Policy Advice, Coordination and Cabinet Support
Policy Division provides detailed briefings and advice to the Premier on social, economic and environment policy, from design and development through to coordination and implementation. Cabinet Services supports Cabinet and Cabinet Committee processes and whole-of-government performance management and reporting.
Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support leads the public sector to achieve strong policy outcomes for the government and provides advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet.
Key achievements 2018–19
- Delivered the Cabinet, Cabinet Committee and Parliamentary legislative agenda and processes, Governing from the Regions program, and provided advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet.
- Supported, coordinated and contributed to the delivery of the government's objectives for the community Our Future State: Advancing Queensland's Priorities.
- Coordinated the monitoring and reporting of government priorities and election commitments and continued to provide advice and support to agencies on whole-of-government performance management and reporting.
- Coordinated policies to diversify Queensland's economy by facilitating investment and encouraging innovation.
- Supported the delivery of reliable and low-cost energy supply to encourage industry growth and ease cost of living pressures for Queensland's communities.
- Contributed to the development of FibreCo Queensland, a new state-owned entity jointly operated by Powerlink Queensland and Energy Queensland, to improve access to digital connectivity for regional Queenslanders.
- Contributed to the establishment of CleanCo, the government's new, publicly-owned, clean energy generator and continued to contribute to the development of Queensland's renewable energy policy initiatives.
- Supported policy settings for the growth of a productive and prosperous food and fibre sector that will generate long-term jobs, underpinning the economies of our regional and rural communities.
- Supported the ongoing development of Queensland's resources industries including the measures to manage environmental impacts and facilitate community coexistence.
- Responded to the challenges of climate change including growing Queensland's resource recovery, recycling and waste industry.
- Continued support for the protection of the environment and ongoing involvement in initiatives to protect and manage the Great Barrier Reef including strategic support for the delivery of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.
- Improved climate resilience for Queensland's agriculture, industry and urban communities by supporting effective bulk water infrastructure planning.
- Supported the review of Queensland's native timber production policy and progress of ongoing reforms under the Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017–2027.
- Contributed to the development of the 10-year roadmap for the arts, cultural and creative sector in order to grow a vibrant and sustainable arts, cultural and creative sector in Queensland.
- Coordinated Queensland's disaster management and counter-terrorism arrangements, including support for the Queensland Disaster Management Committee.
- Provided secretariat support for the Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce to successfully deliver the Taskforce report, Adjust our settings: A community approach to address cyberbullying among young people in Queensland. Also provided support to the Anti-Cyberbullying Advisory Committee in providing advice on the implementation of recommendations of the Taskforce report.
- Coordinated and provided leadership in implementing the recommendations from the Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce Report, Adjust our settings: A community approach to address cyberbullying among young people in Queensland.
- Coordinated and provided leadership on the implementation of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016–2026, including the ongoing operation of the Domestic and Family Violence Implementation Council.
- Continued to oversee the independent evaluation of initiatives to tackle alcohol-related violence.
- Coordinated and provided leadership in the development of the historic $332.5 million Youth Justice Package.
- Supported the delivery of initiatives including:
- enhancing the transparency and accountability of local governments in Queensland through implementing the integrity reforms agreed in the government response to the Crime and Corruption Commission report Operation Belcarra: A blueprint for integrity and addressing corruption risk in local government, and to the A fair, effective and efficient framework report by the independent Councillor Complaints Review Panel
- coordinating various advisory councils and taskforces providing an opportunity for community leaders to work with the Queensland Government to help shape policy and initiatives
- the independent Townsville Community Champion and community driven solutions to address youth crime in Townsville; and assisted in the community engagement process.
Our performance
The following service standards in DPC's Service Delivery Statements were used by the department and the government to assess overall performance of the Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support service areas.
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Service area: Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support |
Notes |
Target/Est. |
Actual |
Service: Policy advice and coordination |
Service standards |
Effectiveness measure
Client satisfaction with DPC engagement with the policy development process |
1,2 |
85% |
74% |
Efficiency measure
Total cost per hour of policy advice and development output |
3 |
$145/hour |
$135/hour |
Service: Cabinet support |
Service standards |
Effectiveness measures
Client satisfaction with support provided by Cabinet Services |
1 |
85% |
84% |
Client satisfaction with advice by DPC to agencies on performance management and reporting requirements |
1,2 |
85% |
69% |
Efficiency measure
Average cost of supporting the Cabinet to govern from the regions |
4 |
$15,000 |
$14,842 |
- This service standard informs on overall satisfaction of the service and is derived from an annual client survey. Clients are ministers, chiefs of staff, directors-general and their departments' cabinet legislation and liaison officers and senior policy officers.
- DPC is committed to strong customer satisfaction and sets targets to reflect this commitment. Results may fluctuate due to the contestable nature of much of DPC's work. DPC is committed to continuously improving service delivery and continues to implement strategies to achieve these targets.
