Disclosure log - 2020

Our disclosure log contains information about applications made under the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) to the department and the Office of the Premier.

Some documents may have details removed, or pages that are blank, because the information is either irrelevant or exempt under the RTI Act.*

There may be documents that are currently only available in .pdf format. Should you be unable to read this format please contact 07 3003 9231 or email rti@premiers.qld.gov.au (include information for contact by phone, email or in writing). We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

RTI reference Date application made Topic / information requested Status Applicant / entity
RTIP226 21 December 2020

All documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade that relate to private email usage by Ministers.

All documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade that relate to, mention or include the email address: stacia1@bigpond.com

Time period / date range for request: 30 November 2020 to 21 December 2020

Application withdrawn.
RTIP225 21 December 2020

All documents and emails held by the Premier and Minister for Trade that were sent or received by stacia1@bigpond.com to or from the email address mangocube6@yahoo.co.uk or Mark Bailey.

Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 30 June 2018

Application finalised—no documents.
RTID513 16 December 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, and meeting minutes of the People and Capability Committee, as referred to in the latest annual report.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2020 to 16 December 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID512 16 December 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, and meeting minutes of the Finance Committee, as referred to in the latest annual report.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2020 to 16 December 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID511 16 December 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, and meeting minutes of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, as referred to in the latest annual report.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2020 to 16 December 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID510 16 December 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, and meeting minutes of the Performance and Strategy Committee, as referred to in the latest annual report.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2020 to 16 December 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID509 16 December 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, and meeting minutes of the Risk Committee, as referred to in the latest annual report.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2020 to 16 December 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID507 9 December 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet being the attendance list for the Cabinet Christmas Reception at Brisbane Convention Centre on 8 December 2020.

Time period / date range for request: 1 November 2020 to 8 December 2020

Application finalised. ABC News
RTIP224 8 December 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade being all records sent to or from the Premier using the private email account of stacia1@bigpond.com.

Application finalised—refused to process.
RTIP223 8 December 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade being all emails sent, received and deleted between the Premier and Mark Bailey using a private email account address of stacia1@bigpond.com.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2015 to 15 May 2015

Application finalised—no documents.
RTIP221 26 November 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade regarding communication to or from, or in relation to, Anacta Strategies and/or Evan Moorhead and/or David Nelson.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2020 to 15 October 2020

Application finalised. The Courier-Mail
RTID505 24 November 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet being emails sent or received by Evan Moorhead discussing the Brisbane Live development.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2018 to 17 May 2019

Application withdrawn.
RTID504 19 November 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding traffic or parking infringements involving vehicles of the Premier, Ministers or the Leader of the Opposition.

Time period / date range for request: 1 November 2019 to 19 November 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID503 11 November 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding the funding of the Entertainment Precinct being proposed at the Wellcamp Airport site.

Application finalised. Mr Larry Pappin
RTIP220 5 November 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to meetings held between Lang Walker or Walker Corporation representatives and the Premier and/or her representatives.

Time period / date range for request: 1 August 2020 to 31 October 2020

Application finalised.

For the released documents, please email a request with the application reference number RTIP220, to rti@premiers.qld.gov.au

Australian Conservation Foundation
RTID502 19 October 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding emails or phone messages mentioning Jim (James) Soorley, Wilson's/Wilsons/Wilsons' Boathouse, or Jedid.

Time period / date range for request: 2 March 2018 to 21 March 2018 and 7 August 2018 to 24 August 2018

Application withdrawn.
RTID501 5 November 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to fines and infringement notices issued to government vehicles assigned to the Premier, Leader of the Opposition, Ministers and Members of Parliament.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2018 to 5 October 2020

Application withdrawn.
RTID500 2 November 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding any ministerial equipment, assets or devices that are lost, missing or stolen.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2020 to 2 November 2020

Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID499 27 October 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding communication between the former Deputy Premier’s office and Jim Soorley or Evan Moorhead.

