Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support

Policy Division leads intergovernmental relations, supports the Premier’s attendance at National Cabinet, and advises the Premier on key social, economic and environment policy issues. Cabinet Services supports Cabinet and Cabinet Committee processes and whole-of-government performance management and reporting.

Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support lead the public sector to achieve strong policy outcomes for the government and provide advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet.

Key achievements for 2020–2021

  • Led implementation of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs in partnership with the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce, Queensland Treasury, and the Queensland Industry Recovery Alliance (QIRA).
  • Supported the national COVID-19 response and recovery efforts by supporting the Premier's attendance at National Cabinet and providing whole-of-government leadership for Queensland’s participation in other intergovernmental bodies.
  • Continued to provide overarching strategic analysis, insights and advice around COVID-19 response including effective, sustainable quarantine arrangements, vaccine rollout and recovery for Queensland, with a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches for health and safety and positioning the state’s economy for recovery.
  • Supported the Premier and Cabinet to deliver the Cabinet and Cabinet Committee agenda and Regional and Community Cabinet program.
  • Provided whole-of-government coordination and advice on the parliamentary legislative program, parliamentary processes, and procedures.
  • Led whole-of-government processes for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of government election commitments and decisions.
  • Continued whole-of-government oversight of the Queensland Government Performance Management Framework Policy.
  • Led innovative policy solutions aligned with the government's objectives for the community and responded to emerging trends for the Queensland Government.
  • Responded to issues raised by industry, businesses, organisations, communities, and constituents.
  • Supported the delivery of initiatives by coordinating various advisory councils and taskforces, providing an opportunity for community leaders to work with the Queensland Government to help shape policy and initiatives.
  • Performed a leadership and coordination role across government to ensure Queensland is well positioned to address government-wide issues through intergovernmental forums, including collaboration on design and implementation of new federal relations architecture.
  • Supported delivery of federal funding arrangements and reform initiatives for a range of key sectors, including the early childhood education and care, school, vocational education and training, health, housing, waste, and energy sectors.
  • Negotiated the best policy position for Queensland on international, national, and state issues through the national engagement forums.
  • Coordinated Queensland’s disaster management and counter-terrorism arrangements, including support for the Queensland Disaster 7 Management Cabinet Committee and the Queensland Security Cabinet Committee.
  • Coordinated, delivered, and provided leadership on the implementation and evaluation of domestic and family violence (DFV) prevention reforms and supported the operation of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council.
  • Supported policy settings across all portfolios to reframe the Queensland Government’s relationship with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people in line with the July 2019 Joint Statement of Commitment and the Queensland Reconciliation Action Plan 2018–2021.
  • Coordinated and supported Queensland’s input and response to Royal Commission and Productivity Commission inquiries.

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce

  • Supported the state by enhancing coordination of efforts across government on a range of issues, including economic recovery strategies and seven regional economic recovery plans (more than $14.2 billion response and recovery initiatives), easing of restrictions, supply of personal protective equipment, offers of assistance and public communication.
  • Provided overarching strategic analysis, insights and options around COVID-19 response and recovery for Queensland, with a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches for health and safety and positioning the state’s economy for recovery.
  • Worked closely with Queensland Health to deliver, review, and maintain Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing Restrictions which has guided millions of Queenslanders in the staged easing of restrictions, lockdowns, and border closures since its initial release in May 2020.
  • Provided whole-of-government leadership in the development of the COVID Safe Business Framework and 26 COVID Safe Industry Plans enabling the safe operation of thousands of businesses and many activities across the state.
  • Supported QIRA to meet as a forum to facilitate ongoing, direct engagement with 24 industry peak bodies on the stages of the Queensland Government’s Unite and Recover Economic Recovery Plan. QIRA has met seven times to discuss a range of major announcements. Sub-group meetings were convened in July to discuss youth, skills and training, the competitive business environment and cleaner energy, industry, and markets.
  • Continued coordination of the state’s COVID-19 communication to stakeholders and community, including the www.covid19.qld.gov.au website as a central, critical COVID-19 information source for all Queenslanders with more than 37 million visits to the site since its launch.
  • Delivered a range of public information campaigns supporting behavioural change and compliance with restrictions, as well as informing the public on economic stimulus and support initiatives.

