Director-General’s report

In 2019–20, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet focused on succeeding together to achieve a better life for all Queenslanders.

The department continued to support the Premier, Cabinet and the people of Queensland to advance Queensland’s economic and social prosperity in what has been a year of significant achievement and challenge.

The first half of the financial year saw an early bushfire season with the first fires in September 2019 — a precursor to the summer to come. Queensland’s expertise in disaster management, response and recovery again came to the fore with DPC supporting the Premier in state disaster coordination activities. DPC worked hand in hand with front line agencies in Queensland, other states and territories, and our federal counterparts to support Queenslanders in their time of need.

The second half of the year has seen DPC play a crucial role in Queensland’s COVID-19 response and recovery activities driving a unified response to achieve the best possible health, economic and social outcomes. Key milestones included the Roadmap for Easing Queensland’s Restrictions and preparing Queensland’s Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs.

In March 2020, the department established the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce to provide overarching strategic analysis, insights and options around response and recovery to COVID-19 for Queensland, with a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches to health and safety and positioning the state’s economy for recovery.

The department also supported the Premier’s attendance at National Cabinet, Queensland Disaster Management Cabinet Committee, and meetings with Local Government Mayors, industry and business stakeholders. 

In addition, throughout the year the department continued to lead the implementation of the government’s objectives for the community — Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities. This included governance oversight and collaboration with lead agencies across the Queensland Government for the six priorities — create jobs in a strong economy; give all our children a great start; keep Queenslanders healthy; keep communities safe; protect the Great Barrier Reef; and be a responsive government.

A significant achievement this year was the completion of all 140 recommendations of the Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland report. This marked a significant milestone after five years of work on this important issue.

The year saw the expansion of the department’s presence in regional communities with the Office for Rural and Regional Queensland establishing two new offices in Maryborough and Rockhampton, taking the number of regional offices to eight. This year also saw DPC establish a dedicated Office for Veterans in Ipswich to provide more targeted and coordinated policy, planning and service provision for veterans in Queensland.

While Queensland navigates the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, the department continues to support the Premier and deliver for the people of Queensland, focusing on COVID-19 response and recovery in the months ahead.

I would like to acknowledge the commitment and professionalism of DPC staff who have adapted quickly to the challenges faced this year. I look forward to continuing to work together with all our stakeholders to achieve transformational outcomes for all Queenslanders.

Dave Stewart
Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 23 October, 2020