Time period / date range for request: 1 May 2016 to 7 November 2016  

Application finalised. The Courier-Mail
RTID498 29 September 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding:
  • Emails (including attachments) and calendar diary entries (electronic or hard copy) of Jackie Trad or employees of the former Deputy Premier’s office relating to the following search terms: Soorley, Jedid, Wilsons Boathouse, Greenbeacon, Elbahar, 4 Trafalgar St, and Manly. In the event any documents are discovered regarding this item, we request associated documents detailing the contents of such meetings.
  • Call records and/or text messages sent from/to the mobile number (Number withheld) and the mobile number of Jackie Trad or between (Number withheld) and any staff member in the former Deputy Premier's office.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2018 to 30 June 2018
Application finalised. The Courier-Mail
RTID497 25 September 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding:
  • polling and research relating to the Queensland Government’s management and response to COVID-19
  • a report by Ipsos Public Affairs from the COVID-19 Key Insights Project
  • all communication between the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and KPMG regarding COVID-19
  • all communication between the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and Mr Mike Kaiser.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2020 to 25 September 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID496 24 September 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding:
  • polling and research relating to the Queensland Government’s management and response to COVID-19
  • a report by Ipsos Public Affairs from the COVID-19 Key Insights Project
  • all communication between the Queensland Government and KPMG regarding COVID-19
  • all communication between the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and Mr Mike Kaiser
  • all communication between the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and the Australian Labor Party (Queensland Branch) regarding public opinion research on the management of COVID-19.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2020 to 24 September 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTIP219 2 September 2020

All documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade in relation to: [1] the eviction notice served on Adani by the Wangan & Jagalingou Indigenous peoples; and [2] the removal of these Indigenous protestors by police.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2020 to 2 September 2020
Application finalised. Mr James Case
RTIP218 21 August 2020

Any written correspondence held by the Premier and Minister for Trade, between Qantas or its chief executive Alan Joyce and the Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, or her office regarding border closures and/or support for the aviation industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2020 to 20 August 2020
Application finalised. The Australian Financial Review
RTIP217 27 July 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to discussions between government agencies about gel blasters.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2017 to 27 July 2020
Application finalised. The Gel Blaster Association Inc.
RTID495 15 September 2020

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet contracts awarded to Ipsos Public Affairs Pty Ltd on 07/05/2020 and 19/06/2020.

Time period / date range for request: 1 May 2020 to 1 August 2020
Application finalised—no documents.
RTID494 23 July 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to briefings, reports, audits or reviews regarding entitlements and/or reconciliation claims by MPs.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2019 to 23 July 2020
Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID493 15 July 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to consultants engaged to review Queensland Government policies, operations or programs.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2019 to 15 July 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID492 10 July 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to submissions or correspondence to the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission.

Time period / date range for request: 1 February 2020 to 10 July 2020
Application finalised. Ms Stephanie Hodgins-May
RTID490 25 June 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to briefing notes or correspondence regarding the employment of any extra/additional media or communications staff or consultants.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2019 to 25 June 2020
Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID491 8 July 2020 The current ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee funding agreement document, held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. Application finalised. Mr Brent Mickelberg MP
RTIP216 19 June 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to correspondence between the Premier, the Premier’s Office and Virgin Australian’s management about Queensland’s border closure.

Time period / date range for request: 1 May 2020 to 19 June 2020
Application finalised. Office of the Leader of the Opposition
RTID489 11 June 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to cases in which members of the State Parliament have been asked to return money, or had their claim for expenses rejected either in part or totally, or issued with a debit note, or have made a claim which was later found to be false or improperly claimed.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2019 to 11 June 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID488 25 May 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to an order or other legislative instrument that Part 7A (Particular powers for COVID-19 emergency) of the Queensland Public Health Act 2005 can be applied to a subject of the Queen.

