RTID334 |
16 December 2016 |
All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, recording any communications between the department and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (or its predecessor agency) concerning the Carmichael rail project.
Time period / date range for request: 1 May 2015 -16 December 2016.
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID333 |
2 December 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, being, the total cost—including a breakdown of each individual trip—of all international trips taken by ministers and their staff.
Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 2 December 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID332 |
1 November 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to incidents or accidents at Dreamworld and workplace safety assessments of amusement rides.
Time period / date range for request: January 2016 to November 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID331 |
1 November 2016 |
Submissions, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, made to the Queensland Parole System Review by members of parole boards.
Time period / date range for request: 26 August 2016 to 14 October 2016.
Application finalised. |
RTIP159 |
14 October 2016 |
All correspondence between the Premier/Premier's office and the crossbenchers, held by the Premier and Minister for the Arts, regarding the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (Reinstatement Bill), as well as internal briefing notes about (possible) correspondence and/or negotiation with the crossbenchers, and minutes of any meetings with crossbenchers and the Premier and/or Premier's staff, regarding the same.
Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2016 to 14 October 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID329 |
4 October 2016 |
The draft report held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, of the Independent Review of the Moreton Bay Rail Link signalling system (the MBRL Review) by Mr Rob Smith.
Time period / date range for request: June 2016 to July 2016.
Application finalised. |
RTID328 |
28 September 2016 |
Original scope of application
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, detailing cases in which Ministers made incorrect expense claims in part or in total or repaid money in part or in total.
Time period / date range for request: 14 February 2015 to 28 September 2016.
Revised scope of application
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, detailing cases in which Ministers made incorrect expense claims in part or in total or repaid money in part or in total, including detail on the type of expense claimed, why it is incorrectly claimed, the date of the expense, who claimed the expense and when it was repaid.
Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2016 and 28 September 2016.
Application finalised. |
News Corporation |
RTID327 |
28 September 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to all contracts with "MULTIPLICITE PTY LTD" on or about 4 January 2016, specifically--
- All correspondence and proposals prior to the contract, all contractual documents, all documents, submissions and other materials provided in performance of the contract, and any documents in relation to the payment of the Department's consideration including any acquittals.
- Any correspondence, submissions, proposals or meeting documents (including agendas, submissions, presentations and minutes) relying upon the materials provided in performance of the contract by "MULTIPLICITE PTY LTD.".
Time period / date range for request: 1 November 2015 to 28 September 2016.
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition. |
RTID326 |
28 September 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to all contracts with "NOUS GROUP PTY LTD" on or about 6 January 2016, 26 May 2016 and 1 June 2016, specifically--
- All correspondence and proposals prior to the contract, all contractual documents, all documents, submissions and other materials provided in performance of the contract, and any documents in relation to the payment of the Department's consideration including any acquittals.
- Any correspondence, submissions, proposals or meeting documents (including agendas, submissions, presentations and minutes) relying upon the materials provided in performance of the contract by "NOUS GROUP PTY LTD.".
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition. |
RTID325 |
28 September 2016 |
All documents, contracts, materials provided in performance of the contract, acquittals and any documents seeking feedback of participants in the training, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to contracts with "Sarden Group Pty Ltd".
Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2016 to 28 September 2016.
Application finalised.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID324 |
28 September 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in relation to all contracts with "ENTHDEGREE" on or about 13 June 2016, specifically--
- All correspondence and proposals prior to the contract, all documents, submissions and other materials provided in performance of the contract, and any documents in relation to the payment of the Department's consideration including any acquittals.
- Any internal correspondence, submissions, proposals or meeting documents (including agendas, submissions and minutes) relying upon the materials provided in performance of the contract with "ENTHDEGREE.".
Time period / date range for request: 1 May 2016 to 28 September 2016.
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition |
RTID318 |
1 August 2016 |
All documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet where the Ministerial Services Branch has been asked to provide details of Opposition staff phone records to third parties, including discussion this term of such instances last term. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID317 |
29 July 2016 |
A document held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet showing the final undisclosed total financial incentive amounts granted to the Marvel and Disney Companies for the Production 'Thor, Ragnarok'. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID316 |
11 July 2016 |
All correspondence held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet from Reedlodge Pty Ltd or solicitors acting on their behalf, in particular Girgenti Lawyers, in relation to Lot 20 on Crown plan NR7137, Lot 231 on SP 129908, lot 201 on SP 129905, lot 79 on SP 136292, lot 67 SP 136292 and lot 78 SP 152626.
Time period/date range for request: 11 July 2014 to 11 July 2016 |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID315 |
11 July 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, being CCTV surveillance or traffic camera video footage of an incident on McLachlan Street near the intersection of that street with Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006.
Time period/date range for request: 25 April 2016 |
Application finalised. Due to size constraints, a copy of the CCTV footage for this application cannot be published on the disclosure log. You can obtain a copy of the released footage by emailing a request with the application reference number RTID315, to rti@premiers.qld.gov.au. |
McInnes Wilson Layers |
RTIP157 |
1 July 2016 |
All emails, draft media releases, talking points and draft talking points held by the Premier and Minister for the Arts that mention ‘value sharing’ or ‘value capture’.
Time period / date range for request: 27 June 2016 to 30 June 2016. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP156 |
23 June 2016 |
All information, documentation and correspondence (including, to or from the Treasurer and Premier, and to or from any staff members in the Premier's and Treasurer's offices), held by the Premier and Minister for the Arts, pertaining to the foreign investor stamp duty surcharge, also known as the Additional Foreign Acquirer Duty, and the Duties and Other Legislation Bill 2016.
Time period / date range for request: December 2015 to 23 June 2016. |
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP155 |
30 May 2016 |
All documents, emails, letters, meeting minutes, memos, and diary entries held in the Office of the Premier and Minister for the Arts mentioning Mike Kaiser.
