287 14 July 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet showing the undisclosed total financial incentive amounts granted to the Walt Disney Companies International Production, the fifth instalment of the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film series, from the Queensland Government.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2013 - 14 July 2015.

Application finalised. Glass Media Group Pty Ltd.
RTID286 29 June 2015

Original scope of application

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet from, or relating to, representatives of the coal seam gas industry (including British Gas), requesting comfort or assurances from the Queensland Government, referred to in the letter from the Honourable Geoff Wilson MP to the Honourable Anna Bligh MP dated 10 June 2008.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2007 – 28 February 2009.

Revised scope of application

Letter from the Coordinator General’s Office to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, regarding the Draft Terms of Reference.

The Draft Terms of Reference for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Linc Energy Lt Underground Coal Gasification Coal to Liquids and Power Generator Project dated August 2007.

Letter to the Premier January 2009, signed by Linc, Carbon Energy, Metro Coal and Liberty Resources.

Letter from the Department of Mines and Energy to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet 18 March 2009.

Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID285 29 June 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, including quarterly reports, meeting agendas, minutes and notes produced by the inter-governmental working group, referred to in the letter from the Honourable Geoff Wilson MP to the Honourable Anna Bligh MPdated 10 June 2008.

The time period / date range for request: 1 June 2008 – 31 December 2013.

Application withdrawn.  
RTID284 27 May 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the establishment, management and activities of the inter-departmental working group established to address the future viability of Underground Coal Gasification in Queensland, referred to in the letter from Mr Dan Hunt of the Department of Mines and Energy to Mr Ken Smith of the Department of Premier and Cabinet dated 15 April 2008.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2008 – 1 March 2009.
Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID283 27 May 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to the approach of, considerations in relation to, and response to a deputation to the Honourable Anna Bligh MP by a gas industry proponent, referred to in the letter from Mr Dan Hunt of the Department of Mines and Energy, to Mr Ken Smith of the Department of Premier and Cabinet dated 15 April 2008.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2008 – 1 April 2008.
Application finalised – no documents.  
RTIP136 21 May 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier, including emails, correspondence, briefing notes and internal memos relating to content for Ministerial Charter Letters. This is to include draft Ministerial Charter Letters or draft and suggested components of the Charter Letters.

Time period / date range for request: 13 February 2015 to 20 May 2015.

Application finalised. Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
RTID282 18 May 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the Underground Coal Gasification or Coal Seam Gas Industries provided to Mr Campbell Newman.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2012 to 1 July 2013.

Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID281 18 May 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to the 'high level steering group' established by the Coordinator General referenced in the letter from Premier Bligh to Mr David Maxwell dated 9 February 2009 between British Gas and the Queensland Government.

Time period / date range for request: 1 December 2008 to 30 March 2009.

Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID280 11 May 2015

Reports held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, emanating from the office of Bill Mellor and/or the Strategic Monitoring Team regarding motorcycle gangs, including any correspondence to or from Mr Mellor regarding the description of his role and/or directions relating to his role.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2015 to 11 May 2015.

Application finalised. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
RTID279 8 April 2015

All emails, documents and correspondence, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, including those associated with meetings with the Premier, Premier’s office, the Department of Premier and Cabinet and DTMR, between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015 that mention:

  1. Taxi Council Queensland;
  2. Taxis;
  3. Uber;
  4. Ride sharing; and
  5. Shared economy.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.

Application finalised. Uber
RTID278 2 April 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including copies of the presentations made to or after the PSRB Leading Renewal Forums.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2014.

Application finalised. Together Queensland
RTIP133 30 March 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier, such as ministerial briefing notes and attachments, reports and correspondence, relating to concerns about Cook MP Billy Gordon, since January 31.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 30 March 2015.

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTIP132 30 March 2015

All correspondence held in the Office of the Premier in relation to the Member for Cook.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 29 March 2015.

Application withdrawn.  
RTID277 27 March 2015

Briefing notes, or similar information or advice, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet provided to members of the panel considering merit-based appointments of directors-general regarding the process and criteria.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 27 March 2015.

Application transferred.  
RTID276 27 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding the modelling conducted by Orion Consulting Network regarding the proposed merger of electricity entities.

Date Range: 14 February 2015 to 27 March 2015.

Application finalised.  
RTIP135 27 March 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier including all letters from trade unions to the Premier congratulating her on the election and where other issues may or may not have been raised.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 27 March 2015.

Application finalised. The Australian
RTIP134 27 March 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier including all correspondence between the Premier and Katter's Australian Party members Rob Katter and/or Shane Knuth since the election.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 27 March 2015.

Application withdrawn.  
RTIP131 27 March 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier including all letters from Supreme Court judges to the Premier congratulating her on the election and where other issues may or may not have been raised.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 27 March 2015.

