Engagement and Events support

The Engagement and Events1 service area leads strategic communication, advertising coordination, events and awards management, sponsorship strategy and delivery, and community and stakeholder engagement for the Queensland Government. The service area also leads whole-of-government coordination on veterans’ policy issues and Queensland Government commitments relating to veterans, and the government’s focus on strengthening partnerships with regional Queensland.

Consisting of Engagement and Events, Office for Veterans and Office for Rural and Regional Queensland, the service area plans and delivers whole-of-government strategic communication and partnerships to support the Queensland Government’s policies, priorities and objectives for the community, including priorities and opportunities to strengthen regional economies and services, and support for veterans and their families.


  1. This service area reflects the department’s management structure at 30 June 2022. Formerly Strategy and Engagement in the 2021–2022 Service Delivery Statements, this service name has been changed and reflects the transition of some of its functions between service areas from 1 November 2021.

Key achievements for 2021–2022

Engagement and Events

  • Enhanced the government’s engagement opportunities by delivering events on behalf of the Premier to communicate key policies, initiatives, and community engagement programs.
  • Delivered greater connectivity and leadership across government by guiding the planning and delivery of whole-of-government communication strategies and campaigns, including major COVID-19 advertising and stakeholder campaigns focused on public safety, the Check In Qld app, COVID-19 vaccinations, and economic recovery.
  • Developed best practice communication approaches and capability development through ongoing leadership of the Heads of Communication network and associated specialist subcommittees and wholeof- government speakers’ series (five online events held in 2021–2022).
  • Supported the department and Director-General with effective communication advice and services, and internal communication.
  • Maintained whole-of-government strategic arrangements, including master media advertising services and media monitoring, to deliver strategic advice and value-for-money services.
  • Provided ongoing leadership of the Government Advertising and Communication Committee process to ensure continued rigour around whole-ofgovernment advertising, with 61 advertising campaigns approved to proceed to market in 2021–2022.
  • Collaborated with key partners and government agencies to attract globally significant and strategically aligned events to Queensland, and led best practice in event delivery and sponsorship strategy across government through:
    • management of the Queensland Government sponsorship gateway, Events Sponsorship Fund, and Sponsorship and Events Advisory Group to provide a coordinated approach to assessment and attraction of outgoing sponsorships
    • management of the strategic and community outcomes through 22 active sponsorships such as Screen Forever 2022 and Women of the World Festival, and confirming sponsorships such as Virtus Oceania Asia Games 2022, Land Forces 2022 and World Mining Congress 2023
    • delivery of a range of core events and awards programs, including 2022 Queensland Greats Awards and 2022 Queensland Reconciliation Awards
    • delivery of additional events that supported emerging priorities in the community, including the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Welcome Home Event, Women on Boards Event (Gold Coast) and Queensland Parliament Flood Appeal Reception
    • leadership of the Queensland Government Sponsorship Network and Queensland Government Events Network.
  • Finalised the Year of Outback Tourism Events Program and assisted Tourism and Events Queensland to deliver the Outback Queensland Dinosaur Tourism Roadmap.

Office for Veterans

  • Led whole-of-government coordination and oversight of veterans’ matters, coordinated veterans’ policy, and delivered veterans’ grants and employment programs.
  • Supported the passage of the Queensland Veterans’ Council Act 2021.
  • Continued to deliver the final round of the $1.5 million grants program to provide support services to veterans and to preserve and create memorials, monuments and other public sites that acknowledge veterans’ achievements.
  • Delivered the first round of a new grants program under the Anzac Day Trust to provide financial support for veterans affected by COVID-19 and veterans’ organisations to assist with staging COVID-Safe commemorative events.
  • Continued to support the ongoing operation of the memorial galleries at Anzac Square.
  • Committed an additional $1 million over four years to support service delivery at The Oasis Townsville.
  • Developed a new $600,000 legal assistance pilot program in partnership with the Department of Justice and Attorney General to provide advocacy and legal assistance services to veterans and their families.
  • Implemented a new program in partnership with TAFE Queensland to provide free TAFE and apprenticeships for up to 300 veterans transitioning to civilian employment.
  • Delivered a sector-wide mentoring program for veterans employed in the Queensland public service.
  • Developed a new Skill to Sector role guide and an interactive online job search tool to support veterans seeking a career in the public service.

