Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support

Delivered through The Cabinet Office, this service area leads intergovernmental relations, supports the Premier’s attendance at National Cabinet, and advises the Premier on key economic, social, law and justice, and environment and planning policy issues. The Cabinet Office coordinates whole-of-government action to address emerging issues, and disaster and emergency management communication, and develops future-focused reforms. It also supports Cabinet and Cabinet Committee processes and whole-of-government performance management and reporting.

The Cabinet Office leads the public sector to achieve strong policy outcomes for the government and provides advice, research and support to the Premier and Cabinet.

Key achievements for 2021–2022

  • Supported the Premier and Cabinet to deliver the Cabinet and Cabinet Committee agenda, and Regional and Community Cabinet program.
  • Provided whole-of-government coordination and advice on the parliamentary legislative program, parliamentary processes, and procedures.
  • Led whole-of-government processes for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of government commitments and decisions.
  • Continued whole-of-government oversight of the Queensland Government Performance Management Framework Policy.
  • Led innovative policy solutions aligned with the government's objectives for the community and responded to emerging trends for the Queensland Government.
  • Responded to issues raised by industry, businesses, organisations, communities, and constituents.
  • Supported delivery and progression of key water infrastructure projects, such as Rookwood Weir and the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline.
  • Supported Screen Queensland to grow the state’s screen industry through attraction production incentives, business growth and screen culture activities for Queenslanders.
  • Provided strategic advice in the coordination and development of whole-of-government initiatives to bolster Queensland’s growing workforce, including through training, skills development, and support for industry and small business.
  • Supported the delivery of initiatives by coordinating various advisory councils and taskforces, providing an opportunity for community leaders to work with the Queensland Government to help shape policy and initiatives.
  • Performed a leadership and coordination role across government to ensure Queensland is well positioned to address government-wide issues through intergovernmental forums, including continued implementation of the new federal relations architecture.
  • Supported delivery of federal funding arrangements and reform initiatives for a range of key sectors, including early childhood, vocational education and training, health, water infrastructure, agriculture and biosecurity, law and justice, resources, waste, and energy.
  • Negotiated the best policy position for Queensland on international, national, and state issues through national engagement forums.
  • Coordinated Queensland’s disaster management and counter-terrorism arrangements, including support for the Queensland Disaster Management Cabinet Committee and the Queensland Security Cabinet Committee.
  • Coordinated, delivered, and provided leadership on the implementation and evaluation of domestic and family violence prevention reforms and supported the operation of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council.
  • Supported policy settings across all portfolios to reframe the Queensland Government’s relationship with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples in line with the July 2019 Joint Statement of Commitment and the Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2018–2021.
  • Coordinated and supported Queensland’s input and response to Royal Commission and Productivity Commission inquiries.

COVID-19 pandemic

  • Continued to provide overarching strategic analysis, insights and advice around COVID-19 response, including responding rapidly to address critical supply chain issues, effective, sustainable quarantine arrangements, vaccine rollout, reopening borders, business support, and recovery for Queensland, with a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches for health and safety, public information and positioning the state’s economy for recovery.
  • Supported the national COVID-19 response and recovery efforts by supporting the Premier’s attendance at National Cabinet and providing whole-of-government leadership for Queensland’s participation in other intergovernmental bodies.
  • Supported the state by enhancing coordination of efforts across government on a range of COVID-19 issues, including economic recovery strategies (more than $15.2 billion in response and recovery initiatives), easing of restrictions, supply of personal protective equipment, offers of assistance, and public communication and business/industry engagement.
  • Provided overarching strategic analysis, insights and options around COVID-19 response and recovery for Queensland, with a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches for health and safety, and positioning the state’s economy for recovery.
  • Worked closely with Queensland Health to deliver, review and maintain Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing Restrictions which has guided millions of Queenslanders in the staged easing of restrictions, lockdowns, and border closures since its initial release in May 2020.
  • Provided whole-of-government leadership in the development of the COVID-Safe Business Framework and 26 COVID-Safe Industry Plans, enabling the safe operation of thousands of businesses and many activities across the state.
  • Supported the development and coordination of the COVID-Safe Back to School Plan to ensure the safe commencement of the 2022 school year and the continued delivery of high-quality educational outcomes for Queensland students.
  • Worked in partnership with Queensland Health to develop and maintain the Public Health and Social Measures Linked to Vaccination Status Plan.
  • Continued coordination of the government’s COVID-19 communication to stakeholders and community, including the www.covid19.qld.gov.au website as a central, critical source of COVID-19 information for all Queenslanders, with more than 37 million visits to the site since its launch in March 2020.
  • Delivered a range of public information campaigns supporting awareness and contributing to compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, as well as informing the public on economic stimulus and support initiatives.
  • Continued to lead whole-of-government crisis communication and engagement, particularly in relation to COVID-19 and the 2022 South East Queensland floods.
  • Reviewed the government's objectives for the community and through research and engagement, coordinated the development of updated objectives for tabling in Parliament early in 2022–2023.