Application finalised—no documents.
RTID487 1 June 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to firearms dealer restrictions due to COVID-19 public health restrictions.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2020 to 29 May 2020
Application finalised. Law Abiding Firearm Owners Inc
RTID486 21 May 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to ministerial or Director-General briefings, attachments and reports about grants or the provision of government funding.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2020 to 21 May 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID485 14 May 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to all emails and attachments sent or received (including drafts and deleted) by Jackie Trade MP.

Time period / date range for request: 8 May 2020 to 14 May 2020
Application finalised. Office of the Leader of the Opposition
RTID484 14 May 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to all emails and attachments sent or received (including drafts and deleted) by Mark Bellaver.

Time period / date range for request: 8 May 2020 to 14 May 2020.
Application withdrawn.
RTID483 15 May 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to correspondence between Director-General Dave Stewart and any other Directors-General drafted, sent or received regarding:
  • the government’s hiring freeze, recruitment programs or consultancy
  • the Service Priority Review Office
  • Machinery of Government changes.

Time period / date range for request: 8 May 2020 to 14 May 2020
Application finalised.
RTID482 8 May 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to briefing notes about the State Government’s fleet of aircraft provided to the Office of the Premier.

Time period / date range for request: 30 January 2015 to 8 May 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID481 23 April 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to briefing notes, reports, audits, reviews and correspondence about:
  • a government staff freeze
  • a government staff pay freeze
  • a reduction in staff
  • a reduction in staff pay.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2020 to 23 April 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTIP215 16 April 2020 Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to correspondence regarding media enquiries received from Domanii Cameron about a public servant pay rise freeze.

Time period / date range for request: 1 April 2020 to 15 April 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID479 16 April 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to briefings, reports, audits, reviews and correspondence about government staff working from home.

Time period / date range for request: 1 March 2020 to 16 April 2020
Application finalised. Seven Network
RTIP214 25 March 2020 All minutes, policy documents and briefing notes held by the Premier and Minister for Trade that relate to scenario planning for the impact of COVID-19/coronavirus on the:
  1. health of the hospital medical workforce including doctors and nursing staff created since 1 March 2020.
  2. hospital resources including emergency and intensive care departments at Metro North, Metro South, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Darling Downs created since 1 March 2020.
Application finalised—no documents.
RTIP213 24 March 2020 Any documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to Ministers seeking permission from the Premier for any purposes (e.g. permission to travel, permission to not attend events/activities, permission to be excused etc). Please limit searches to just the Premier, the Premier's PA and the Premier's chief of staff.

Time period / date range for request: 1 February 2020 to 24 March 2020
Application finalised—no documents.
RTIP212 13 March 2020 Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relevant to a meeting conducted at 1 William Street Brisbane on 8 February 2020, between Paul Keene (Office of the Premier), James Sullivan (Chief of Staff to Yvette D’ath), Sarah Ramsay (KPMG) and Laura Bos (Clubs Qld).

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2020 to 15 February 2020
Application finalised. Bennett & Philp Lawyers
RTIP211 5 March 2020 Correspondence to or from the Premier, including any drafts, about Opposition Office resourcing, held by the Premier and Minister for Trade.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2019 to 5 March 2020
Application finalised—no documents.
RTIP210 25 February 2020 Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade, being, the official diaries of Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Assistant Minister of State, Jennifer Howard MP, that set out her meetings taken in her official capacity as Assistant Minister.

Time period / date range request: 23 September 2019 to 22 February 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID478 1 April 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, namely:
  1. Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the 2020 local government elections/state by-elections AND coronavirus/COVID-19.
  2. Including correspondence regarding health concerns and the decision to hold the elections.
Time period / date range for request: 28 January 2020 to 28 March 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID477 25 March 2020 All minutes, policy documents and briefing notes held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet that relate to scenario planning for the impact of COVID-19/coronavirus on the:
  1. health of the hospital medical workforce including doctors and nursing staff created since 1 March 2020.
  2. the hospital resources including emergency and intensive care departments at Metro North, Metro South, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Darling Downs created since 1 March 2020.
Application withdrawn.
RTID476 11 March 2020 All correspondence held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet from Together Union to any member of the Department's executive leadership team.