2032 Taskforce

  • Led the Queensland Government’s candidature for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In January 2021 the Queensland Government resumed discussions with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Games partners to progress the Brisbane 2032 candidature (after being initially placed on hold in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  • Approved, in February 2021, the IOC Executive Board Brisbane’s candidature progress from ‘Continuous Dialogue’ to ‘Targeted Dialogue’ meaning Brisbane was considered a ‘preferred host’ for the 2032 Games. During ‘Targeted Dialogue’, the Taskforce worked with the IOC’s Future Host Commission and Games partners to prepare a range of key candidature documents, including a response to the Future Host Questionnaire and a suite of financial and non-financial guarantees.
  • Finalised the 2032 Games Master Plan including the locations, delivery models and costs of competition and non-competition venues, as well as priority transport projects required for the 2032 Games.
  • Negotiated and confirmed associated funding contributions (or commitment to 2032 Games percentage share of key costs) and in-kind support to be provided by the local and Australian Government stakeholders and relevant local 8 governments for venues, legacy programs, and operational services.
  • Hosted a three-day interactive and virtual Future Host Commission visit presenting Queensland’s strong sporting, economic, social, and environmental vision for the 2032 Games and lasting legacies for Queensland and Australia.
  • Progressed work associated with the final presentation, including audio visual material, for the 138th IOC Session on 21 July 2021 in Tokyo, Japan where IOC Members voted to award the hosting rights of the 2032 Games to Brisbane, Queensland.

Public Sector Reform Office

  • The Public Sector Reform Office has been established within the department to lead the implementation of public sector reforms arising from the review of Queensland’s public sector employment laws conducted by Peter Bridgman and the report entitled, A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All. Key recommendations regarding the review of public sector workforce reporting, were conducted by Professor Peter Coaldrake.
  • The Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020 commenced on 14 September 2020 to implement the priority stage one public sector management reforms, supported by eleven new or amended directives made on 25 September 2020, relating to employment security and positive performance management.
  • Stage two of legislative reforms are progressing during 2021, which includes developing a new public sector act to replace the Public Service Act 2008, developing a new code of conduct as part of a broader review of the public sector ethics framework, and modernising and unifying the Queensland public sector by facilitating cross-sectoral approaches and fostering collective governance.g collective governance.
  • The new public sector act will extend consistent employment arrangements beyond the public service to government entities in the broader Queensland public sector, and will ensure fairness, equity, and diversity in the workforce by placing employees at the centre of the public employment system and providing a framework for the fair treatment of employees to support them in delivering the services and programs of government.

Our performance

The following service standards in DPC’s 2020–2021 Service Delivery Statement were used by the department and the government to assess overall performance of the Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support service areas.

Service area: Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support Notes 2020–21
Service: Policy advice and coordination
Service standards
Effectiveness measures   
Client satisfaction with DPC engagement with the policy development process 1 85% 83%
Client satisfaction with advice and support relating to intergovernmental relations   85% 74%
Efficiency measure   
Total cost per hour of policy advice and development output   $145/hour $144/hour
Service: Cabinet support
Service standards
Effectiveness measures   
Client satisfaction with support provided by Cabinet Services 1 85% 78%
Client satisfaction with advice by DPC to agencies on performance management and reporting requirements 1 85% 79%
Efficiency measure   
Average cost of supporting the Cabinet to govern from the regions 2 $15,000 $6,505


  1. The department is committed to strong customer satisfaction and sets targets to reflect this commitment. Results may fluctuate due to the contestable nature of much of the department's work. The department is committed to continuously improving service delivery and continues to implement strategies to achieve these targets.
  2. Restrictions in place during the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted the form of delivery and the average cost of supporting Regional and Community Cabinet meetings, with a reduction in travel and hospitality related expenses. Regional and Community Cabinet meetings were held in Cairns in August 2020, Townsville in January 2021, and Longreach in May 2021.