Norfolk Island Taskforce

  • Negotiated the Intergovernmental Partnership Agreement on State Service Delivery to Norfolk Island, establishing an enduring partnership for the delivery of essential services to the Norfolk Island community.
  • Through the work of the Norfolk Island Taskforce, secured the continuity of essential health and education services on Norfolk Island from 1 January 2022, following the decision by the New South Wales Government to discontinue its support for the Norfolk Island community.
  • Developed and implemented a robust governance and risk framework to ensure the sustainable and ongoing delivery of Queensland services to Norfolk Island.

Public Sector Reform Office

  • Continued to lead the implementation of public sector reforms arising from the review of Queensland’s public sector employment laws conducted by Peter Bridgman and the report entitled A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All.
  • Progressing stage two of the legislative reforms during 2022. This includes development of new public sector legislation to replace the Public Service Act 2008. The new legislation will modernise and integrate the Queensland public sector by facilitating cross-sectoral approaches and fostering collective governance.
  • The new public sector act will extend consistent employment arrangements beyond the public service to government entities in the broader Queensland public sector, and will ensure fairness, equity, and diversity in the workforce by placing employees at the centre of the public employment system and providing a framework for the fair treatment of employees to support them in delivering the services and programs of government. The new legislation will also provide principles to support the Queensland Government to reframe its relationship with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our performance

Service standards in DPC’s 2021–2022 Service Delivery Statement were used by the department and the government to assess overall performance of the Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support service area. These can be found in Appendix A.

Future directions for 2022–2023

  • Support the Premier and Cabinet to deliver the Cabinet and Cabinet Committee agenda and the Regional and Community Cabinet program.
  • Continue to provide whole-of-government coordination and advice on the parliamentary legislative program, parliamentary processes, and procedures.
  • Continue to lead whole-of-government processes for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of government commitments and decisions.
  • Continue to drive delivery of government priorities and improved performance of public services through supporting agencies to improve implementation of the Queensland Government Performance Management Framework Policy.
  • Negotiate the best policy position for Queensland through national engagement forums, including National Cabinet.
  • Represent Queensland’s views and coordinate whole-of-government input to National Cabinet priority projects, including identifying health system improvements and reviewing the role of Ministerial Councils.
  • Coordinate the government's ongoing response to, and recovery from, the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Lead innovative policy solutions that align with the government’s objectives and respond to emerging trends and growing demand for government services.
  • Respond to issues raised by local government, industries, businesses, organisations, communities, and constituents.
  • Perform a leadership and coordination role across government to ensure Queensland is well positioned to address government-wide issues through intergovernmental forums.
  • Support delivery of federal funding arrangements and reform initiatives for a range of key sectors, including: early childhood, school, vocational education and training, health, housing, law and justice, waste, environment, water management and energy.
  • Coordinate policies to diversify and improve the resilience of Queensland's economy by facilitating investment and encouraging innovation.
  • Continue to support the advancement of renewable, reliable, and affordable energy supply to support Queensland’s community and industry growth, including supporting the growth and development of Queensland’s alternative green fuels such as the hydrogen and bio-futures industries.
  • Continue to support and coordinate work to protect the environment, including the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Support policy settings for the growth of a productive and prosperous food and fibre sector, which will generate long-term jobs, and support the economies of regional and rural communities.
  • Coordinate Queensland’s disaster management and counter-terrorism arrangements, including support for the Queensland Disaster Management Cabinet Committee and the Queensland Security Cabinet Committee.
  • Coordinate, deliver, and provide leadership on the implementation and evaluation of domestic and family violence prevention reforms and support the operation of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council.
  • Support policy settings across all portfolios to reframe the Queensland Government’s relationship with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in line with the July 2019 Joint Statement of Commitment and the Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2018–2021.
  • Coordinate and support Queensland’s input and response to Royal Commissions (including aged care, people with disability, and natural disasters) and Productivity Commission inquiries (including mental health).

Norfolk Island Taskforce

  • Continue to work in partnership with the Federal Government and the Norfolk Island community to ensure the Norfolk Island community has access to fit-for-purpose state-level services comparable to mainland communities.
  • Continue to embed Norfolk Island service delivery as a function within the Queensland Government.

Public Sector Reform Office

  • Continue to progress stage two legislative reforms arising from the review of Queensland’s public sector employment laws conducted by Peter Bridgman and the report entitled, A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 19 December, 2022