Application finalised – no documents.  
RTID275 18 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including:

  1. The total amount of public money paid to Crosby Textor to supply services for the Strong Choices strategy, along with a description to what was provided.
  2. A list of all other consultants paid to supply services and advice for the Strong Choices strategy, including the amounts paid and a description of the service provided.

Time period/date range for request: 1 January 2014 to 18 March 2015

Application transferred.  
RTID274 16 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including:

  1. All agreements or arrangements between the Queensland Government, British Gas and/or Queensland Gas Company in relation to underground coal gasification and coal seam gas in Queensland made during the specified time period.
  2. All documents evidencing any representations made by or on behalf of the Queensland Government including but not limited to Ms Anna Bligh and Mr Ken Smith to British Gas and/or Queensland Gas Company in relation to underground coal gasification and coal seam gas in Queensland during the specified time period.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009.

Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID273 16 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including:

Documents relating to the Underground Coal Gasification or Coal Seam Gas Industries provided to Mr Campbell Newman during the relevant time period.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2013 to 30 September 2013.

Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID272 16 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including: (PDF, 1.36 MB)

  1. Documents related to consideration of, and the reasons for, the introduction of the Clean Energy Act 2008 (Qld);
  2. Documents related to consideration of, and the reasons for, proposed amendments to section 6(3)(c) of the Mineral Resources Act 1989 made during 2008;
  3. Documents related to consideration of, and the reasons for, proposed introduction of section 208 of the Mineral Resources Act 1989 made during 2008; and
  4. Documents evidencing communications involving representatives of the Queensland government including but not limited to Ms Anna Bligh and Mr Ken Smith in relation to underground coal gasification, coal seam gas and/or overlapping mining tenements in Queensland, which communications occurred during an April 2008 trade mission to Japan, China and India.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2008 to 31 May 2008.

Application finalised. Thomson Geer.
RTID271 12 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, such as ministerial briefing notes and attachments and reports, since January 1, 2013, relating to the efforts and cost to get Pirates of the Caribbean 5 to film in Queensland.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2013 to 12 March 2015.

Application finalised. Seven Network.
RTID270 12 March 2015

An itemised list held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet of expenses incurred by the Premier and/or his office from January 31, 2015 to February 14, 2015, including any spending on hospitality, alcohol, food and gifts.

Time period / date range for request: 31 January 2015 to 12 March 2015.

Application withdrawn.  


12 March 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier, such as ministerial briefing notes and attachments, correspondence such as emails, and reports, since February 9, 2015, relating to the pay, employment status, roles and responsibilities of Tim Mulherin and Terry Mackenroth.

Time period / date range for request: 9 February 2015 to 12 March 2015.

Application finalised – no documents.  
RTID269 10 March 2015

Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including all incoming briefing notes provided to the new Director-General, Dave Stewart (including any provided ahead of his formal commencement). The time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 10 March 2015.

Application withdrawn.  
RTIP129 2 March 2015

Documents held in the Office of the Premier including copies of all inward and outward emails (and any attachments) from the Office of the Premier, including any seconded officers based in the office, for the period 16th February to 27th February 2015 for the following individuals:

  1. The Premier;
  2. The Premier’s Personal Assistant;
  3. The Premier’s Executive Assistant;
  4. The Chief of Staff;
  5. The Director Policy; and
  6. The Director Government media.

Time period / date range for request: 16 February 2015 to 27 February 2015.

Application withdrawn.  
RTID268 23 February 2015

An itemised list held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet of expenses incurred by the Premier and/or his office from January 31, 2015 to February 14, 2015, including any spending on hospitality, alcohol, food and gifts.

Application withdrawn.  
RTIP128 17 February 2015

All documents held in the Office of the Premier about or concerning:

  1. communication with the media regarding Queensland Nickel/ Yabulu/ Palmer Nickel & Cobalt Refinery; and
  2. communication with the media regarding Clive Palmer.

Time period / date range for request: 25 July 2014 to 16 February 2015

Application transferred.  
RTID267 17 February 2015

All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet about or concerning:

  1. communication with the media regarding Queensland Nickel/ Yabulu/ Palmer Nickel & Cobalt Refinery; and
  2. communication with the media regarding Clive Palmer.

Time period / date range for request: 25 July 2014 to 16 February 2015

Application finalised – no documents.  

*Under section 78B of the Act, information must be deleted from any document or information included in a disclosure log under section 78(2), including an individual's name, if publication:

  • is prevented by law
  • would be defamatory
  • would unreasonably invade a person's privacy
  • is confidential communication by a person other than the agency
  • is protected under contract
  • would cause substantial harm to an entity.

Access previous entries from 2014

Last updated: 30 October, 2024

Last reviewed: 15 December, 2015