Director-General’s report

In 2021–2022, the department continued to support the Premier, Cabinet and the people of Queensland.

The announcement on 21 July 2021 that Queensland had successfully secured the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games was the culmination of two years’ work by DPC staff, in collaboration with other Queensland Government agencies, Council of Mayors (SEQ), the Commonwealth Government and a vast array of stakeholders. Brisbane 2032 offers the biggest, single, transformational event Queensland will see in this generation, offering significant opportunities and legacy benefits for Queensland into the future.

The pandemic has again been the backdrop to our endeavours this past financial year, beginning with a COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions from late-June to mid-August 2021. DPC staff excel at pivoting and reprioritising, and I am continually impressed by the seamless collaboration between multiple teams and agencies across government to support the Premier, Chief Health Officer and other key government spokespeople to conduct daily media conferences, and support the State Disaster Coordination Group to deliver COVID-19 key messaging to state, local and federal government agencies and stakeholders. DPC also supported the Premier’s attendance at National Cabinet with a focus in 2021–2022 on the ongoing roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccination program. More than 80 vaccination hubs and 33 pop-up vaccination clinics were in place by October 2021. This allowed us to open our borders to Australia in mid–December 2021, and after 23 months, to international visitors in February 2022.

In October 2021, we farewelled our colleagues from Trade and Investment Queensland to Queensland Treasury and assumed lead responsibility for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Treaty Advancement Committee delivered its final report to the government for consideration, recommending a framework and institutional arrangements focused on truth-telling and healing. The Path to Treaty is part of Queensland’s journey to reconcile the past and achieve a reframed relationship, leading to a new future between First Nations and non-Indigenous Queenslanders.

On 22 October 2021, the Premier signed the Norfolk Island Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Commonwealth Government, marking the beginning of an enduring partnership for the delivery of essential health and education services to one of Australia’s most remote communities.

Our Chief Health Officer, who steered Queensland strongly through the pandemic since early 2020, was announced as the next Governor of Queensland. DPC staff expertly managed the transition and the swearing in on 1 November 2021, of Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeanette Young PSM, as the 27th Governor of Queensland.

Two weeks into the new year, significant and competing challenges included an escalation of COVID-19 cases, and the effects of Tropical Cyclones Seth and Tiffany impacting Maryborough and parts of the Fraser Coast. In late February 2022, more extreme weather saw significant flooding in South East Queensland. Covering 22 local government areas, the recovery process is one of the largest disaster response operations undertaken in Queensland. Our agile response and recovery arrangements once again came to the aid of communities in need.

The department also took time during the year to review its core policy, governance, engagement and implementation functions, looking at how we can better support and engage our people and partners, and how we sustain and develop our organisational culture. This will enable us to be the best first Minister’s agency that we can be. I thank staff for their commitment and contribution throughout the 2021–2022 year.

Rachel Hunter
Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 16 December, 2022