Time period / date range for request: 1 September 2019 to 11 March 2020
Application finalised. Office of the Leader of the Opposition
RTID475 9 March 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding vegetation management in the State of Queensland.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2004 to 3 March 2020.
Application finalised—no documents.
5 March 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to cases in which Ministers made incorrect expense claims in part or in total or repaid money in part or in total.

Time period / date range for request: 24 November 2017 to 1 July 2018 (RTID470); 1 July 2018 to 30 December 2018 (RTID 471); 31 December 2018 to 30 June 2019 (RTID472); 1 July 2019 to 30 December 2019 (RTID473); 31 December 2019 to 5 March 2020 (RTID474).
Application finalised—refused to process.
RTID469 5 March 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet titled "American Express, Business Travel Account Statement" for each Ministerial office for July 2019 to March 2020.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2019 to 31 March 2020.
Application finalised.

Due to size constraints, a copy of the documents for this application cannot be published on the disclosure log. You can obtain a copy of the released documents by emailing a request with the application reference number RTID469, to rti@premiers.qld.gov.au.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
RTID468 5 March 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, being, the monthly Cabcharge statements for each Ministerial office.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2019 to 5 March 2020.

Application finalised.

Due to size constraints, a copy of the documents for this application cannot be published on the disclosure log. You can obtain a copy of the released documents by emailing a request with the application reference number RTID468, to rti@premiers.qld.gov.au.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
RTID467 17 February 2020 Any and all records of emails between any @opposition.qld.gov.au email addresses and staff member @pm.gov.au, held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Time period / date range for request: 18 May 2019 to 17 February 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTIP209 6 February 2020 Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to emails, memos and briefing notes to Shane Doherty about Right to Information applications.

Time period / date range request: 1 January 2020 to 6 February 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID466 6 February 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the net cost benefit to Queensland or Australia of hosting the Summer Olympics in Queensland in 2032.

Time period / date range for request: 6 August 2018 to 6 February 2020
Application withdrawn.
RTID465 4 February 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to bugs or covert listening devices.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2018 to 4 February 2020
Application finalised—no documents.
RTID464 4 February 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to travel-related requests/demands made by Ministers or people on their behalf.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2018 to 4 February 2020
Application finalised. Seven Network
RTID463 31 January 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to a brief titled ‘Hot Issue – Oakley’.

Time period / date range for request: 15 August 2017 to 31 August 2017
Application finalised.
RTID462 29 January 2020 Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the Government Advertising and Communication Committee granting approval to Queensland Health to run full-page newspaper advertisements about Maleny Dairies. Application finalised—no documents.
RTIP208 10 January 2020

Documents held by the Premier and Minister for Trade relating to all correspondence between the Premier’s Office, the Inspector-General Emergency Management, and the Minister for Fire and Emergency Services relating to The 2018 Queensland Bushfires Review Report.

Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2019 to 31 July 2019

Application finalised. The Courier-Mail
RTID460 13 January 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to the Leader of the Opposition’s trip to Sydney in July 2018.

Application withdrawn.  
RTID459 9 January 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to complaints against the conduct or actions of an employee of the Queensland Governor.

Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2015 to 9 January 2020
Application finalised.  
RTID458 6 January 2020

Documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet regarding communications to and from Mr Kirby Anderson relating to the Pullen Family, Benjamin Oakley and associated matters.

Time period / date range for request: 15 August 2017 to 17 August 2017
Application finalised. Paul Turner

*Under section 78B of the Act, information must be deleted from any document or information included in a disclosure log under section 78(2), including an individual's name, if publication:

  • is prevented by law
  • would be defamatory
  • would unreasonably invade a person's privacy
  • is confidential communication by a person other than the agency
  • is protected under contract
  • would cause substantial harm to an entity.

Access previous entries from 2019.

Last updated: 18 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 28 July, 2022