Office for Rural and Regional Queensland

  • Continued to work directly with regional Queenslanders, local councils, federal representatives, businesses, industry associations and community groups to ensure issues and opportunities in rural and regional communities are addressed.
  • Continued to deliver the Regional Community Forums program to further strengthen the Queensland Government’s partnerships with rural and regional communities and collaborate on solutions and innovations to address local issues.
  • Continued to support the Queensland Plan Ambassadors Council to foster community engagement and shared responsibility for achieving the vision and goals of The Queensland Plan.

Our performance

Service standards in DPC’s 2021–2022 Service Delivery Statements were used by the department and the government to assess overall performance of the Strategy and Engagement service area. These can be found in Appendix A.

Future directions for 2022–2023

Engagement and Events

  • Continue to develop and utilise contemporary communication platforms to help inform and drive improved engagement of all Queenslanders.
  • Continue to provide support to the Brisbane 2032 Taskforce and ongoing COVID-19 response through integrated communication services including campaign planning, online, graphic design and events delivery support.
  • Drive greater connectivity and leadership across government by guiding the planning and delivery of whole-of-government communication strategies and developing and managing advertising and corporate identity policies and procedures.
  • Continue to develop best practice communication approaches and capability development through ongoing leadership of the Heads of Communication network and associated specialist subcommittees and whole-of-government speakers’ series and podcast.
  • Maintain whole-of-government strategic arrangements including master media advertising services and media monitoring to deliver strategic advice and value-for-money services.
  • Provide ongoing leadership of the Government Advertising and Communication Committee process to ensure continued rigour around whole-of-government advertising.
  • Provide leadership across government by guiding and providing support for crisis communication, including issues management and the public information function under the state disaster management arrangements.
  • Provide effective communication advice and services, including major campaigns and internal communication.
  • Lead and advise best practice in event delivery and sponsorship strategy across government and administer the Events Sponsorship to drive economic and community benefit through attraction, leveraging and delivery of high-value events.
  • Enhance the government’s profile and engagement opportunities by delivering events on behalf of the Premier to communicate key policies, initiatives, and community engagement programs.
  • Continue to enhance regional stakeholder engagement to deliver on the government's commitment to build strong regional economies and communities, including increasing the government's regional presence and supporting regional forums.

Office for Veterans

  • Continue to deliver the whole-of-government veterans’ mentoring program, the public sector network program and enhance the Queensland Veterans’ Portal.
  • Work with the private sector to identify employment pathways for veterans in key industries like defence, resources and logistics.
  • Continue to deliver the $1 million Anzac Day Trust COVID-19 Grants Program, to provide financial support for veterans affected by COVID-19 and veterans’ organisations to assist with staging COVID-Safe commemorative events.
  • Continue to deliver the annual Anzac Day Trust grants program, providing funding to institutions, organisations or associations that support the welfare of veterans and their dependants.
  • Facilitate arrangements to commence the Queensland Veterans’ Council to manage Anzac Square, the state’s war memorial, manage the Anzac Day Trust Fund, and provide advice to the Queensland Government on veterans’ matters.
  • Facilitate arrangements to commence the Veterans’ Reference Group to assist the Queensland Veterans’ Council in consulting with the veterans’ community and providing advice to the Queensland Government on veterans’ matters.
  • Complete delivery of the final round of the $1.5 million grants program providing support services to veterans and to preserve and create memorials, monuments and other public sites that acknowledge veterans’ achievements.
  • Continue to support the ongoing operation of the memorial galleries at Anzac Square.
  • Continue the Queensland Government commitment of $1 million over four years for delivery of employment services at The Oasis Townsville.
  • Continue the $600,000 legal assistance pilot program in partnership with the Department of Justice and Attorney General providing advocacy and legal assistance services to veterans and their families.
  • in partnership with TAFE Queensland provide free TAFE and apprenticeships for up to 300 veterans transitioning to civilian employment.
  • Commence delivery of a new $1.8 million program over three years, in partnership with the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, to support veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Office for Rural and Regional Queensland

  • Continue to work with regional communities to address issues and leverage opportunities to enhance rural and regional communities.
  • Continue to deliver the Regional Community Forums program to provide ongoing partnerships between the Queensland Government and rural and regional communities.
  • Continue to support implementation of The Queensland Plan and the Queensland Plan Ambassadors Council.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 19 December, 2022