- This service standard informs on the total cost per hour for the provision of advice. The calculation methodology applied to determine average cost per hour is the total operational expense per annual period, plus a percentage of centralised costs, divided by the total cumulative recurrent standard hours per annual period.
- This service standard measures costs incurred by Cabinet Services in supporting Cabinet to govern from the regions and community receptions. Support costs include venue and equipment hire, and costs associated with departmental staff preparing for and attending the meeting/reception. In 2018–19 two Governing from the Regions meetings were held, at Toowoomba and the Sunshine Coast. Travel costs are dependent on the location where the meeting/reception is held.
Future directions for 2019–20
- Support the Premier and Cabinet to deliver the Cabinet and Cabinet Committee agenda, Parliamentary legislative agenda and processes, Governing from the Regions program and the implementation, monitoring and reporting of government priorities and election commitments.
- Continue to support, coordinate and contribute to the delivery of the government's objectives for the community, Our Future State: Advancing Queensland's Priorities.
- Coordinate policies to diversify Queensland's economy by facilitating investment and encouraging innovation.
- Continue to support policy settings for the growth of a productive and prosperous food and fibre sector that will generate long-term jobs, underpinning the economies of our regional and rural communities.
- Continue to support the advancement of renewable, reliable and low-cost energy supply to support Queensland's community and industry growth, including supporting the growth and development of Queensland's hydrogen industry.
- Continue to support and coordinate work to protect the environment, including the Great Barrier Reef.
- Coordinate Queensland's disaster management and counter-terrorism arrangements, including support for the Queensland Disaster Management Committee and the Queensland Security Cabinet Committee.
- Develop the second Annual Progress Report on implementation of recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
- Support the delivery of initiatives by coordinating various advisory councils and taskforces, providing an opportunity for community leaders to work with the Queensland Government to help shape policy and initiatives.
- Coordinate, deliver and provide leadership on the implementation of domestic and family violence prevention reforms, including the operation of the Domestic and Family Violence Implementation Council.
- Provide leadership on implementation of the recommendations from the Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce report, Adjust our settings: A community approach to address cyberbullying among young people in Queensland and provide secretariat support to the independent Anti-Cyberbullying Advisory Committee.
Case study
In 2018–19, DPC provided crucial support to address the impact and prevalence of cyberbullying in Queensland.
The Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce was established by the Premier in February 2018 to address the impact and prevalence of bullying and cyberbullying among children and young people in Queensland.
DPC has taken an active role in supporting the Taskforce to enable its members to hear and consider the views of all Queenslanders.
In September 2018, the Taskforce released a report which included 29 recommendations to tackle cyberbullying through a community-wide approach, with actions focused on parents, carers, the community, social media, schools and government. DPC coordinated a whole-of- government response to the Taskforce report, released by the Premier in October 2018.
DPC supported or supported in-principle all 29 recommendations from the Taskforce report and has subsequently played a lead role in coordinating the implementation of the recommendations. This includes working across government departments to ensure the community-focused, social and public health approach recommended by the Taskforce report continues.
DPC continues to play a central role in implementing and coordinating the Taskforce report recommendations through liaising across local, state and national government, within communities and providing secretariat support to the independent committee.
The Anti-Cyberbullying Advisory Committee
A key recommendation of the report was the establishment of the Anti-Cyberbullying Advisory Committee (the Committee).
Announced by the Premier in February 2019, the Committee ensures accountability and provides advice to government on the implementation of the 29 recommendations. Members are also tasked with undertaking advocacy work within their communities and networks on the importance of supporting the recommendations, leading cultural change and supporting community leaders to be models for respectful online behaviour.
DPC provided secretariat support to the Committee which met three times throughout the year discussing:
- progress on implementation of the 29 recommendations
- the evaluation of the recommendations
- education and awareness campaigns
- an online portal
- Department of Education policies and resources
- the Tackle Cyberbullying Grants Program.
In April 2019, the Premier released the first bi-annual progress report, Implementing the Queensland Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce Report: April 2019 progress report, which confirmed work was underway, but that there is still more to be done. The progress report was tabled in the Queensland Parliament.
The program of work to implement the 29 recommendations contributes to Our Future State: Advancing Queensland's Priorities and in particular to the government priorities — Give all our children a great start and Keep Queenslanders healthy.
Throughout the year, DPC has worked with agencies to ensure the voices of children and young people are included in the design and implementation of initiatives. Young people participate on the Committee directly and are also involved in
co-designing public awareness campaigns to ensure they are tailored.
DPC also supported the Premier to advocate for action on ways to address the prevalence of bullying and cyberbullying among children and young people including a range of interactions with public, private and community sector leaders.
The Premier has also advocated for action to address cyberbullying on the national stage through discussion at Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meetings, including advocating that the Taskforce's recommendations should be supported at a national level. COAG has agreed to consider national action on developing 'right to be forgotten' legislation to allow images to be removed quickly from search engines.