Time period / date range for request: 1 July 2015 to 30 May 2016. |
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID314 |
16 May 2016 |
All documents, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, that were:
- considered by the Queensland Government which resulted in the decision announced by the Queensland Government on 18 April 2016 to:
- prohibit all UCG mining activities in Queensland and
- impose a moratorium under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 on all future UCG activities in Queensland.
- received by the Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines about the results of the investigations of Gilbert and Sutherland into the UCG activities by Linc Energy Ltd.
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP154 |
26 April 2016 |
Any emails between Ministerial staff of the Office of the Premier and Minister for Arts, that mention 'Springborg, LNP and voting' from 8:30pm on 21 April 2016 until 24 April 2016.
Time period/date range for request: 21 April 2016 to 24 April 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID313 |
7 April 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet as follows:
- Any and all documents and communications between Adani Mining Pty Ltd and its representatives and the Department of Premier and Cabinet regarding the grant of mining leases 70505 and 70506 to Adani Mining Pty Ltd on 3 April 2016.
- Any and all documents and communications between the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines regarding the grant of mining leases 70505 and 70506 to Adani Mining Pty Ltd on 3 April 2016.
- Any and all documents and communications between the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of State Development regarding the grant of mining leases 70505 and 70506 to Adani Mining Pty Ltd on 3 April 2016.
Time period/date range for request: 3 February 2016 to 3 April 2016.
Application finalised. |
Mr Adrian Burragubba. |
RTIP153 |
17 March 2016 |
All documents held in the Office of the Premier and Minister for the Arts, that refer to or mention the Member for Cairns or Rob Pyne.
Time period / date range for request: 1 December 2015 to 16 March 2016.
Application finalised. |
Office of the Leader of the Opposition. |
RTID311 |
10 March 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet relating to Trade Missions to India in 2010 and 2012 and meetings with representatives of the Pearls Group, including records that relate to the Bhangoo family's efforts to gain permanent residency status in Australia.
Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2009 to 10 March 2016.
Application finalised. |
Australian Broadcasting Corporation. |
RTID310 |
3 March 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, specifically, briefing notes and attachments, and correspondence including emails, relating to/involving:
- Ann Leahy;
- Jake Smith.
Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2015 to 3 March 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID309 |
1 March 2016 |
Traffic infringement details held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet for vehicles provided by QFleet for use of the Premier, Deputy Premier, the Opposition Leader and Ministers for the period February 14, 2015 to 1 March 2016.
Application finalised.
Nine Network Australia. |
RTIP152 |
23 February 2016 |
Emails, correspondence, Ministerial Briefing Notes and attachments held in the Office of the Premier and Minister for the Arts, relating to/involving:
- Ann Leahy;
- Jake Smith.
Time period / date range for request: 1 January 2015 to 23 February 2016.
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID308 |
12 February 2016 |
Correspondence, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, in relation to the environmental rehabilitation obligations for the Yabulu nickel refinery between the Premier and:
- Officers of the Department of Premier and Cabinet; and/or
- Officers of the Department of Climate Change and Sustainability (Environment); and/or
- The minister for Climate Change and Sustainability (Environment); and/or
- All companies wholly owned by Clive Palmer.
Time period / date range for request: January 2009 to August 2009.
Application finalised.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
RTID307 |
12 February 2016 |
Any documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, concerning potential government advertising buys for campaigns/open letters to run between the dates of 1 February 2016 to 29 February 2016 related to alcohol fuelled violence and its associated legislation, lock outs, one-way door policy, curfew, and anything else related to 'Tackling Alcohol-fuelled Violence Legislation Amendment Bill 2015'. This includes both internal and external communication, including communications with community organisations including but not limited to seeking permission and/or approval for use of their logos
The time period / date range for request: 1 January 2016 - 11 February 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID306 |
3 February 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, including: any briefings, memoranda, analysis, modelling or correspondence relating to the decision taken by the Queensland Government to enter into the Heads of Agreement with the Commonwealth on the National Disability Insurance Scheme in May 2013. These documents may relate to the consideration of and preparation for signing and/or the implementation subsequent to the signing.
More specifically, the decision to agree to the benchmarks for the provision of benefits to individuals catastrophically injured in motor vehicle accidents.
Time period / date range for request: 26 March 2012 to 13 February 2015.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID305 |
25 January 2016 |
Any documents, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, analysing, documenting and/or considering the environmental and rehabilitation obligations of the Queensland Nickel and full cost of undertaking such works.
Time period / date range for request: January 2015 to 25 January 2016.
Documents for administrative release—additional documents released post application.
Application finalised.
Australian Workers’ Union. |
RTID304 |
25 January 2016 |
Documents held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet including economic and financial modelling and cost-benefit analysis related to the medium and long-term future of the North Stradbroke Island economy and community following the cessation of mining operations in 2019 and any consideration and/or decision made by the department or the Minister as a result of such modelling and/or analysis.
The time period / date range for request: June 2014 to 25 January 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTIP151 |
19 January 2016 |
All correspondence between the Office of the Premier and Minister for the Arts and the Electoral Commissioner or staff at the Electoral Commission of Queensland.
Time period / date range for request: 1 October 2015 to 31 December 2015.
Application finalised – no documents. |
RTID303 |
14 January 2016 |
All documents held by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, relating to communications between departmental officers and the Premier’s Office or Acting Premier’s Office, regarding correspondence from Acting Director-General Jim Murphy to Mr Michael Cassel.
Time period / date range for request: 24 December 2015 to 13 January 2016.
Application withdrawn. |
RTID302 |
4 January 2016 |
A copy of the Premier’s Meeting Brief, held in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, for the meeting with the family of the late George Bender.
Application withdrawn. |