Future directions for 2021–2022

  • Support the Premier and Cabinet to deliver the Cabinet and Cabinet Committee agenda and the Regional and Community Cabinet program.
  • Continue to provide whole-of-government coordination and advice on the parliamentary legislative program, parliamentary processes, and procedures.
  • Continue to lead whole-of-government processes for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of government election commitments and decisions.
  • Negotiate the best policy position for Queensland through national engagement forums including National Cabinet.
  • Coordinate the government's response to, and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including the vaccine rollout; effective, sustainable quarantine arrangements; and other working groups (in collaboration with the DPC COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce); and support for Queensland Health in their leadership of the health response to COVID-19.
  • Lead innovative policy solutions that align with the government's objectives and respond to emerging trends and growing demand for government services.
  • Respond to issues raised by local government industry, businesses, organisations, communities, and constituents.
  • Perform a leadership and coordination role across government to ensure Queensland is well positioned to address government-wide issues through intergovernmental forums.
  • Support delivery of federal funding arrangements and reform initiatives for a range of key sectors, including the following: early childhood education and care, school, vocational education and training, health, housing, waste, and energy.
  • Coordinate policies to diversify and improve the resilience of Queensland's economy by facilitating investment and encouraging innovation.
  • Continue to support the advancement of renewable, reliable, and low-cost energy supply to support Queensland’s community and industry growth; including supporting the growth and development of Queensland’s alternative green fuels such as the hydrogen and biofutures industries.
  • Continue to support and coordinate work to protect the environment, including the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Support policy settings for the growth of a productive and prosperous food and fibre sector, that will generate long-term jobs, and support the economies of regional and rural communities.
  • Coordinate Queensland’s disaster management and counter-terrorism arrangements, including support for the Queensland Disaster Management Cabinet Committee and the Queensland Security Cabinet Committee.
  • Coordinate, deliver, and provide leadership on the implementation and evaluation of domestic and family violence prevention reforms and support the operation of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council.
  • Support policy settings across all portfolios to reframe the Queensland Government’s relationship with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people in line with the July 2019 Joint Statement of Commitment and the whole-of-government Queensland Reconciliation Action Plan 2018–2021.
  • Coordinate and support Queensland’s input and response to Royal Commissions (including aged care, people with disability, and natural disasters) and Productivity Commission inquiries (including mental health).
  • Lead implementation of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs in partnership with the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce, Queensland Treasury, and the Queensland Industry Recovery Alliance.

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce

  • Lead implementation of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs in partnership with Queensland Treasury and the QIRA. Remain vigilant and responsive to issues raised by industry, businesses, organisations, communities, and constituents.
  • Continue to provide overarching strategic analysis, insights and options around COVID-19 response and recovery for Queensland; with a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches for health and safety and positioning the state’s economy for recovery.
  • Continue to work closely with Queensland Health in delivering Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing Restrictions.
  • Continue to coordinate the state’s COVID-19 communication to stakeholders and community, including the www.covid19.qld.gov.au website as a central information source for all Queenslanders.

Public Sector Reform Office

  • Progress stage two legislative reforms during 2021, with a view to introducing the new legislation into Parliament in the first half of 2022.

2032 Taskforce

  • Lead the development of a high-level Games Roadmap to guide priority Games planning and delivery activities required by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in collaboration with Games partners.
  • Prepare and finalise legislation to establish the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG), and establish the entity to coordinate and lead the Queensland Government planning and delivery of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in collaboration with the Games partners and in accordance with the Olympic Host Contract.
  • Establish and implement Games governance arrangements, including bodies to strengthen collaboration between the IOC, the OCOG, the Olympic and Paralympic Coordination Agency (OPCA) and the local government authorities; and to meet the commitments and the operational requirements under the Olympic Host Contract and associated guarantees.
  • Develop legacy and sustainability strategies and plans in collaboration with stakeholders, including the International Olympic Committee, and public and private sector stakeholders.
  • Coordinate the planning and delivery of competition venues and villages infrastructure and transport associated with the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 25 November, 2021