Appendix B – Previous governance committees
From 1 July to 31 December 2021, the department’s committee structure for decision making was as follows.
The Corporate Governance Group
The Corporate Governance Group (CGG) met monthly to assist the Director-General in discharging the accountabilities of the role and to achieve the department’s objectives. CGG met three times from 1 July to 31 December 2021.
Chaired by the Director-General, CGG also includes the
following members:
- Deputy Director-General, Corporate and Government Services
- Deputy Director-General, Strategy and Engagement
- Deputy Director-General, Policy
- Cabinet Secretary
- Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
- Executive Director, Office of the Director-General.
The role of the CGG was to:
- support the Director-General in decision making and advising on matters of strategic importance
- identify and report on emerging governance issues and major activities
- provide assurance on the effectiveness of governance arrangements
- review and approve corporate policies and processes
- act as a forum for strategic information sharing
- embed risk management activities and manage risk mitigation strategies
- consider impacts of whole-of-government initiatives on the department’s activities
- act as DPC’s crisis management group and meet during a disruption to oversee DPC’s internal and whole-of-government responsibilities.
To manage the department’s key duties and responsibilities, sub-committees chaired by CGG members, supported the function of the CGG. These sub-committees provided regular updates to CGG on progress of their respective key focus areas.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee did not meet from 1 July to 31 December 2021 but reported directly to the CGG while DPC’s Governance committee structure was under review.
The role of the Finance Committee was to:
- achieve reasonable value for money by ensuring the operations of the department or statutory body are carried out efficiently, effectively, and economically
- establish and maintain appropriate systems of internal control and risk management
- establish and keep funds and accounts in compliance with the prescribed requirements
- ensure annual financial statements are prepared, certified, and tabled in Parliament in accordance with the prescribed requirements
- undertake planning and budgeting for the accountable officer’s department or the statutory body, appropriate to the size of the department or statutory body.
Performance and Strategy Committee
The Performance and Strategy Committee met two times from 1 July to 31 December 2021 and was chaired by the Deputy Director-General, Corporate and Government Services.
The role of the Performance and Strategy Committee was to provide advice to the CGG on:
- delivery of the department’s key commitments, objectives, and milestones
- the planning, performance and reporting cycle ensuring alignment of activities including:
- the development of performance measures and dashboard performance reporting
- statutory reporting activities
- business planning activities and improvements to existing business processes
- compliance with the performance management legislative requirements
- setting key priorities and guiding the department towards achievement of these priorities
- implementation of the strategic plan, ensuring it underpins all departmental activities
- transformational projects (focusing on leading practice) and initiatives
- changes to the operating model including the prioritisation and resourcing of new projects and initiatives (where needed)
- commitment to continuous development and improvement
- key stakeholder relationships, feedback, and strategies via the customer survey process
- learnings and outcomes
- innovative approaches and projects.
People and Capability Committee
The People and Capability Committee did not meet from 1 July to 31 December 2021 but reported directly to the CGG while DPC’s Governance committee structure was under review.
The role of the People and Capability Committee is to:
- drive the implementation of key workforce strategies that build a highly skilled and engaged workforce capable of delivering ongoing business outcomes
- ensure emerging risks are identified and mitigation strategies are implemented
- oversee and consider strategic priorities that:
- embed an innovative and effective workforce that is forward thinking, embraces better ways of working and is connected and collaborative
- builds a strategic workforce that seeks out and embraces new information, broader perspectives, and opportunities for engagement
- drives a strong and accountable workforce that demonstrates leadership at all levels, and role models the highest standards of behaviour
- builds a high performing workforce that is inclusive, and well-regarded for their capability, commitment, and consistency.
Risk Committee
The Risk Committee met once between 1 July to 31 December 2021, and was chaired by the Deputy Director-General, Corporate and Government Services.
The role of the Risk Committee was to:
- review the department’s Risk Management Framework to ensure it is appropriately managed in accordance with the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019, Risk Management and Audit Committee Guidelines issued by Queensland Treasury and the Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard – ISO 31000:2018
- review and monitor the department’s risk appetite and review its ongoing application
- review and monitor the department’s risk profile and exposure to significant risk
- review and monitor the department’s risk register and fraud and corruption register including risk treatment plans and follow up activities
- monitor and assess the adequacy of risk management policies and procedures including the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy
- oversee the department’s information and communication technology (ICT) risks relating to the implementation of the ICT strategic plan and significant ICT projects
- contribute to the audit planning processes relating to the risks and threats to the department
- review the effectiveness of the department’s processes for identifying, monitoring, and assessing significant emerging risk areas and, where relevant, provide recommendations to the CGG and the Audit and Risk Management Committee
- through the internal audit function, review whether relevant policies and procedures are in place and up to date, including those for the management and exercise of delegations, and ensure compliance
- through the Chief Finance Officer, review whether the financial internal controls are operating efficiently, effectively, and economically.