About the department
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet is the lead agency of the Queensland Government.
The past year has been one of significant change and development for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC).
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the department has been focused on providing overarching strategic analysis, insights and options around the response to and recovery from the pandemic for Queensland.
As the lead agency of the Queensland Government, DPC moved quickly to establish the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforce, mobilising staff within the agency and the public sector to work in a sustained, strategic and collaborative way with all levels of government, industry and the community to achieve the best possible outcomes for Queensland.
As a responsive, effective and accountable agency, the department’s key role is to serve the Premier, Cabinet and the people of Queensland. Our vision is — succeeding together to achieve a better life for all Queenslanders. Through our COVID-19 response, DPC has maintained a strong focus on integrated, proactive approaches to health and safety and positioning the state’s economy for recovery into the future.
We continue to lead the policy engagement and development process to drive and steward innovative and effective social, economic and environmental solutions for Queensland. We leverage expertise and work across all levels of government, industry and the community to achieve transformational outcomes for Queenslanders.
The department also plays a key role in pursuing Queensland’s strategic advantage nationally and internationally to ensure Queensland can respond with agility to current challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities.
Furthermore, we uphold a strong and accountable system of government in our support for the Premier and Cabinet and we work to develop and empower our workforce so we can provide the highest level of public service.
With a population of over 5.13 million in 2019, Queensland continues to be one of Australia’s most rapidly growing states. We work to fulfil Queenslanders’ expectations of government, engaging with communities to achieve timely and effective outcomes for Queenslanders, regardless of where they live.
DPC stewards the government’s objectives for the community — Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities — working collaboratively in coordination, communication, monitoring and reporting roles. The department contributes directly to policy initiatives to deliver on each of the government priorities — create jobs in a strong economy; give all our children a great start; keep Queenslanders healthy; keep communities safe; protect the Great Barrier Reef; and be a responsive government.
Each year, we measure our success through our customer satisfaction survey as part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. This year we saw an increase in customer satisfaction across our service areas with results significantly higher than the previous year.
Further information on results relating to our specific services are included throughout this report
Strategic Plan 2019–23
The department’s Strategic Plan 2019–23 is shown below.
The department’s performance against the Strategic Plan 2019–23 outlines our four strategic objectives: Innovative, effective policy; Strategic advantage for Queensland; Strong, accountable government; and A high-performing workforce. These objectives are measured through efficiency and effectiveness measures as outlined in the performance tables of the following sections of the annual report: Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support; Strategy and Engagement; Government Services; and Our people.
The DPC Strategic Plan 2019–23 is available at www.premiers.qld.gov.au/publications/categories/plans/strategic-plan.aspx

Organisational structure
The department’s organisation structure is shown below.
DPC primarily operates out of 1 William Street, Brisbane and delivers its services through the structure outlined in the organisational chart. DPC’s regional offices are located at:
- Cairns Office: Level 4, 5B Sheridan Street, William McCormack Place, Cairns
- Longreach Office: 10357 Landsborough Highway, Longreach
- Mackay Office: Level 4, 44 Nelson Street, Mackay
- Maryborough Office: Ground Floor, 123 Wharf Street, Maryborough
- Rockhampton Office: Level 2, 209 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton
- Toowoomba Office: Level 1, 203 Tor Street, Wilsonton Heights, Toowoomba
- Townsville Office: Ground Floor, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville
- Office for Veterans: Level 1, 117 Brisbane Street, Ipswich.
Other entities in the Premier's portfolio
The Premier’s ministerial portfolio also includes the Public Service Commission, Queensland Integrity Commissioner, Office of the Governor, Queensland Audit Office, Screen Queensland and Trade and Investment Queensland. For further information, please refer to each agency’s annual report. For Screen Queensland, refer to their tabled Financial Statements.
- Ministerial Portfolio Premier and Minister for Trade
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Director-General
- Strategy and Engagement
- Engagement and Protocol
- Integrated Communications
- Office for Rural and Regional Queensland
- Policy
- Economic Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Social Policy
- Strategic Policy and Intergovernmental Relations
- Corporate and Government Services
- Corporate Services
- Government Services
- Office for Veterans
- Legal Services
- Cabinet Services
- Cabinet and Parliamentary Services
- Performance Unit
- Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
- Drafting
- Legislation and Business Services
- Criminal Justice System Reform Framework Program Management Office
- Public Sector Reform Office
- 2032 Taskforce
- COVID-19 Response and Recovery Taskforces
- Public Service Commission
- Integrity Commissioner
- Office of the Governor
- Queensland Audit Office
- Trade and Investment Queensland
- Screen Queensland