About the department

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) is the lead agency of the Queensland Government.

As lead agency of government, our role is to enable strategic policy and Westminster system governance to engage stakeholders, resolve complex issues, and deliver on the government priorities for Queensland.

Throughout 2021–2022, the department has led successful collaboration to protect Queenslanders’ health, the economy, and way of life, focused on our strategic plan 2021–2025 vision — ‘succeeding together, to achieve a better life for all Queenslanders’.

We remained focused on continuing our strong COVID-19 health response, planning for future job creation through expansion of manufacturing and construction, growing renewable energy, and the economic and investment opportunities leading into Queensland hosting the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032).

Through The Cabinet Office, the department leads the policy development process across government, providing overarching strategic analysis, insights, and options on key policy initiatives. The Cabinet Office leads intergovernmental relations, including supporting the Premier’s attendance at National Cabinet, and supports Cabinet and Parliamentary processes and whole-of-government performance management policy and reporting. Through The Cabinet Office, the department also stands up agile, cross government teams that focus on emerging strategic policy priorities and their implementation.

Through the Governance and Engagement division, the department ensures strong and accountable government by supporting business at Executive Council, providing high-level constitutional, administration and protocol support to the Premier and Cabinet, as well as corporate support services to ministerial offices and the Office of the Leader of the Opposition.

Governance and Engagement provides communication and engagement leadership through whole-of-government strategic communication, engagement and events support. In addition, the department leads regional and community engagement to ensure strong regional perspectives in policy, decisions and program implementation, and leads the government’s commitment to veterans.

We maintain a high-performing and responsive workforce providing human, financial, governance and information services that support and develop our people, who are the centre of everything we do.

The announcement on 21 July 2021 that Brisbane was successful in securing the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games was an historic moment for Queensland. Brisbane 2032 will be an enormous platform for economic, social and cultural growth, which will continue to deliver opportunities and benefits for our communities for years to come. With lead responsibility for Brisbane 2032, the department, through the Brisbane 2032 Taskforce, will work with all stakeholders to deliver the Games over the next decade.

We are focused on the state’s long-term prosperity and success. The State Budget in June, saw record investment in health, education, jobs, renewables, the environment and community services. It also included significant investment in infrastructure, creating more employment opportunities over the decade ahead and a focus on easing cost of living pressures for Queenslanders.

In late June 2022, Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake AO submitted his final report, Let the Sunshine In: Review of culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector. With all recommendations accepted by the government, the Integrity Reform Taskforce within the department will oversee the implementation of the recommendations, and once achieved, Queensland will have the most transparent and accountable government in Australia.

We continue our constant effort to improve ways in which Queenslanders can be served by their government.

Our Strategic Plan 2021–2025

Our vision is ‘succeeding together to achieve a better life for all Queenslanders’.

Our role is ‘to lead and enable strategic policy and Westminster system governance to engage stakeholders, resolve complex issues, and deliver government priorities for Queensland’.

Our strategic objectives are:

  1. Policy leadership: we lead collaborative policy development across government, to achieve effective outcomes for Queenslanders.
  2. Strong, accountable government: we ensure a strong and accountable system of government.
  3. Communication and engagement leadership: we lead collaborative communication and engagement across government, and internationally, to achieve effective outcomes for Queensland.
  4. A high-performing workforce: we maintain a high-performing, collaborative and agile workforce.

The first three objectives are assessed through efficiency and effectiveness measures for DPC service areas and are outlined in Appendix A. Performance against the fourth objective is outlined in the ‘Our people’ section of this report.

In 2021–2022, the department added an additional service area with a new strategic objective — Lead Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032) portfolio management and integration activities, in partnership with key state agencies and Games Partners. Efficiency and effectiveness measures will be developed in 2022–2023 to track performance against the objective.

Our principles are:

We lead by sharing our whole-of-government perspective. We plan and coordinate our collective efforts across government to deliver effective outcomes for Queensland.

We inspire trust in the system and institutions of government by demonstrating and supporting integrity, transparency, and accountability.

We collaborate to harness knowledge and expertise within and outside our organisation to deliver effective policy solutions.

We are agile and responsive in meeting the changing needs of Queenslanders while ensuring a strategic focus on the future.

We seek innovative solutions to capitalise on strategic opportunities for Queensland and support whole-of-government risk management.

By embracing inclusion and diversity, we make our workplace and our work more representative.

We value and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in all that we do.

We respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision making and actions.

The DPC Strategic Plan 2021–2025 is available on our website www.premiers.qld.gov.au/publications/categories/plans/strategic-plan.aspx

Organisational structure

DPC delivers its services through the structure outlined in the organisational chart below. From 1 November 2021, DPC realigned its functions as part of a strategic review of the department. The chart below represents the departmental structure as at 30 June 2022.

The Ministerial portfolio of the Premier and Minister for the Olympics in 2021–2022 includes the Public Service Commission, Queensland Integrity Commissioner, Office of the Governor, Queensland Audit Office and Screen Queensland Pty Ltd. For further information, please refer to each agency’s annual report on their respective websites. For Screen Queensland Pty Ltd. refer to their tabled financial statements.


DPC organisational structure

Machinery-of-government changes

Incoming and outgoing statutory bodies

As a result of the machinery-of-government changes made on 7 October 2021, Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) was transferred to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment's portfolio. Trade and Investment Queensland is required to produce its own annual report.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 21 March, 2023